Nov. 24, 1866.]
either with the later at balf-cock or with it resting les on the cylinder, between the cartridges. be ke o all in On the same principle as the above weapon is the National Army Revolver." A stronger and more in elegantly fluisbed weapon can hardly be conceived. I is about the same size and weight as the Colt's Army Be. volver, and has a square handle. It carries nineteen grains of powder and forty-eight grains of lead more sa than others of the size. On a roccal experimental teet, in te penetration with the above-mentioned load was one board and a half more than competing weapone with a similar charge. The National Armon Company of Brookla lyn is now engaged in Billing au onder tor 60,000 of these weapoun fora foreign government. O A That the National Revolver a most superior weapon, its present popularity proven. Within the past two years over 33,000 of that size abown in the engraving lave botu mold, and the demand for them bos increased no largely of late that a large force of mechanics is kept constantly employed to their manufacture. Combining as they undoubtedly do, Innenee strength and pene tration with clegatice and convenience, the day is not far distant when they will have attained a greater repu tation than were reached by any of their predecessors in the seme of their fe The Single Shot Breech-Loading Pistol is an improve. meat on the old-fashioned Derringer, and a fearfully effective weapon. Although small enongn to be carried with abundent ease in the vest pocket, it is loaded with a 41-160th calibeball. Their weight is only ten ounces, and their length four and three-quarter ioches. The barrel and the stock are of two pieces, the latter being screwed to the former at the polot before which is tho letter A in the engraving No. 1. This sorew rotaten the barrol, and exposes the breach, which, when closed, in hopt locked by a steel button nuder the trigger, scen in engraving No. 2. Engraving No. 1 is a fearful weapon of offeuse or defense. The stock in beavily Inden, and should the ball anise lis nini, tue pietol can be converted a inte a species of kouckle," that con strike s nan seperless (if not drod) with a single blow. This armo in the hand of a brave man could delend hian for a coneidersble length of time against five or six asall ants. The species shown in engraving No. 3 can also ha converted into a species of "Imuckle," elthough the slock being made of wood renders it le formidable. To load these platols, place the banner at half-cock: a, grasp the stock in the right band, and, drawing back the steel tattou with the fore-Singer, rotate the barrel to ward you with the left hand. The breech being thus dexposed, insert the cartridge, and then rotate the barrel back to iis original position. pt she of The case and rapidity with which these pistols can be loaded and fred is notonishing. A person of only ordinary Indelligence can lead and fire from ten to twelve charges per minute; and an expert in the use of Brearms from eighteen to twenty charges in the same pece of time. To E. ly ed th A mere examination of the above described weapons will convince any person occustomed to the use of pre- aruns of their superiority. As species of small orme they are as close to perfection as Inventive gonlus cau devise, and so perfect strength and elegance as mechanical alali le kely to attain The wide-sprend herepotation they have won and the constantly increas ging decand for theto perlapsafford, after all, their best bo endorsement. and FALL MEETING OF THE AMERI- Hu CAN JOCKEY CLUB 2011 two dic elos Ra gra At Jerome Park The Hack Race. T: splendid success of the September races at Jerome Park leduced the American Jockey Club to appoint a supplementary zoeeting, and it took place on Thursday the Hb, with splendid Indian-euanmery som Novenaber weather, with an attendance plentiful in ev numbers and marked in fashion; and with even more th Interest them would otherwise have coutred in it, from fa -the double foct that most of the borces were to be in ridden by non-professionel gentlemen riders," and M that the proceeds of the day's sport were to be devoted to the meritorious purpose of relieving the needs of the poor of Westchester County, within the lots of a which Fordban is situated. Four rsos filled up tho b day-the Burdle Race, the Match, the Handicap Dash da w E and the Hack Race. All of them made sport, and the Hurdle ad Rock Itares pecullarly"sport" in the tall none of the term. In the Hurdle Race, no less that two of the gentlemen riders found the ground at different periods, while the winner, Roscoe, caune boue eleme! Nebody bodly hurt, however. In the Hack Bace lay the chief eport, and of this we have given a graphic picture, Such riding, much scatturing sod esanpering, and such a race altogether, is not seen every day! Mr. M. P. Maboo's Expect was, finally, though Mr. E. F. Elwea's Black Knight had began as the favorite. The only professionel riding of the day was in the Metch, bolween Ar. Jerome's Trovatore and Mr. Belmoot's Her Ladyship, won ebally by the former: while in the Handicap Danh, Climax, ridden by Mr. Elver, cano in an easy winner. Jerome Park has been a feature, from the first: under the newemples of blending jollity sul benevolenes with the ordinary detalis of racing, it promises to be even more popadar.