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May 14 1864.]



J. H. Winslow & Co.

The Greatest Opportunity Evor Offered to Soouro Good Jowellery at Low Prices. 100,000 Watches, Chains, Bets of Jewellery, Gold Pons, Bracolets, Lockets, Rings Gento' Pins, Sloevo Buttons, Studs, C., &c., Worth $500,000! To be sold for ONE DOLLAR each, without regard do value, and not to be poid for until you know what you are to get. Send 25 cents for a Certificate, which wimform you what you can have for $1, and at the Bame ume get our Clroular containing full list and partonlane, Bleo terme to Agents, which we want in every Regiment and Town in the country.. J. H. WINSLOW & CO., 208 Broadway, New York, VETERAN VETERAN Soldiers ! We are Dow prepared to furnish all kinds of Veteren Pins for all the Regiments and Corps now in the field at $1 50 each; also, all the various Army Badges worn by the different armies, by the single one, 100 or 1,000. Sent to any part of the country by mail. Send for a Cir. cular. Address DROWNE & MOORE, Manfct'g Jewellers. 208 Broadway, N.Y. Solid 18 k. Goid, $6 50, Solid Silver, $i 50. JAHOWARD COB. (30. N.Y.V. K. W. BENICZKY. At his well-known PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, No. 2 New Chambers Street, Has now increased facilities to take Cartes de Visite &B well as other Photographs, in the best style. Notwithstanding the increase in price of different materials, the charges are the same and tue quality the best. Card Pictures $1 50 per doz.-8 for $1. Cara Vignettes $3 per doz. Large Size Photographs, 2 for $1, All other Photographs up to life size colored in oil or water at the most reasonable prices. Particular attention given to Copying Cards or Anprotypes into Large Photographe. The smallest or most defaced picture can be, by the aid of his ex. perienced artists, copied into a handsome photograph. Every attention paid to visitors wishing to examine the specimens. Swords, Sashes, Belts. Wholesale and retail. Also, Presentation Swords. 491-86 B. KITTRIDGE & CO., Cincinnati, O, If you want to know A littlo of everything relating to the human system, diet, air, marriage, etc., eto, read revised and enlarged edition of Medical Common Sense. Among the many subjects treated in this work are the following: Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Sorofüla, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Piles, Liver and Philosophy of Digestion, Constipation, Rupture, Salt Rheum, Cancer, Paralysis, Diseases of the Heart, Neuralgia, How to Recover the Sight and throw aside Spectacles, The Curious Marriage Customs of the World, Philosophy of Elopements, Philosophy of Childmarking, & Chapter for the Married, and a thousand things of value to the married and single never written before, making, altogether, a curious book for curious people, and a good book for every one. 400 pages: 100 illustrations. Contents tables sent free by mal 10 all applicants, or the book forwarded by mail, postage paid, on receipt of $1 50. Address E. B. FOOTE, 1130 Broadway, N. Y. · J. W. EVERETT & CO. WIL forward to any addres, on receipt of order, PHOTOGRAPHS FROM LINK of any of the prominent OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY, STATESMEN, DIVINES, ACT RS, ARTISTS FOREIGN CELEBRITIES, eto, eto, 20 sents each $1 80 per doz. Free by mal Address J. W. EVERETT & CO., Box 1814, NON York city. Bepo for circular. 75,000 Watches, Chains, &c., &c., WORTH $400,000! To be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for until you know what you are to get. Send 20 cente for a Certificate, which will inform you what you cau have for $1; and at the same time got our Cironlar containing full lists of articles and particulare, algo terms to Agents, which we want in every Regiment and Town in the Country. Six Certilicates on be ordered for $1; toirteen for 32; thirty-five for $5; and one hundred for $12. Address A C. CLARK, 450-62 P. O., Drawer 118, Albany, N.Y. TOMES, SON & MELVAIN 6 Maldon Lane, New York, Wo.comwa mong r e storani Dealers Intro Arms,» "Outlory" "Bportag Articles, "Fenoy Goods, Perfumery, Soap, Brus es, Meatschaum Pipes, eto, eto. Mitary and Navy Equipments in every variety A large assortment of RICH PRESENTATION BWORDB. 