May 14, 1864.]
came, but the attempt was a fallure, and scarce 100 visitors visited the "banquet ball deserted." Since that time auctions have been the order of the day, and the goods have gone at fluctuating prices, much of them at far less than their value.
Since the sober second thought has set in, after the grand splurge, our business men and shopkeepers are counting up the cost, and the opinion is generally arrived at that the great Fair has been a financial loss, and that the commercial interests of the city would have been largely gainers had a million and a quarter of money been raised and presented to the Sanitary Commission, to replace the Fair. No doubt this may be true in view of the great interruption to business it entailed, but then where would have been all the fun, flirtation, matrimony, manslaughter, memory and general happiness created by it.
The Last Come Down
is that of Broadway stages, a triumph of the public in which we believe they really rejoiced. The attempt of the different lines of omnibuses to raise their fare to 10 cents—even though it may have been warranted by increased rates of labor and produce—has met with the most signal rebuke that has ever been administered to any public wrong within our recollection. The public have contented themselves with letting them charge, and have taken to locomotion and increased overcrowding of the cars. The result has been that a Broadway stage became solitude personified, and the fact of an individual hailing one of the drivers almost terrified the deserted Jehu out of his wits, and proclaimed the hailer a countryman just arrived, or a citizen who rode once a year, did not read the papers, and darned the expense.
The Events of the Week,
in a dramatic way, are, firstly, the debut of Miss Jade Coombs, as Lady Teazle, at Wallack's, in which she made a pleasant impression, though somewhat lacking the life and fire that should be put into the gay young wife of the old Sir Peter.
Secondly, the production, by Avonia Jones, at the Winter Garden, of a new drama, entitled "The Sorceress;" the story of which is that of a mother, black Janet, the sorceress, having had her son stolen in infancy, finds that the secret of his wherabouts is known only to Miron, the King's physician, who refuses to reveal the secret. Attempting to revenge herself on Miron, she plots a fearful death for his dearest friend, Urban Delaval, but discovers that the young man is her son time enough to save him, which she does, firstly, from the hands of the assassin, and secondly, by rescue from an inundation, in which final scene she loses her own life. The piece is entirely sensational, and brings down the house. The coming week is devoted to Edwin Booth at this house, where he opens in "Hamlet."
The Olympic is running "Loyalina" on its fourth week.
Barnum announces the last week of "Cudjo's Cave," and a magnificent spectacular drama to follow it.
We are to have no more opera, perhaps, not until fall, in consequence of Mareizek's rebellion against the extortions of the chorus, who, not content with all the profit, want a bonus extra.
Another Sensation
for sightseers during the week has been the doings of the Davenport Brothers, at the Cooper Institute. These two young men have so outraged our common sense, and upset our ideas of probability and judgment, that we are forced to confess to a feeling of ridiculous non-belief in anything. The manner in which they—we beg pardon, the spirits—tie and untie their arms and legs from the strongest binding, done by such eminent binders as Judge Whitley, who has bound over a good many Jersey men, is somewhat amazing. What they do is indescribable, and will sound like nothing when described, but so far has puzzled all the wisdom and acumen of their audiences, and defied even a theory. We shall wait in patient hope for the debut of Simmons, who makes his first appearance at the New Broadway Theatre, Wallack's old house, which has been entirely refitted by Mr. Geo. Wood, late of Cincinnati, and who promises the public that he will do the same things as the Davenports, and expose the trick. Do hurry up, Simmons!
Life of Edward Livingston. By Charles Havens Hunt. With an Introduction by George Bancroft. New York: D. Appleton & Co, 1864, 8vo., 448pp.
We are in the new era of good books, well printed on good paper, with liberal margins. Hunt's "Life of Edward Livingston" is a racy, interesting, comprehensive life of a truly great man, who, strangely enough, seemed to be better appreciated in Europe than in his own country. The present work, which shows Mr. Hunt to be ably fitted for this field, will do much to make Americans of our day acquainted with the immense learning, practical sense, sound judgment and sterling patriotism of the great legist, Edward Livingston.
