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Nov. 24, 1866.]



mission of England has done, and suggest as

wise and effectual a remedy. € A GOOD APPOINTMENT.-Among the nates of Che Commissioners to the Paris exposition ap pointed by the Government wo ece that of Frank Leslic, the publisher of FRANE LESLIE'S NEWS PAPER, and other popular eoriele. If thorough energy, intimate acquaintance with the general industrial interests of the country, and capacity t to using the interests this entrusted to his e care, make up the qualications of a commie- aloner, the appointment of Mr. Leslie was, as tho politicians say with less ronson at timce "ono a eminently it to be made."-Sunday Courier. ta Ar the Jeromo Park raco-courso gentlemon of the Jockey club ride their own horses. The Herold explause, "Now that we are sending our sporting men to Congress, the gentlemen who used to be considered oligible for such positions have taken to the turf, and the Jerome Faco is public recognition and inauguration of this new era." Ms. BRIGHT in arging reform and the extension of auftrage in England, before the people of Mal chester, presented the abusos of the prosent system of representation in the following effectivo BORGER -145 ghs, with whilo 100 boroughn with 79.000 electors. 1,380,000 papulation, paying 485,0ne electors. 4,361,00 popiation, mylog £357,000, Inco-tax, £240,000 Inconue-lax, have are have 216 memberes 181 members. This is something like the 291,000 white of South Carolina insisting in sending twice as many re presentatives to Congress as Vermonal with 314,000-and as many as Councctient with 451,000, P JOURNALISTIC APPOINTMENT.-We learn that Frank Leslie, the poblieber of the popular illus- trated woolly, hos boca appointed a National Commissiour to the forthcoming Paris Expo- sition. The appointment is a good one, and Mr. Leslio will zender efficient protection to the in- terests enlated to his olarge.-Walkes's Spiril of the Tinics. TOWN COSSIP. flow We Hate the Antique and the Picturesque A Tre hundredth anniversary of old St. Paul,F briefly spoken of last week, and the aspirations nttered by the clergy and poogde nesisting on the occasion, for the bonored fanio still being allowed for a little while to at its head in air, naturally brings up a belef considor-S ation of the engonte nubject: What Americans peusrally and the good people of uitropolitan New York in partie aler, thlak of the antique in orvotion song the build- ings of the city. We have, and have had, a fow buildinge approaching age, If not old; sod wo havo, or have bad, C certain Unildings and places around whicb, on sccount of the time that has rolled over ther or the momentous Deture of vente onco occurrine in or around theo, my other people would imagine that nono "edor of sand- tits "clung abont roof or steeple or estoway or cell- Ing, or even a bit of old furniture. Well, the idese of other people belog coocedol, what ilo see think of the antique in ons aldet? Do we love it, cherish it, point to i vrithi peile, repronto is injury, douand its preser vation? To be very candid, nearly all things sceni to t work together for the pleasant purpose of proving that to do something more than ignore it-that we hate it! Let usab over a few of the objects et antique Interest now or study in the posesicu of New Yorkean, and on what is done to provo that lato statement troth or the contrary. First, the old bouses: and Best of these, the cll Walton House on Peari atrect, somewhat part a century sice William Watten bait it and the highest festivitioned the Coloudal Court were held within it. It has been a low boneling-bieuse and sometimesn gregory for many years past; and excope oa tho good old Clerk of the Common Council (M.. David T. Valentine) has found occasion to allude to it in oun of those autiqnity E preserving Manantsfor which we caubot be too grateful, asil except on once, a few years ago, a pnpil and subor dinate of his took the pains to dig onl ite bistory and write and publish an elaborate aketch which few or no body rosd-it might as well, for any attention paid it, I be no erection of ton years ago as one of more tbou na t Endrod. Nobody goes to soo it-nobody cares that it 5 was ever a featore in "Old New York" of the times be on the be Revolution. Some day, an ineficient Fire Department will allow it to burn like somoo Dutch Hill shauty and the body of people will be gtad to hear that the cld rubbleh" se