34-70 Constantly on hand, Legal Tender, Stationery, Music and Jewelry Casket.-New Series We now offer new inducements to all who sell STATIONERY PAOKAGES. Send for our free Circular 000 WEIR & CO., 505 Chcstout St, Phila. FOR TY PRIZE mm PRIZE IN MEDALS OVER ALL COMPETITORS. HICKERING & SONS MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Square and Upright Pianofortes. THALBERO'S CERTIFICATE "Since my arrival in America I have constantly used the Planos of Messrs. Chickering & Sons, and I can only repeat that which I have so often bald before. The instruments are the best I have seen in the United States, and will compare favorably with any I have ever known. S. THALBERG, Warerooms, 652 Broadway, N. Y., 246 Washington Street, Boston Remington's O Army and Navy REVOLVER! Approved by the Government. Warranted superior to any other Pistol of the kind. Also Pooket and Belt Revolvere. Sold by the Trade generally. E. REMINGTON & SONS, 438-50 Ilion, NY. Stereoscopic Pictures and Cartes de VISITX, latest importations. Also, New Books and Sporting Articles. Send for Circular, 000 PIERBE BIBON 25 Ann St., N. Y. Do You Want to get Married ? “ Courtship Made Easy." A Book of 100 pages, Hlustrated. Treating on "Psychomancy, Plainly showing how either sex can fascinate, win the undying love, and marry whoever they wish, irrespective of age or personal appearance, Sent by mail for 50 cents and two red stamps. Address E. D. LOOKE & CO., Box 1525, Portland, Me. 419-56 Boy's Biawatha Hair Restorative.Superior to every other preparation for the hair in power to restore faded and gray hair to its original color and natural appearance, to prevent it from fall! ing out, to overcome effects of previous use of preparations containing sulphur, sugar of lead, &o., And to remove the impurities and humors of the scalp. Inyaluable dressing for whiskers, HOYTS MINNEHAHA HAIR GLOSS, unexcelled in keeping the hair in curl. HOYT'S IMPERIAL COLORING CREAM oils and colors the hair at the same time; changes light and red hair to a beautiful brown or black. HOYT'S EXCELSIOR TOILET POWDER imparts beauty to the complexion, smoothness to the ekin, and preserves youthfulness of appearance. Sold everywhere. N.B.-Ladies' French Hairdresser in attendance to apply the Hiawatha. JOSEPH ROYT & CO., 10 University Plaoe. The Confessions and Experience of an Invalid. Published the benefit and as a warning and a caution to your men who guffe som Nervous Deblity. Premature Decay, etc.: BEDS!ing at the same time the means of Self Cure. By one who has cured himself, after being put to great expense through medical imposition and quackery. By inclosing & postpaid addressed envelope. Single "Copies may be had of the author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, EF, Bedford, Kings county, NY, 000 POWEDDING CARDS. KRCURSUNION MISSE.LOVE. French Note Papers, Senls and Presses, Silver Platea, eta, 11 J, Everdell's, 309 Broadway, cor. Duane St. For Specimena by mall, send 25 cents 000 Attention, Company! CLARK'S ONGUENT. A Powerful StimulantEach packet warranted to produce a full set of Whiskers or Moustaches in Six Weeks upon the smoothest face without stain or injury to the skin. Any person using this Onguent and finding it not as represanted (by informing me of the fact), can have their money returned to them at any time within three months from day of purchase. Price $1. Sent sealed and postpaid to any address on receipt of the money. Address A. C. CLARK, 445-57 P.O.Drawer 118, Albany, N.Y. Do You Want Luxuriant Whiskers or Moustaches? MY ONGORNT will force them to grow heavily In six weeks (upon the smoothest face) without stain or injury to the oldn. Price 81-sent by mall, post free, to any address on receipt of an order R, G, GRAHAM, 109 Nassau St., N. Y, Baker's Rheumatic Balm, BAKER'S FEVER COCTICE. BAKER'S COUG! !!ORE, BAKER'S CROUP ALLEVIATOR, are four remedies which no family should be ever without Price 81 per bottle each. Also, BAKER'S KIDNEY AND GRAVEL REMEDIES, which are invaluable, Price $5. Principal Depot-No. 164 TENTH STREET, Rear Fourth ayenne, Remedies sent to any address OD receipt of price, 99-51 Boanty.