Plaster of Paris for Paint.—A writer in the Register of Rural Affairs recommends the use of plaster or ground gypsum, instead of white lead, to mix with oil for paint for outside work. IF, as he says, it is equally, in fact, more durable than white lead or zinc white, it deserves to be widely known, as the plaster is very cheap and easily obtained. Take equal parts of the plaster and white lead with oil enough to make it the consistence of cream, and run it through a paint mill. This will have a good body and be very serviceable. For painting the roof of buildings, the plaster and oil answers a good purpose, as it is durable, and when rain water is collected in cisterns, it will be found to be purer than when it comes in contact with lead. Plaster is sometimes found ground very coarse, and it should therefore be run through a paint mill before it is used.
——— Dr. Biggs, of Mitchell, Lawrence county, Ind., was, about two months ago, called upon by two men, who, being admitted to a private room, locked the door, and producing a weapon, told him they had a warrant to arrest him for having counterfeit money, but if he would give them $1,200 they would release him. The doctor gave them $300 in cash and a note for the remainder, when they left. By advice of his lawyer, no action was taken until a few days since, when one of the men returned to collect the note, when he was arrested and made to give bail in $1,500, to appear at the Circuit Court. The trial over, the man said he was a U.S. detective, showed a warrant to arrest Dr. B., and did arrest him and took him to Indianapolis.
——— A few years ago a physician of Georgetown, West Indies, examined the body of a man that had been discovered under a heap of cane-trash, or the fibrous residue of the canes, and found that the body emitted no smell, and was dried up like a mummy. He did not at the time proclaim his discovery, but immediately instituted experiments on dead animals, which completely confirmed his observations. Convinced thereby that by the fermentation of fresh cane trash a disinfecting and antiseptic gas was evolved, he immediately turned his attention to the means of employing the sugar-cane as a preservative against epidemics and contagious diseases, and as a medicinal plant generally. There happened to be at the time a great number of patients suffering from ulcers at the hospital, and a contagious gangrene had declared itself: the physician caused several tubs containing cane-trash to be placed in the wards, and the supply to be renewed at intervals. In a short time the atmosphere of the hospital was purified, the contagion entirely ceased.
If a man has nothing to say, he is sure to take much time and use many words in saying it.
Spring in absolute earnest at last. Blue skies, balmy breezes and open windows; strawberries if you like to pay 50 cents a dozen for them, and other delicacies intended evidently either for Lilliputian appetites or Brobdignagian pockets; and bonnets—spring bonnets with a spring in them—bonnets which should be called Excelsior! The milliners declare they are not so high as they were last year, but the lace and roses and African grass, and indescribable ornaments of Jet—which our aunt Jerusha will call sproozels—attain an altitude calculated to strike the beholder with amazement. I have remarked them in church—don't groan and say "shocking!" I was attending to the words of the Rev. Creamcheese—but ours is a fashionable church, and sitting half-way down the aisle, I couldn't see anything but my neighbors' bonnets. I dodged one way, and my gaze was baffled be by a maize-colored plume, another, and blue silk cap crowns baffled me. I stretched my neck, but that was useless, I am not a giantess; so I gave up the effort in despair, and naturally forgot theology in millinery.
A Man of Wax.
Flowers and fruit are very pretty in wax, and we presume masculine members of society of tender years admire wax beauties who turn about and wheel about in hairdressers' establishments, and wax widows who simper behind "grief-bordered" kerchiefs in mourning stores. But heaven defend us from men of wax! Whoever conceived the idea of moulding the counterfeit presentment of a military hero, three feet high, painting his cheeks pink, putting on his head a little wig, dressing him in uniform, hanging by his side a little sword, and putting him on exhibition in our fair? So he sold for $150 or so. There is something awful in it. We are told that the effigy is the gallant Ellsworth, and shudder. The poor young soldier has gone where it is impossible for him to redress his wrongs, otherwise we fear he would be as anxious to tear down this monstrously pretty likeness as he was to uproot the rebel flag. If it were a likeness of Little Mac, for instance, that gentleman could, if he pleased, take the presentation sword—which he didn't get—and cut it down, annihilate it, and bestow its value on the Fair. But a dead hero is helpless, and Ellsworth in wax is sufficient to make any soldier exclaim, "May I never be a hero, lest ladies innocently and horribly perpetuate me in wax!"