out of the way, and room thus made for "one more magnidcont commercial building "1 Scond only in ago and for shood of it in interest stands the Washington House, now the Washington Hotel cor of roadway and Bettory place. The outside of the building la very fairly preserved, the scoall-paned ced windows yet remaining; and, within it, the visitor may yot scend ond dexornd the identical stairwaSO OD the railings of which Washington and his companione Zaid their honde during the Pater Fatrie's long occu pancy of it, and fur Guy Carleton and his officers when New Yo k lay under Drittel dommation after the Bettle of Long Island-the very railings, Indeed, which the Farber tousled on that day when he went to deliver up he countalssion and make that parting address to his sol ers which is becomo lummortal. Yet bow many go to see it as the Washington House"7 Five a year, Por nybe teo-urhaps not even that poor fivo! It is a hotel and restaurant, bow; and once in a while c It serves as a land-mark for some stranger coming from the bosts at thn Battery, to know when be turns Into Breadw-that is sta principal use and importance. Very near the Washington House there stoed, less than ten years ago, a low brick and wooden ballding, aa worlby of preservation, for the sake of patriotic memo- ries, as ever was Fancall Hull or the Hancock House at Boston. This was the Burna Coffee-House, en Broad- way, opposite the Bowling Green; and in that very struc ture and assembled the Liberty Boys of 1774, protesting against English oppression and bolding those secret culings out of which (lostead of st Lexington and Concord) canse the first blood of the Revolution," at Gelen 1, now the corner el John and Nassan streets. Throughout the war it was the pairicile bend-quarters of the city, and in ile doorway, on the 25th of Novem DOW-a-day O ber, 1783, the rejoicing leaders alood, the work sccom | Is plished, to see the last British flag ever floating here In authority, on den fred (bo Bag-staff bo be Hwa Greas In the garden of that bodes, too, it was thet John 2 Change arranged to catch the tralter Benedict Arould, c when arling der special instructions from Washing ton, nad only failed by an accident. Wel, one day the Hudron River Ralirond Comppans anted"rod be old Wester bluter lind done long vetoro. Lom f Weilt the old Coffee Bonte, without pause or question, to malo a vocancy en which the Company condit durup 1 freight vud baggage, Its us for that mean purpose till contiened, sad no thought whatever of even erecting a building therel At the corner of Coder and Nagtals, thereinid on old building with the app hoof dea contury ago and a cuppla clent, it was once a church, and it E had with the Sugar-House the glory and share of brine a praon for the patriols, when the British beld New York after Long Island. Tradition Los it, too, that the dragocus of Kug George actually elabled their horned in its eacred nielen. Potice ho tarebile & w ture arred by the usy erections thrown round it gany baraneles; and the principal aspiration wa reference to it seems to be: "Condound the old ploce 1-how imenovontent it is! Wish they would fear d it down and build a botter Post-olcol" so they will, some day, and that a very carly one. The old church will fall, at the bands of toen who seem to have no idea of the possibility of building somewhere els and allowing the sacred to aland! With it br evou before it will go the North Patch Church on Fulton and Whitam, bela In the same acroilners of Revolutionary British poression, and the added chorm of having been for a whelo century the place of worship of the Paliood families who formal the anstochscy of the city if it had a any. The North Potch is already marked for demoll- o Hon; the verits have been runsteed; and very soon I the pictures whach we have from time to time given of the old edifice (the test only a few weeks ago, in connection with the Prayer-Meeting anniversary) will have a double value becauso roloting entirely to Lo by-gone. The old Stuyvesant Four-Tree, enrer of Third ovenne and Thirteenth etreet, lives yet In a fow branches; and there is a ralidar around it, affording Bor protoction. It te paluful to say, bumever, that it would probably have long ogo fallen to "common and the last decay, bad its ogs been clono depended apen to save it. It Lecany nocnebor, sssociated with the Democratie (party) Idea; and caring by it being a popular thing, it has been in