-HUNT'S WHITE LIQUID ENAM. EL, prepared by Madame Rachel Leyerson, the celebrated Parisian Ladies' Enameler, It whitens the Blon permanently, giving it & soft, satin-like textare, And Imparte a froshness and transparency to the oomplexion which is quite natural, without injury to the Odn. It is also warranted to remove Tau, Freokles, Plnpleg Sunburn, etc. Sent by mail, free from observation, on receipt of price, 80 cents. Address HUNT & Co., Perfomers, 133 South-Seventh Street, ad 41 South-Eighth Street, Philadelphia. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS A BROKEN DOWN SYSTEM.There is a diseaee to which the doctors give many names, but which few of them understand. It is simply werkness-a breaking down of the vital forces. Whatever its causes (and they are inpumerable, its symptoms are in the main the same. Among the most prominent are extreme lassitude, loss of appetite, 108s of flesh and great mental depression. Indigestion and a Stomach Cough are 8/60 frequently concomitants of this distressing state of body and of mind The common remark ia relation to persons in such a oondition is, that they are consumptive. Now what these un. fortugates really want is vigor-yitel strength; and as certaioly 88 dawn Bucoeeds darkness they can recuperate their systems aud regain perfect health by recording to HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOM ACH BITTERS. It is 48 clear that a Dife-reviving Tonio is required in such 028es as that the dying flame of an empty lamp requires to be revived with a new supply of oil, Perfe tly pure and innocuous, containing nothing but the most genial vegetable ex tracts, and combining the three grand elements of & stomachic, an alterative and 8 genial invigorant, HOSTETTER'S BITTERS are suitable to all constitutions, and are as applicable to the diseases and disa. bilities of the feebler sex as to those of men. Sold by all Druggists and Family Grocers. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, PREPARED AND SOLD BY HOSTETTER & SMITH, PIRESBURG, PA, DEPOT FOR NEW YORK, 476 BROADWAY, Look Here, Boys! Send 15 cents and get the Great Secret how to oatch all kinds of Fish. HARRY GRAY, Somers, Conn. Cooley's Cabinet Printing Office FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY, Merobants, Bankers, Teaghere Amateurs, etc., eto, And werranted to pript is the best manner. Send for Circular J. G. COOLEY, Sprace Street. N. Y Gray's Patent Molded Collars Have now been before the public for nearly a year. They are universally pronounced the neatest and best fitting collere extant. The upper edge presente & perfect ourve, free from the angles notioed in all other coller8. The cravat causes no puckers on the inside of the turn-down collar-they are AS MOOTH INSIDE AS OUTSIDE-and therefore perfectly free and easy to the neck, The Garotte collar has a smooth and evenly finished edge on BOTH SIDES. These Collars are not simply flat pieces of paper cut in the form of a collar, but are MOLDED AND SHAPED TO FIT THE NECK. They are made in Novelty » (or turn-down style), in every half size from 12 to 17 Inches, and in "Eureka” (or Garotte) from 13 to 17 inches, and packed in Bolid sizes » in neat blue cartons, containlog 100 each; albo in smaller ones of 10 each-the latter & very handy package for Travellers, Army and Navy Opicers RD EVERY COLLAR 18 stamped “Gray's Patent Molded Collar." Sold by all dealers in Men's Furnishing Goods. The Trade supplied by: HATCH, JOHNSON & CO., 81 Devonshire St., Borton, J.S. Lawrey & Co., 37 Warren St., New York; Van Deusen, Boehmer & Co., 627 Chesnut St.Phua ; Hodges Bros., 23 Hanover St., Baltimore, Md.; Well, Stephens & Co., 322 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washing ton, D C.; Leavitt & Bevis, cor. Fifth and Vine Sts., Olncinnati; J. Von Borries & Co., 434 Main Street, Louisville, Ky.; A. Frankenthal & Bro., 6 North Main Street, St. Louis, Mo.: Bradford Bros., Mil. waukee, Wis.; Weed, Witters & Co., 7 to 13 Tchou. pitoulge Street, New Orleans, 441-52 & CO Broo Mil "A New Romance by Dumas. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. OLYMPIA OF CLEVES: Or, The Loves of a King. