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May 14, 1864.]


Battle of Wilson's Plantation.

Gen. Banks took camp at Natchitoches on the 6th of April. On the following morning at daybreak the cavalry again started, and came upon a body of mounted rebels before they had marched two miles. Fighting began at once, and the enemy were rapidly driven before our troops. This running style of fight was kept up for 14 miles until they had got two miles beyond Pleasant Hill.

Here a force of 2,500 rebel cavalry, commanded by Gen. Green, were found strongly posted on Wilson's plantation. The rebels were deployed along the edge of a dense strip of woods, with an open field in front, over which we had to charge in order to reach them. The only Union soldiers that had advanced far enough to take part in the fight which was inevitable, was the cavalry brigade of Lee's corps, commanded by Col. Haral Robinson. As he had either to attack or be attacked, he decided to take the initiative, and he led his men in with such a dash and vigor that at last the enemy was completely whipped and driven from the field. This engagement lasted two hours and a half, and our losses amount to about 40 killed and wounded, the enemy's being at least as many. Col. Robinson pursued the retreating rebels as far as Bayou du Paul.

Battle of Mansfield.

On Friday a portion of Gen. Banks's forces was attacked by a superior force of the enemy, four miles from the town of Mansfield. Gen. Lee, with 5.000 cavalry, was cautiously advancing, when the rebels suddenly assailed his front in strong force, after considerable sharp skirmishing was indulged in. Finding the enemy were pressing him heavily, Gen. Lee sent for a brigade of infantry to reinforce him. A brigade of infantry of the best war material—tried veterans from the 13th army corps—were at once sent forward. The rebels fought vigorously and with desperation for several hours, driving back our troops with great loss, flanking both wings of our army, until a retreat was inevitable, if the enemy continued assaulting our right and front.

Our artillery, consisting of Nims's celebrated Massachusetts battery, six guns, Rawles's 5th Regular battery, 1st Indiana, and Chicago Mercantile Battery, together with two mountain howitzers, barked loud, long and furiously against the invading hosts; but notwithstanding the vast numbers of these savage messengers of death which mowed down tho rebel lines, the enemy continued to advance boldly, evincing a desperate determination to conquer or perish in the attempt. After the enemy had inflicted a most terrible blow upon the gallant little band who nobly opposed their fearful progress, a retreat was ordered. The retreating force finding the road blocked up by trains got into confusion. A panic ensued, without a precedent since Bull run. The enemy pushed on in pursuit, capturing 18 guns, all Gen. Lee's wagon train, and driving the panic-stricken mass for 10 miles to Pleasant Hill. Here Franklin opened his line-of-battle, and allowed them to pass. The 13th and 19th army corps then repulsed the enemy. Gen. Ransom reports the loss at 1,475 kilied, wounded and missing.

The guns were not lost, however, without heavy cost to the enemy. The charges of grape swept them down fearfully, and amongst them the rebel Geo. Mouton fell, pierced by four balls.

Battle of Pleasant Hill.

On Saturday morning all Gen. Banks's forces were at Pleasant hill, and the rebels came on, cavalry in front.

The battlefield of Pleasant hill is a large open field, which had once been cultivated, but is now overgrow with weeds and bushes. The slightly elevated centre of the field, from which the name Pleasant hill is taken, is nothing more than a long mound, hardly worthy the name of hill. A semicircular belt of timber rung around the field on the Shreveport side. Gen. Emory formed his line of battle on the side facing these woods, Gen. McMillan's brigade being posted on the right, Gen. Dwight's on the centre, and Col. Benedict's on the left. Taylor's battery, L, 1st regulars, had four guns in rear of the left wing, on the left of the Shreveport road, and two on the road in rear of Gen. Dwight's line. Hibberd's Vermont battery was on the right.