Two Cent Pieces.
Congress is considering the propriety of giving us two cent pieces. The description is glowing. "They resemble gold coin in size and appearance," says the dispatch; "on one side is a wheat-wreath, on the other, the words, God is our trust."
Do not feel elated, however, we don't believe any brilliant dream on the subject will be realised. Government cannot issue any currency in these mysterious days that is not disgusting, that has not from the first a greasy and unpleasant feeling, and that does not stick to your fingers and pocketbook. Nickel cents were charming, and the plague-suggesting postal currency was better still. We presume the "gold-resembling" twopenny pieces will cap the climax. We shall be obliged to have recourse to "tea bricks," white pebbles or tenpenny nails before long, unless Peace makes her appearance on the stage, with an olive branch in one hand and a bag of gold and silver in the other.
The Crisis.
People who are wise in such matters predict an awful crush before long. Everything will be blown to atoms. Everybody will be bankrupt. Every hotel will be closed. Every paper will go out like the snuff of a candle. Millionaires will retire to back attics, and make brooms for a living. Merchant princes will be reduced to the necessity of vending pins and shoestrings in baskets from door to door. Persons now residing in Fifth Avenue will wander over the world with hurdygurdies and hand-organs, receiving pennies to go away; and fashionable belles will be glad of their servants' cast-off calicoes. At first we were alarmed, but on calm consideration we remember such dire prognostications as long as we can remember anything, and are perfectly sure that, even during the worst crisis, everybody had as much to eat and to wear as they ever had before; consequently we do not believe in the approach of famine and rage, and expect that silk dresses will sweep the sidewalks for years to come, and that jewellery will glitter, and palatial residences will continue to grow, even in the midst of the impending crisis.
Broadway Policemen.
Broadway policemen are not impartial; we regret to say it, but it is so. Of course we don't mean to insinuate that if they see a gentleman with his hand in another gentleman's pocket, they do not immediately inform him of his singular mistake, whoever he may be. We merely allude to the acts of official courtesy performed by the uniformed guardians of the law upon street corners. If you doubt me take up your position at any window favorable for such observation, and watch one of them for an hour. There he stands, like the statue of Napoleon, on a corner, conscious of the fact that unenlightened strangers take him for a military man; and, over on the other side, Aunt Jerusha from the country waves her parasol and red cotton pocket-handkerchief in vain. She is "dreadful skeered;" he knows that well enough, but it is a matter of no importance to him. He waits until she scampers wildly into the middle of the road, and rescues her with majestic scorn from the feet of sundry impatient horses, muttering grimly as he does so: "Old women seem to want to get run over; why can't you look out, old lady?"
Returning to his corner and the Napoleon attitude, he waits again until a bevy of maids and matrons gather on the opposite corner. He scans them critically: very respectable, good sort of folks out shopping, a passably pretty face amongst them; the the girl with the curls; rather betwitching.
This decides him. He forsakes the Napoleon attitude for the Seventh Regiment march—crosses the street—advances to the girl with curls—clutches her by the arm—says to the others—"You come on, now"—and escorts the trembling bevy to the other side, leading them into rather more danger than they of could possibly have managed to get into without his assistance, and paying no heed to the small shrieks and ejaculations of those behind him.
Again, after a parting nip of the young lady's arm, monsieur reposes himself à la Napoleon the Great—and behold a matron—portly and tall—competent to subdue any number of horses and omnibus drivers—grim and obstinate, and strong-minded. She will be taken care of—not that she needs protection, but on principle—the officer must do his duty—and he does it fiercely. How he drags her through the mud—on the double quick—charging on vehicles so that they retreat in turn.
Ah! it is grand—we don't know who will be Commander-in-Chief of the Union Army by the time this appears, but whoever it is couldn't do it better. The strong-minded lady clutches the nearest lamp-post and gasps for want of breath.