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH OF ALEXAN - DUMAS. Illustrated Cover Price 50 Cents. The publisher fakes pleasure in announcing that he bas purchased the copyright of this translation, and published it in advance of all competitors; and he trusts that the sale of the work will be such as to show that the public know how to reward an enterprise which necessarily involves a large expenditure of time and capital. Copies mailed, free of poetage, on receipt of price, FREDRIC A, BRADY, Publier, No. 22 Ann Street, N.Y. A MONTH I want Agents st 980 a month, WOU expenses paid, to sell my Everlasting Penoils, Oriental Burners, and 13 other articles, 16 Cir oulars free. JOHN F. LORD, Biddeford, Me, EMPLOYMENT At your own Homes. THOUSANDS CAN REALISE A HUNDRED DOLLARS WEEKLY-No utensils required except those found in every household; profits 100 per eent.; demand staple as flour. It is the groatest discovery of the age. Full particulars sent on receipt of two stamps for return postage. Address C. MUNRO BROWN, No. 74 Bleecker Street, N.Y. $10 AGENTS $10 And Dealers. Something New! Union Burner without Chimney, for Lamps. Indelible Pencil, Egyptian Cement, Magio Tobacco Box, and 20 more Novel and Useful Articles. Send stamp for Circular. 12 Album Gems sent by mail for $1. B. W. RICE & CO., 83 Nassau St., N. Y. BROOKS PATENT AWRITING TOILETTE: ANDE Completely furnished with Writing, Work and Toilet Articles. For Military, Naval And Traveller's use. Light, Compact and Elegant, and easily carried in the coat pocket; rain or dampness does not affect it. Brig.-Gen. Hayes, of Army of Potomac, writes: (It is the most convenient and portable article for use in the field which I have ever seen.” Price $2. Send stamp for Illustrated Circular. ost control have evlustrated The Esquiei'e Toilet Articles of the SOCIETE HYGIENIQUE OF N. Y. Send for a prospectus as below VINAIGRE DE TOILETTE, SOVEREIGN COSMETIC, Restorative and Sanitary, 81 25 and 65 ete. per bottle, JAPONICA FOR THE HAIR, ELEGANT, CERTAIN but only harmless restora ive, $1 aud 50 cents per bottle. HUILE PHILOCOME, THE DELIGHTFUL OIL, 75 cts. MAGNOLIA PHILOCOME, THE HYRA EXQUISITE POMADE, 75 ots. One Fixth off by the dozen. If your druggist has not these articles, take no other, but remit with your order to VICTOR E. MAUGER, 115 Chambers St, N. Y., sole Agent for the Society, and you will receive carefully packea. Figbly Important to Wounded Soldiere. -All Soldiers who have been dis harged by reasons of wounds received in any battle, and who have not received the $100 bounty, can receive the same at once by applying, ty letter or in person, at the Milktary and Naval Agency, No. 427 Walaut St. Philadelphia. JOSEPH E. DEVITT & CO. AGENTS WANTED, to sell the largeet and most attractive assortment of PRIZE PACK AGES in the world, ten kinds. Old hands at the business wul do well to tiya sample tot. Send a red stamp sor Circular. JOHN GIBSON, No. 32 Beekmen St, N.Y. 56 Very Choice Receipts: a lso, How to Make Honey as good as that made y Bees; aud which costs Only Ox cents per pouud. Also, Western Cider, and other Great Secrets, ALL sent by mail for 30 cen s. Address M. M. SANBORN, Stap nope, N.J. Great Monoy-Making Seclots.-Sent every where for 10 cents-worst atomune, Address 450.1 W. FRIZZELI, 6. ll more, Md. GREAT MV III TRIUMPH. IT 11 STEINWAY & SONS, Nos. 92 od 84 Walker Otreet, N. Y., were awarded S FIRST PRIZE MEDAL at the late Great International Exhibition, London, There were two hundred and sixty-oine pianos from All parts of the world entered for competition. The speolal correspondent of the New York Times 9ays: Messrs. Steinway's endorsement Ly the Jurors 18 omphatio, and stronger and more to be point that that of any Europese maker. 0000 Stereoscopic Views. Cartes de Visites–New Books. Send for Catalogue. C. B. HARRISON, P. O. Box 2,111, Boston, Mass. 415-52 Royal Havana Lottery. 30 per cent, premium paid for prizes. Information furnished. Ülghest price paid for Doubloons and all ends of Gold and silver. TAYLOR CO., Bankera. No. 10 Wall Street, N.Y.

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