In the rear of Emory were Gen. Smith's tried troops, formed in two lines of battle, 50 yards apart. The 13th corps was in reserve in the rear, under Gn. Cameron, Gen. Ransom having been wounded the day before. Gep. Smith was Coromander-r-Coiel of the two lines back of the crest, wbile Gey. Mower was the immediate commander of the men. The com mander of the right brigade in Gen. Smi h's first line was Col. Lynch; the left brigade was C.1. Shaw's. The second line also consisted of two brigades. Crawford's 3d Indiana battery was posted on the right of the 89lh Indiana infanry, and the 9th Indiana battery on the right of the line of ba tle. The Mis. gouri Iron Sun battery, and orbers whose names and numbers we could not ascertaio, were also in this section of the battle, The skirmishing was kept up with considerable vigor until about five o'clock in the afternoon, when the rebels had completed their arrangements for the attack. At about this hour Gen. Emory's skirmish line was driven in on the right by the rebels, who appeared in large force, coming through the timber sbove mentioned. They soon reached tbe open ground and moved on to the attack in three lines of battle. Our batteries and infantry opened with terrible effect, doing great slaughter with grape and cadis er, while the enemy's artillery, being in the woods and in bed position, did scarcely any damage. Col. Benedict's brigade on toe left was first engaged, soon followed by Dwigh's and MoMillan 8. The fighting was terrific; old soldiers say it never was surpassed for desperation. Notwithstarding the terrible havoo in their ranks, the enemy pressed fiercely on, Blowly pushing the men of the 19th corps back up the bill, but not breaking their line of baitie. A sudden and bold dash of the rebels on the right gave them possession of Taylor's battery, and forced our line still further back. Now came the greod coup de main. The 19th, on arriving at the top of the hill, suddenly bled off over the bill, and passed through the lines of Gen. Smith. We must here mention that the rebels were now in but two lines of battle, the first baving been almost annihilated by Gen. Emory, what remained being forced back into the second line. But tsese two lines came on exultant and sure of yictory, The first passed over the knowl, and all heedless of the long line of can008 and crouching forms of as braye men ever trod motber earth, pleased on The second line appeared on the crest, and the death Bigaal W&D sounded. Words connot describe the awful effect of this discharge; 7,000 rifles and several batteries of artillery, each gun loaded to the muzzle with grape and canister, were fired simultaneously, and the whole cente of the rebel line was crushed down as a field of ripe wheat through which a tornado had passed. It is estimated that 1.000 men were hurried into eternity or frightfully mangled by this one discharge. No time was given them to recover their good order, but Gen. Smith ordered a charge, od his men dashed rapidly forward, the boys of the 19th joining in. The rebels fought bolaly and desperately back to the timber, on reaching which a large portion broke and fled, fully 2,000 throwing aside their arms. In this charge Paylor'a battery was retoken, as were also two of the gups of Nima battery, the Parrott gun taken from us at Carrion Crow 1&st fall, and one or two others belonging to the rebels, one of which was considerably Bhatteren, besides 700 prisoners. A pursuit and desultory ficht was kept up for three miles, when our men returned to the field of battle. FURNITURE, FURNITURE, W