But behold! Somebody—something—in a tight basque all bugles—in sky-blue silk, rich as silk can be—with lace and velvet tacked on everywhere—with a scarlet scarf tied under one ear—with gloves of mauve and bracelet of gold—with jockey hat and sweeping plume—and dotted veil and rose-tinted cheeks—tresses in a bead bagwig, all but one, which (since purchased at the hairdresser's) will escape—and with a parasol which turns into a gun—observe her—she pauses—'tis but a moment—he of the brass buttons flies to her rescue—he embraces her with one arm—he shakes a furious fist at presuming drivers—he kicks an infant sweep importuning for a penny—and smiling down into her eyes, places her safely on the sidewalk and turns to gaze after her while aunt Jemimas and grandma Smiths vainly beseech his escort—they cannot win favor in his sight. Yes, policemen are partial, there's no denying that.
Domestic.—The proceeding instituted by Judge Barnard against Horace Greeley for contempt was brought to a close on the 28th ult., by Mr. Greeley appearing in Court, and answering the interrogatories about his editorship and proprietorship of the Tribune. He protested against the jurisdiction of the Court, and against the whole proceedings is illegal, but admitted he was the responsible editor of the Tribune, and was willing to take the consequence of whatever contempt had been shown in the case. Judge Barnard said in substance, that the object of the proceedings was to correct the growing evil of abuse heaped upon public men by certain newspapers with which they differed in politics, expressing himself satisfied with Mr. Greeley's answers to the interrogatories, and ordered him to be discharged.
——— Tailors working on custom work are liable to pay the tax on manufactured articles, according to a decision lately given in the United States District Court at New Haven. This decision is highly important, as the principle covers a number of other occupations which have hitherto been regarded as exempt from taxation.
——— The net proceeds of the Cincinnati Sanitary Fair are officially stated at $234,500.
——— Shirt collars of linen, cotton, paper and steel, are common, but to this catalogue are now to be added shirt collars made from vulcanized India rubber. The new invention has just been patented in England.
——— It is rumored in Washington that Postmaster-General Blair will follow up his dismissal of Mr. Watson, a radical Republican clerk in his department, by similar acts—he having resolved to make war on Mr. Chase's friends.
——— The President, in a communication to Congress, states that Gen. Blair is a Major-General in the service of the United States, and that he had an understanding with Gen. Blair and Gen. Schonck, last fall, that they should not lose their places in the army by taking their seats in Congress.
——— The Pennsylvania Convention assembled last week in Philadelphia, and elected Simon Cameron and a strong Lincoln delegation to the Baltimore Republican Convention. Resolutions were passed against the adjournment of the Convention and in favor of Mr. Lincoln's nomination.
——— The stage fares on certain city routes were recently raised from six cents to 10 cents. They were reduced to the former rate of six cents on Monday, May 2. A daily parade of empty stages is not a paying business, as the proprietors have found out. The Board of Aldermen adopted a resolution that a Committee be appointed to inquire into the expediency of selling at public auction the right to carry passengers in omnibusses or coaches in this city. This looks like retaliation.
——— The school district of Moscow, Wisconsin, containing 101 inhabitants, over half of them under 15 years of age, has sent 26 men to the war, some of whom have re-enlisted. Help is so scarce that a good deal of land will have to go uncultivated.
——— The following battle-flags of New York veteran regiments were deposited in the Bureau of 8 Military Statistics of the State on April 20: The 110th, 112th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 32d, 34th, 37th, 38th, 59th, 61st, 64th, 75th, 76th, 77th, 80th, 91st, 96th, 97th, 104th, 130th, 146th, 177th. 3d Artillery, 7th Battery N. Y, V., 11th Battery F. Y.V.
——— The annual meeting of the Religious Society of Progressive Friends will be held at Longwood, near Hamorton, Chester county, Pa., on Thursday, June 2, commencing at 10 o'clock. The meeting will probably continue for three days.
——— Mayor Henry, of Philadelphia, has ordered the ringing of the State House belt on every fire to be discontinued. The firemen are now summoned by telegraph only, and the new method is said to answer extremely well.
——— The police of Portland, Maine, have been very active in recovering from wreckers much property washed from the wreck of the Bohemian. Among other goods was a large stock of bogus jewellery, which was all washed ashore in one cove, henceforward to be called Jewellery Cove. Most of it was spoiled by sea water.
Western.—There is considerable uneasiness in the Western press concerning the coming campaign—several of the leading editors evidently having had their faith shaken in the War Department by recent events in the South-West. One says: "We have lost all faith in the military sagacity of a Government which leaves Kentucky at the mercy of a rebel raider like Forrest."