that eligit degree pro servod. But there are those who have wondered, year after year, that the tree did not coon down and give place to a liberty-pole within the sono rallings, at the Paling of which some Word candidate could have mode a few toorovotse for his darling "offee") t 1 c Yes, the politics of ton Stuyvesont Foar Treo Lavo the been more to it than its historical two hundred years t and its planting by the band of the groat Dusch Governor. And why abould it not bono? What pro partion, of the thousands of persons who every week 1 it the City Hall, lend it all with the business upon which thay go, the fact that the old circular-segment of deske in eouso of the charabers are the very one to which the First Congress of the United States sat down, when the nation had just been formed at the hoods of the Fathers? And who is so weakes to place on a part with the necesity of conciliating en Aldermic "rtug," the fact that the chair on which the President of the body presides over that "ring" ool it insigl Besut outside, is the sent upon which Weshington 2 First President, sat down after taking the oath of be great office? Doctdediy, in this art city ofuer detalls (for space falls to ennmerate toors of our fading ques. L antiquities), the good metropolitans bavo cutgrown the "mankish feeling of reverence for the old, in histori cal and the romantic. They are too wtee, now, too cold band and "prudent," to be bothered about such trifles, And they may have even roached that esvluble state in widch the known presence of the True Crots would not afect them much more than any other phce of lumber -whou they could stand ahke on Banker Hill or Calvary with little thought beyond the eligibility of the coo or the other as a ballding alte foreonorvial purposto." Why should not this be so, too, In an ago which has seen every chokest rost of our choicest mountain rangs (the White Mountains) ecruited over with placards el Warren's Blacking, Strand, London,"gures ou one of the great stone courses of the Pyramind of Chize, when "Pholca's Pophion Lotion" Las been found unpounced on the enfallature of the Templo at Karoak, and a certain other advertising abomination, by no means too respect- able, is at least alleged to bo sprawted upon o board and na led to one of the olive trees to the Garden of Geth- sezne! We have out-lived the old-that is oll: What should we, nietropolitens, care for groves al fones, it eltler sloed in the way of a good commercial site or an increased rental? 8-1-1860-X, when Bay slo) not long po both sides of the ieme being tho of American citles. sameness Now, There remained another point to be spoken of-cur corresponding batred to everything pielarcongue bat the length to which this article has already extended makes only a word in that direction poreibic An English writer (opposed to bo publtched a paper, very popular on Atlantic, on "Form-Sickness," bio mcary equarences and He must have written it come two years since; and if a ride on Broadwy, at that time, had suggested any part of it, he ought to take that ride over agat, nous. From St. Pad's to Union Square, then, there were five objects and no more, relieving the eternal saunences and squarepres. Four of them were extoriors, and the fifth was an interior-that of Taylor's Saloon, iu the frettad. and ellded celling of which, with its many colanim. something of the Old World was very well conveyed, a contrasting with the "shop" look of everything elec, a the great bouts and marehonses not excepted. torn Hub from limb, Taylor's hou lost sta gilding aud ito peculiarities, and become the bumdrum office of no express company; the next pictur-rque object above it, the Gothic front of Dr. Chapin'e church, to slaughtered to make room for "one more elore"; the sk oder and graceful oct goual twin-turrcted towers of St. Thoruna's Church, which relloved the cumbrous curusiness 1 of the street lino more than any other single object, 1 bove fallen and been replaced by a two-story "shop" of fallen the very meanest effect; the sombre but effective dark sequare stone tower of the Church of the Messigh an beca warre than torn down-capped with a wooden cornice, sign-lottered, while a woodeu casing bolow surrounds its fect like baby ewaddling-bands, and makes it the front of one-tund claurels and two-thirds theatre. Grace Church in the last picturesque object remaining on the whole line of our great thoronghdare, and it secron