OLESALE AND RETAIL. BY DEGRAAF & TAYLOR, (FORMERLY H. P. DEGRAAF), No. 87 Bowery, New York. This establishment is six storeys in height, and extends 242 feet through to No. 66 Chrystie Street-making it one of the largest Furniture Houses in the United States. They are prepared to offer great inducements to the Wholesale Trade for Time or Cash. Their stock consists, in part, of ROSEWOOD, PARLOR AND CHAMBER FURNITURE ; Mahogany and Walnut Parlor and Chamber Furniture; Also, CANE and WOOD SEAT work, all qualities; HAIR, HUSK and SPRING MATTRESSES, a large stock; ENAMELLED CHAMBER FURNITURE, in Sets, from $22 to $100. TUCKER'S NEW STYLE PATENT SPRING BED The best as well as the cheapest of any in use, Retall prlee, $2 each. Their facilities for manufacturing defy competition. All work guaranteed as represented. MADAME BENEDICT'S Millinery & Dressmaking Establishment, Is now replete with Every Imported Novelty of the Season. 12 WAVERLEY PLACE, NEW YORK 000 . 5,000 AGENTS WANTED TO INTRODUCE OUR NEW GOLD PEN. This Gold Pen is something entirely new and is now offered to the publio for the first time, and it is made by an entirely new process, enabling us to offer shem very cheap. Every Pen is WARRANTED one year, and to be genuine Diamond pointed, and to posBess all the elasticity and writing qualities of the highest price gold pen made. Sipglo Pens sent by mail on receipt of the folowing prices: With Silver Mounted Ebony Holders and Morocco GABO. No. 2 Medlum Pen and Holder...... 90 No. 3 Large Pen and Holder... No. 4 Engrossing Pen and Holder........1 15 Great inducements to Agents and the Trade. Send for our Circular, GEOBGE A, ELY & Co., Sole Manufacturers, 181 Broadway, N. Y. ....1 00 GOURAUD'S Italian Medicated Soap It is well known-oures Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Eruptiovs, Prickly Heat, Sallownegg, Salt Rheum, Chaps, Chales and all cutionlar deformities. GOURAUD'S POUDRE SUBTILE uproots hair from low foreheads or any part of the body, warranted $1. GOURAUD'S LILY WHITE for flushed red faces. GOURAUD'S LIQUID VEGETABLE ROUGE GOURAUD'S HAIR DYB and numerous toilet accessories, found at the old established Depot of DR. FELIX GOURAUD, 453 Broadway. Algo of BATES, Boston; UPLAM, Philadelphia; KEYSER, Pittsburg, and druggiets generally. Artillery Badges. YSBURG CETTYSBUS WEH DEN FAIR OAKS MAS ART Annexed is & fao simile design of our BULL RUN Newest Style ARTILLERY BADGES Sept free to any ad. dress on receipt of price, with Name, Co. and Regiment handsomely Engrayed thereon. Solid Silver (without battles) $1 50. Solid Silver, letters in Gold Relief (without batties) $2. Solid Gold (without battles) 86. Battles, 20 cents each extra. Also New Style CAVALRY BADGE, and eyory style Co. Ping and Corps Badges word uy the Army. Our Illustrated Catalogue sent free. Addregg C. L. BALCE & CO.. 208 BROADWAY, NY. REDERIC WVISIIN (DISTILLED DEW] For Beautifying and Improving the Skin and Complexion. Sold by Druggists generally. A MONTH.-Agents wanted to sell Sewing Machines. We will give a commission on all Machines sold, or employ Agents who will work for the above wagen end all expenses pald. Address D. B. HERRINTON & CO., Detroit, Mich. 448-55 1075 A MONTHI-I want to hire Agents in every W county at 875 a month, expenses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Machines. Addrere 139-51 8. MADISON, Alfred, Maine. Btereoscopic Views and Cartes de Visite. 1,000 different klods. Send stamp for a Catalogue. 000 VICTOR DELAPO, 80 NSARAD St., N.Y. S OZODENT For Hardening & Invigorating the Gums. Cleansing, Beautifying and Preserving the Teeth Purifying and sweetening the Breath: The most con venient, eficacions and teneficial article for the Teeth the world has ever seen. Sold by Druggists and Fanoy Goods dealers every wbere75 cents per bottle. HÅLL & RUOKEL, Proprietors. 218 Greenwich St., N.Y. The Early Physical Degeneracy of AMERICAN PEOPLE, And the early melancholy decline of Childhood and Youth, Just publisbed by DR. STONE, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Iostitute, A Treatise on the above subjeot, the case of Ner vous Debility, Marasmus and Consumption, Wasting of the Vital Fluids, the mysterious and hiddon causes or Palpitation, Impaired Nutrition and Digestion. 15 Fail not to send two red stamps and obtain this ook. Address DR. ANDREW STONE, Physician to the Troy Long and Hygienio Institute, and Physician for Diseases of the Heart, Throat and Lunge, No. 96 Fifth Street, Troy, NY 449-61. Lieut.-Gen. U. S. Grant Package. Copyright secured. AGENTS Send Orders and for Circulars Early, to J.L. G. PIERPONT, 37 and 39 Naggau St., N. Y. Psychomancy. How either sex may fage onate and gain the love, confidence, affection and good will of any person they choose, instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, securing certain BUOC888 in love, marriage, eto., free by mall, for 25 ote. together with a guide to the unmarried of both sexes - an extraordinary book, of great interest; Third edi. tons over 100,000 copies already sold. Addrege T. WILLIAM & Co., Pūbushers, Philadelphia, Matrimony-Why every man should marry Why every woman should marry. All may marry to know. Read the Illustrated Marriage Guide and Medioal Adviser, by WM. EARL, M.D., 200 pages, Malled in sealed envelope on receipt of 25 cents. Ad. dress 12 White Street, New York. A New Book. Physiology of Love. Cloth; gilt edges. Sent by mail on receipt of price $1. 000 VICTOR DELAPO, 80 Nassau St., N. Y. AMERICAN CARD COMPANY'S NEW UNION PLAYING CARDS. National Emblems. GARDI COMPAT TORTORUL PLURIBUS DetsSino ulla K Nav York.ST William S Ace of Eagles. The guits are EAGLES, SHIELDS, STARS and FLAGS. Colonel in place of King; Goddess of Liberty for Queen; Major for Jack. The Union Playing Cards are ths first and only genuine American Cards ever produoed, and as they are entered acoording to Act of Congress, they can be manufactured only by the American Card Company. These Cards are rapidly taking the place of Cards bearing Foreign emblems. The demand for them is unprecedented in the Card Trade, and they will soon become the Leading Card in the American market In playing with these Cards, they are to be called by the names the emblems represent, and as the em. bleme are as familiar as household words everywhere among the people of the American Republio, they can be ured 28 readily the first occasion as Cards bearing Foreign emblems The Union Cards are the most pleasing and attractIve Card ever made. They are produced in the highest style of the art, and each pack is put up in an elegant Card Case, Buitable to keep them in when not in use, and then in handsome dozen boxes for the trade, Two Sample Packs, in Card Cases, sent, posttpaid, on recciptof $1. Address AMERICAN CARD COMPANY. 