Southern.—The prices in Georgia and Alabama are—gold, $30 for $1; corn meal, $25 per bushel; meats, $4 per pound; butter, $10 per pound; milk, $2 per quart; flour, $200 per barrel; coffee, $25 per pound. No articles of any kind are sold for less than $6 or $10. If the purchaser has a note of either, he can buy, if not, he must do without. Articles like knives, forks, spoons, cups of all kinds, are not to be had.
——— The Southern press is jubilant over the recent disasters to our arms in Florida, Red river and North Carolina, From the tone of their articles we should infer that the rebel leaders have resolved upon some definite plan which, if carried out, will bring on a decisive campaign. Their journals make many allusions to what they expect to accomplish on the water—implying that they have been busy in building rams and gunboats. The recent events at Plymouth lend these suspicions considerable countenance.
Military.—Adjt.-Gen. Schouler, of Massachusetts, reports that that State has furnished 69,893 three years' volunteers; 17,744 nine months' men; and 3,742 three month men, since the beginning or the war. Total, 91,379.
Personal.—Rev. Calvin Webster, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for enticing slaves from Kentucky, and who had served 12 years of the time, has been pardoned by Lieut.-Gov. Jacobs.
——— Mrs. Gen. Fremont is at the Revere House, Boston. She is on a visit, with her children, to her many friends in that vicinity.
——— King Victor Emanuel, who is a great friend of the chase, has received 20 stags from California. They cost, voyage and all, little less than $600 a-piece.
——— Gen. Hallock is said to be an applicant for Chief of the Engineer Bureau, made vacant by the death of Gen. Totten.
——— The golden wedding of Mr. Joel and Mrs. Abigail Converse, of Lyme, Conn., was celebrated on Monday, April 11, in the presence of a large party of relatives and friends. Many elegant and valuable presents were bestowed upon the venerable couple, and the occasion was a very happy one.
Obituary.—James Holbrook, the well-known special agent of the Post-Office Department, died at Brooklyn, Conn., on the 28th April, of consumption.
——— Mr. Edward D. Riley, Chief of Police of Jersey City, died at his residence, in Montgomery street, on the 28th April, of consumption, after an illness of nearly four months. Mr. Riley was a native of Jersey City, 33 years of age, and was an upright and highly-esteemed citizen. In 1861 he was elected a member of the Common Council; in the fall of the same year he was elected to the Legislature; and in the following spring was elected Chief of Police for three years.
——— Commodore William D. Porter died on Sunday morning, May 1, in New York. He was born in Louisiana, was appointed from the State of Massachusetts, entering the service Jan. 1, 1823, saw 15 years sea duty, over 5 years shore duty, and was 20 years unemployed. He was between 50 and 60 years of age at the time of his death. He leaves a wife, who was with him at the time of his death, one daughter, who is in Richmond, and two sons, who are in the Confederate service.
——— Com. Charles W. Flusser, who was recently killed in such a peculiar manner in the fight with the rebel ram Roanoke, was a native of Kentucky. He was one of the most promising young officers of the American navy. Brave and accomplished, of high moral character and elegance of manner, he was one of the most genial and companionable men we ever met with. His gallantry was always conspicuous. The writer of this was on board the gunboat Commodore Perry with him, at the furious bombardment of the rebel forts on Roanoke island, and there witnessed the bravery with which he ran his vessel close under the guns of the fort, and raked its batteries from his bow and stern pivot 9-inch guns.