shockingly out of place-n veritable architectural "Last Rose of summer" left towering alowe," if not blooming." Down with it! If we can have no more than that, why have anything? Tenth street and Broadway in an excellent locatiou, as palatial Blowart can tell us Who bads for the famedicle demolition of Grace Church (Brown Luctored) and the offering et te last mouthful of escrifice to our inastiable deuieu of the New and the Square? No You Don't!" Bubject for a picture, suggested by ectnal street no currenca. Largo placard at elreot corner: "Begeteri Register at opo, all voters! Last day, Saturday, Nov. o3l." Then near it: "Vote for Hibernian In countenance and protrusive un to linen, aged four, surveying the two luvilations with great ettention, and then putting fingers to pose in that classical mode known as the "Japances fon," his whole face expressive of the foct which bis lips are utterings. Arrah, then, te it me yu'd beve rogtatlier and vots yor dirthy Ucket? Bad cess to me if I do, d'ye mind that now Despairing candidate possing, at back, and realizing that this le last hope of obustaing the full popular vote is departing. Amusements in the City. For the week ending November 14th, the somewbot dextensive chart of the metropolitan artwork te mubstantially as followe. Madame Ristri made ber returu trom Bostou to the Tbinire França, Monday evening the 12th, appearing in a great character of Adrienne Lecouvreur, of her ponoruan.co 1 Incipient citizen, t a In ba In which facother of her marked successes) we shall take occasion to spesk Leveatter. Elo repeate the character ou Wednesday and Friday evenines, and did so on Terst the Drooklyn Academy. Nax Morn zek gavo two alghts of opres et the Brooklyn Academy, on Monday and Tacplay clous, Nos, fth and 6th the test supplying "Fant," with the bal et, da be Cretaceamul appearance of Mad, Netali Twain (ister b of Mis Mailide feron) Siete and the second ton Feldered lel n'anionn" with Sig. Roncon founder then ever in laid great role et Doctorulcomard, d, g so, op a reasonably successful trst appearance of the girlishi light-sopratio Bignorla Itoneoul (whose portrait we min and it of -Id mab Barce ind ac Ruvo exe wrels Mace) as Adige, the remaining parts i being acceptably Alled by Biguori Baragii and A-L ca tonneel nad Modame nelehardt. Both de Brooklyn bouses were excellent and enthusiastic; and more delta are te fotion Ugre, ensamenclog on the 27th of Nuvenser. Tal Fistentan concerte at Breinway L Hali conlluted auecmefully het vuurslay evening the 8, when the last for the preselit wit given there and the company went chewhere. Curranty one of the meat charuing of our done has alged twd pleasant and successful tine & Wallack's Tooties to tat on Wednesday the 7th, it with ablo nesistance, and both supplying rate eclectic music-lovers. Obers of these matineen will be gives dorty the season. Cart Wolfsohn gave the find of a series of Birthoven molueen of Stelmway's Foorus on Friday the ti with c moeli cefat; ead the socred of the senes will be divon on day the 23d. The Prisoto View of the Artiste Fapd Exibition took place at the Academy of Deelgnt on Wednoldny eving the 7th, with a potable attendenese of fishion and is id tindi and the exlubin In Dow upra tiers. Of the merits of the tolketled fontida to nado elsewhere. Quito an event to the stepwocht, foet emali com Dow g mn id G. t cb a Co ll p ne 1 daysly took place on Wedneday evening the a, in the th opening of the new Westminster Hotel, corner of o Irving roce and Sextreath street, under the allepice of Nvests. Tots rto al Patover, the "Roberta" beine Mr. George Roberts, no long and well-known on the Boston y press, and the Paloot" Mr. Horry D. Palmer, tho o popuhr mapsger, who has nee bair enough to de, in the Black Crook," Mr. and Mrs. Howand Paul, and a nd dozon other enterprises, withmet poing into hotel t wproprietorship! it need scareoty bo said that the New Westmiheter la d go of perfection in hotel-batholog F tend arrangement, and that the patty who gathecod P there on the opening oversiog so fe through the rosiest ed of clouds and under the most charming of atipicen th generally. The Westmenstr will of course tako k at once, among the Dent if not the first of Aro Fienn hotele, when it becomes airly known and when ite ar location and the peculiar variety and novelty of la Toermangonents are taken into consideration. And now a brief word for the thestres proper. do At