165 William S.reet, or 14 Chamoes Street, N. Y. New Army Watches. ARRANDALE & CO., Importers, 212 Broadway, NY, want Agents in every County and every Regi. ment, for the sale of their new styles of Watches. Unusually liberal terms are offered to Agents. Soud for Circular, U. S. 10-40 BONDS. These Bonds are issued under the Act of Congress of March 8th, 1864, which provides that all Bonds issued under this Act shall be EXEMPT FROM TAXA. TION by or under any State or Municipal authority. Subscriptions to these Bonds sre received in United States notes or notes of National Banks. They are TO BE REDEEMED IN COIN, at the pleasure of the Government, at any period not less than ten nor more than forty years from their date, and until their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one hundred dollars annually and on all other Bonds semi-annually. Instructions to the National Banks acting as loan agents were not issued from the United States Treasury until March 26, but in the first three weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. Subscriptions will be recelyed by all NATIONAL BANKS which are depositarles of Public money, and all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country (acting as agents of the Na. tional Depositary Banke), will furnieh further information on application and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! 100,000 WATCHES, CHAINS, &c. WORTH $500,000, To be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for until you kaow what you are to get. Send 20 cents for Certificate, which will inform you what you can have for 81; And at the same time get our Circular containing full list of articles and particulars, also terms to Agents, which we want in everv Regiment and Town in the Country. Six Certificates can be ordered for $1; thirteen for $2; thirty-ive for $5; and one hundred for $12. Address C.F. SHULTS, 285 River Street, Troy, NY, Who Makes the Best ARTIFICIAL LEGS? The following correspondence will explain itself: CINCINNATI, March 6, 1864. E. Guenther Jr., Esq., Peru, La Salle Co., Ill. Dear Sir-I am in want of an artificial leg, but do not know what kind to get. and have decided to write to several parties wearing different lege, and get their advice, as I have not the means to experiment myself Learning that you have worn a "Corrugated Metallio Leg » since last August, I take the liberty of asking for your opinion of its merite, and also for your experience with other kinds Although an entire stranger, yet I feel that you will be willing to oblige a fellow sufferer, JAMES E. PAINTER, REPLY: PERU, LA SALLE CO., April 11, 1864. Mr. Painter, Cincinnati, O. Dear Sir-Yours of March 16th, just recelyed, and contents noted. You say you want my opinion on the corrugated brass leg. In reply, would say: 1st. That if you get such a leg as J. W. Weston, 491 Broadway, New York, sent me, you will get a good, substantial leg. 20. As you ask my opinion in a candid way. I will answer you candidly. If you get a leg made out of wood, you may be fitted for bay at least a year; in that time your stump will get thinner a good deal, and you will have to pad the socket (the place where the stump goes in). In my experience with wooden legs, I have found this to be a great inconvenience. In the next place, the joints in & wooden leg are not made strong enough, for this reason: eery time you step upon an uneven surface, it naturally sprains the ankle-joint, which, after a week or so, beoomes loose, and is easily broken, In the metallic leg, this is done Away with altogether, by & stout rubber that acts like a joint and every time you step upon an uneven surface, yields like your natural foot. You will see that the metallic leg is altogether superior to a wooden one, and costs only one-half what a wooden one costs. Another reason 18, that the mechanism in the metallic leg is very simple, where in a wooden leg it is so complicated that if anything gives out you will have to send it (the wooden one) back to the manufacturer's, and they will charge you & good round eum for the fixing of it. You will hardiy believe it when I tell you, that when, after six months' wearing of my wooden linib, the hinges broke at the ankle. and I sent it up to the manufactory to get new hinges, they charged me $15 a picce or $30 for two hinges. 1, for one, advise you to get & metallic leg for cheapnebs. lightness and durability If you should want any more information in regard to this subject, write me, and I will 80swer right away. Hoping you may be suited at less than it cost me, for I have paid out over $500 for limbs, I remain yours E. GUENTHER, Jr. Adyantages the Metallic Leg has over all others : 18t. A fit guaranteed in all cases, as it is selfadjusting. 2d. No need of coming to New York to be fitted, thereby saying time and expense. 3. Being made of metal, with a rubber ankle, it does not get out of order. 4th, It makes no noise, is lighter, cheaper, and more durable than any wooden neg can be. Sent by express to any part of ihe country. OFFER. I have such implicit confidence in my Improved Metallie Leg, that I will give any one the privilege of returning it if they are not satisfied, after six months trial: and I will refund the money, less 925. Price from $75 to $100. Send for a Circular. Office and Saleeroom, 491 Broadway, N. Y. JAMES W WESTON. EDWIN H. WEBTON, 21 Wist 4th Street, Cincinnati, hlo. Fountain Pen.-No Inkstand Required. One filling will write 12 hours. Also all other styles of Gold l'ens. Sead stamp for Circulor. G. F. HAWKES, Sole Manufacturer, 445-57 64 Nassau street, N.Y. The Great Money-IVIaking Article. Everybody needs it. Agents or Soldiers can make 810 day. Sample, with particulare, sent froe by mall, for 25 cents. Address 000 E, H, MARTIN, Hlmedale, N.,

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