——— The reported death of Col. Lewis Benedict is confirmed by letters from Grand Ecore, near the scene of the engagement. He was pierced by five balls and instantly killed, while gallantly leading his brigade in the final charge. Lewis Benedict was born in Albany, Sept. 2, 1817. He graduated at Williams' College, and studied law, in Canandaigua, with John C. Spencer. After his admission to the bar he became a partner of Marcus T. Reynolds, of Albany. He was Judge-Advocate-General on the staff of Govs. Young and Fish; was subsequently elected to the office of Surrogate of the county and also to the Assembly of the State. When the war broke out he was still engaged in the practice of the law, but, determining to give his services to his country, in June, 1861, he was commissioned as Lieut.-Col. of the 73d regiment, Excelsior Brigade, with which regiment he went into the Peninsular campaign, shared its earlier hardships, and fought bravely at Williamsburg, where he was captured. He was taken to Richmond, where, and at Salisbury, N.C., he was the companion of Cols. Corcoran, Wilcox, etc. After an imprisonment of several months he was exchanged, and in Sept., 1862 (one month after his exchange), he was commissioned Colonel of the 162d (3d Metropolitan regiment. In October the regiment proceeded to New Orleans. In January, 1803, he was designated Acting-Brigadier, and in that capacity was actively employed, rendering important service previous to the siege of Port Hudson, where he was conspicuous in most of the terrible fights during that memorable siege. He was foremost in the fearful slaughter of June 14, and when it was decided to storm the fort Col. Benedict was given command of the 2d battalion, selected to serve as the forlorn hope.
Accidents and Offences.—A married woman, named Leesman, has eloped from St. Louis with a young men and $13,000 in certificates of deposit in the German Savings Bank, they being made out in her name, but belonging to her husband. She is supposed to have gone to New Orleans.
——— A boat containing five persons has been drawn over the upper dam at Little Falls, N.Y., and all were drowned, their bodies passing down the rapids and not having been found. The party consisted of Mr. Vaughan and his son, Mr. J.P. Casler and two lads, named McHenry and Carr.
——— The bogus Capt. Sanford, who succeeded in marrying a Palmyra, N. Y., girl, she supposing that he was her lover, whose courtship had been conducted by letter alone, turns out to have had other wives already. He has been given up by the military to the civil authorities.
——— Ten vessels this year have been lost from the Gloucester fishing fleet, valued at $46,000; 78 men have perished with them, leaving 31 widows and 48 fatherless children.
——— Lieut. Burns, who absconded from Louisville with $13,000, Government money, has been arrested at Montreal, C. W.
Foreign—The Sultan has appointed two Christian members of the Grand Council, and others have been promoted to high official positions. This liberal tendency on his part is a mark of progress, which predicts well for Turkey.
——— The Italian frigate Re Galantuomo, which recently sailed from this port, and was subsequently spoken at sea when in a supposed sinking condition, is not lost, as was reported, but has arrived at Terceira, one of the Azore islands. Her gods were thrown overboard during the bad weather which prevailed on the voyage.
Art, Science and Literature.—Mr. Sprague has presented to the Senate the memorial of our Consul at Vienna, recommending the purchase by the United States of the invention of Dr. Aner, Superintendent of the Imperial paper mills and printing establishment of Austria, to make paper and linen out of corn husks and leaves.
——— A woman has, for the first time in England, passed a first medical examination. She had applied to the University of London and of St. Andrews, to the College of Surgeons of London and of Edinburgh, and to the College of Physicians of Edinburgh—but all in vain. Each of these learned bodies refused to allow her to compete for the degree which would have given her a legal qualification to labor in the cure of humen ills, and finally she appealed to Apothecaries Hall, and having been examined in anatomy, physiology, chemistry, botany and materia media—which she had studied for the prescribed five years—was successful in passing. A further course of 18 months study is required, when, if proved duly qualified, she will receive a licence to practise.
Chit-Chat—A little daughter of the owner of a coal mine in Pennsylvania was inquisitive as to the nature of hell, upon which her father represented it to be a large gulf of fire of the most prodigious extent. "Pa," said she, "couldn't you get the devil to buy coal of you?" He's been speculating on it.
——— A man in Cleveland, Ohio, fell asleep at church a Sunday or two ago, and woke just as the minister began to read in a loud voice the lesson of Scripture which begins: "Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold where they find it." Jumping to his feet in great excitement, the merchant stretched his arm and shook his book to the astonished minister, exclaiming: "I'll take five hundred shares!"
——— A Newburyport sugar merchant heard a few days since that sugar had gone up two cents, and telling no one what he was going to do, immediately rushed off and bought the whole stock of another merchant at 21 cents. He was so delighted with the operation that he treated the clerks all round on his return, and then learned that a man as clever as himself had bought all his stock at 20 cents while he was away.