Wellack's flao alternation ben been between the three modern playa previously name, and the Rivals"; ho vo rs ela but cas eoday the 12tn, a second old comply wan thrown into the list, in the stepe of Colley Cibber's Double Gallant" and the alteration will now nude the five. The sensation at the New York Theatro k1ms been found in the production of air. Augsti on Daly's draastastion of Cirath Geast 2oogh not o D. very entisfactory a reflecting the nvd, the play bo to many strong points? it ends efficient representen in Miss Rose Eytuce and Mr. Jobu K. Mortimer, as Kate of Peyton and Grinth Gaunl, Mis Goneral us Mercy ar Vest, Mrs. Wikine as Caroline Ryder, Mr. Biber nu Tom Leccster, &e.; and no doubt it will satisfy public curiosity ly a Long Strike" o continued scorestul. Nibio's tho Black Crock," an i ent long run. At the Olymple, the At ud. At the Broadway is Mr. Uhurka Diou comenced un engagement on Mon- day evening the 5th, in the legitimate with the very best King Line tint has been presented to New Yorkers ha da for many a loug du. U not ever. Tu mest regarde be was very well supported, and the piny weat all pointe a pleasure to theatre-goers. Mr. ou bas eiece op peared in Othelle," and "Belphegor" to equal acceptance, and his engagement continu. At of the Winter Garden Mrs. Bowers has been making rue- per cessful appeseances in a new play by Westtand Maraton, called "Dicun; or, Love'n Masquerade," fully mustalaing called blaas Love At Barnum's the roccess her reputation therein.. in or the ial of the Bon of leo" has been each na to cosopel its con gotinuatice; and the addition of nany live animals to be est previous collection los monde, the popularity of the we duscum even greater than usual. uy of en ed niu THE PRESS OF AMERICA. ict. d The great organ of Americans in London, na Galigaan is of the English in Paris, in the Anglo- In American, a journal of comment slality and loyalty. In a recent ember it thus concludes a very eble article co the press of America: mur "The sum expended by the newspaper press of at Americs in procurog for their rooders the latest Intel led ligence must Le enormous. Indeed, no expezen reme to dsunt them, and their organlestion to procure the po Information and divide the cost is mere perfect then the with the London press. The power of the press in the Anserien is undoubtesly greater than the power of the repres lo England. The social position of editors in bet fater recognized and higher The pictorial newspapars art of the Union are deserving of the highest praise. FRANK Lat's is illustrated in the most graphife manner, and tought to have a large circatation in England. and cannot convey to the nod an American scene which in fth taken in at a glance at its columna. Its pictures are tod full of life, and give at enco an idea of the scenery, tho atrouts, the dress, and appearance of the people. G to Words 60₂ and BOOK NOTICES, &C. no rol ret, THE BIGLOW PAPERS. SECOND SERIES. Bos- ton: Tichner & Fichla and A volume of satirical poems in the Yankee dioject, b "Dardofredano Sawin," principally concerning the Info ess struggle with the South sid relations with Great Britain, Interspersed with letters full of exqulade humor from of the pens of the Rev. Honer Wilbar" and "Mr. Hoech ark Biglow. In the extended inireduction-not the feel on vainable part of the work are eone remarks, indicating len great rewarch, en supposed Americanisras, which are low shown to bo for the most part of old English origin. 300 THE LAW AND PRACTICE OF THE GAME OF ing Encar. Puladelphia: T. D. Peterson & Brothers. tat A valuable mannel to all who ore anxious to becomie nl ekilled in this increasingly popular game. mot ore AMERICAN AT JOUNAY. HENKY U. WATSON, Enrron. New York: SC Broadway. art This des-rvedly populae journal, devoted especially to Musle and Art, records from we-k to week all that in the now, ad abounds in excellent criticism in relation to the the of ora and operatie performers, concreta, montera theatric, the fue arte, paloters, sculptors, &c., and is without a rival as off rding a mesus of keeping posted to all matters connected with its specieltic. no SARATOGA. erl Lurt. and of US: ust, AN INDIAN TALE OF FRONTIER Fillolelphia: T. D. Peterson & Brothers. Sov. This story is claizoed to be a faithful picture of Saratoga as it was in Jida locality which affords en nexhaustible field for the bialarian and Lovelist. Most eat of the incidents narrated have been handed down by bot tradition na veritable facts, and the principal person sole ages introduced are drawn from actual prototypes. Book OP HOUSEBOLD PETS, AND HOW TO MANAGE THEM. Now York: Dick & Fitzgerald. Tule valuable little work, with an alinetration for every Tage, contains copious directions for the bres ding, train ing and manandu-nt of the canary, mockingbird, brown brown thrush and other songsters, an vroll us the various kide of parrots, pigeous aud poultry, rabbits, squirrel, bot Guinea pigs, widte mice and does; to which isappended tea treatino ca the aquarian, salt water and fresh. TH AMERICAN CARD-PLAYLIL New York: Dick reat & Pilarribl 200 Contains the laws and directions for playing Whist, ad ₂ 147 Nov. 24, 1866. FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER. mission of England has done, and suggest as ber, 1183, the rejoleing leaders stood, the work scooma- wise and effectual a remedy. Echre,Cribbace, Béxique, All-Pears,Casino and Poker, with aftudo declelona on disputed points. ATHLETIC STOR FOB Boys. New York: Dick A GOOD APPOINTMENT.-Among the nailee of the Commissioners to the Parin exposition ap pointed by the Government wo ece that of Frank Leslic, the publisher of FRANE LESLIE'S NEWS plished, to see the last Bellish flag ever floating here in authority, con den fremt be tap-staff bo be Bowlina Gre In the garden of that bodne, too, it was that John Champe arranged to catch the traltor Benedict Arnold, when acting under special instructions from Washing ton, and only failed by an accident. Wel, one day the Hudeon River Rallroad Coppans anted roda the old Westeriluter lind done long vetoro. Down to make a vocancy en which the Company conlit durup the old without or question, baggage, use for that purpose contioned, and no thought whatever of even erecting a | In which (another of her marked successes) we shall tako occasion to speak Lereatter. She repeate the character Wednesday and Friday evenines, and did so on Tev ot the Droeddyn Academy. Max Morol zek gavo two niebts bf opers et the Brooklyn Academy, on Monday and Tacplay clous, Now, fith and 6th the first supplying "Fant, with the inter stars appearance of and the second the elde ed Ellele antogny" with Big, Koncon founder then ever in laid grest role of Doetoviuleamara, light-ce weeke place) as Adips, the remaining parts a reasonably successful total (whose portrait wo cing acceptably filled by Biguori Baragil and An- tonnect nad Modame houses were excellent and enthusiastic: and more tachts are to follow there, ensamenclog on the 27th of Nuveusbor. Tul atentan concerts at Bleinway Hali conlluted auecmefilly inti Tulay ng the 8th, when the last for the present wome A work which ought to be in the hands of every boy In America. It given almost all the information that can bo desired in relation to boating, ansing and beat ship, fencing and the broadsword exercise, gymnastic ex-rcises and tricks, eating, swinning and anglia, with descriptions of fials. Nearly 200 woodcuts and the DOCES RECEIVED. energy, intimate acquaintance with the general industrial of capacity to uning the interests thas entrusted to his UTTERLY WRECKED. By HENRY MenFonD. New York: American Nuwe Company, 119 & 120 Nassau building therel street. care, make up the qnallications of a commis- aloner, the appointment of Mr. Leslie was, as tho politicians say with less reason at times-"one eminently fit to be made."--Sunday Courier. LADY ASHLEIGU; OR, THE REJECTED INHER- TANCE. By J. F. Sumt. . New York: Dick & Fitz. gerald. At the corner of Coder and Nagtas, thereinijde ah old building with the dipped for a contury ago and a cuppla télent. It was once a church, and it hed with the Sugar-House the glory and share of bele a proton for the patriots, when the on that the dragons of King George actually elabled their horsen in its eacred nieles, it is a Post-effict Hove It reblle ture arred by the city erections durown round it was reference to at seems to be: Ceplound the old EPITOME OF THE WEEK. Ar the Jerome Park race-cours gentlemon of the Jockey club ride their own horses. The Herold explaus, "Now that we are scading our eporting men to Congress, the gentlemen who at one of the most charming of our pend dos, has afged two pleasant and successful malinees at Wallack's Telfey Bo last on Wpinesday the 7th, with ablo nesistance, and betis suppling rate that to matineen will be givea dortugr the season. G eclectic of these Domestic. used to be considered oligible for euch positions plocel-how inconvenient it is! Wish they would fear Cart Wolfsohn gave the first of n eerks of Bethovent. A calculation of toon of spe preached, have taken to the turf, and the Jerome Taco is public recognition and inauguration of this now f the malartes paid to preachers in this country. Bra suthority, shows Unt the everage price paldier sertacus, toring the land through, is three cents a sermon. it down and build a botter Post-officol Bo they will, one day, and that a very carly one. The old church will fall, at the bande of roen who seem to have no idea the sacred to alond with it to be it will no the North Patch Church on Fulton and Willem, bold in the same sacredners of Revolutionary British Mn. BRIGHT in erging reform and the extension of suffrage in England, before the people of Mall-porsesalon, and the added charm of having beed for a whole century place of of the Falood chester, presented the abusos of the prosent families who formal the aristocracy of the city if it hnd system of vopresentation in the following effectivo any. The North Potch is already marked for demoll Hon; the Venits hivo been runsonged; and very soon the pictures which we have from time to time in connection son with the Prayer-Meeting anniversary) will have a double value becauso relating entirely to the by-gone. maiseen at Stelmway's Roomus on Friday the with much eat; and the secret of the sto View of the on F.kday the 231. ittion took place at the Academy of potlery et Evansville les planting the 7th, with a potable A German employed in a poto by relative attendence of Labion and is dit fort and the Ind, recently fell to detery this wicked favor of exlubitsen in now upen there. Of the merits of the fortune, preferring to retusin un humble potter, Collection focntia ill he no elsewhere. fortune, preferring to reut un bumble days!) took place on Wednesday evening the ih, in the the other day, on the best of an et vue thing to Quito an event tsi th Iste-wocht (oe email cou Bow-2-A Jury trial came off in Dutches County, N. Y.. opening of the new Westminster Hotel, corner of conts. We haven't learned the decles. Que ting Irving plece and Roxteeath street, under the allepice of pertain, bere New York Lan in Dutebess.County. Messrs. Roberts no Patmer, the "Roberta" being r Viderably lar paid by the prico charged for them as the zestad Banner: 145 broughs, 79.000 electors, 1,350,000 population, £357,000, Income-tax, have 216 members: while 100 boroughn with 485,00e electors, 43,000 population, £6,240,000 Inconue-lax, have 181 members. The old Stuyvesant Four-Tree, eerder of Third avenue and Thirteenth elreet, livce pet In a fow branches; and there is a ralling around it, affording Boro protoction. It te palufti to tiny, bowever, that would probably have long ego fallen to "commend and the last decay, had its oge been olono depended tapen to save it. It becam, nomolio, associated with the Democratic (party) idea; nad srcaring by it being a press, and the Palost hr. H. Palmer, the populer manager, who has not beir enough to de, in the Black Crook," Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paul, and dezon other enterprises, without going into hotel propeletorstip! it need scarcoty bo said that the New Westmibeter is a gou of perfection in hotel-balding end arrangement, and that the party who gather there on the opening evening soe fe through the rosiest of clouds and under the most charming of atispices generally. The Westminster will of course tako rink at once, among the Dint if not the first of Atoriean hotele, when it becomes Dirly known and when it location and the peculiar variety and novelty of arrangements are taken into consideratio some This is something like the 291,000 whiton of South Carolina insisting in vending twice as many re presentatives to Congress as Vermonal with 314,000-and as many as Connectient with 451,000. Physielans of Narbeille, Tenn., say that during to bolght of the cholera ruvages in that olty, a ty be vapor, ber the town, being denscet in the lithic at emell, hung over he was not crporally obeerted excipt by ecleptifle gentietuen. It is related t thue ago of Mesophus, Teen, a steamer's crow, being in periect health, stopped eight hours near the lo of the city, lying in the day three deck hands on board niekeurd and died with Chelors, and four others were prostrated, but recovered. popular thing, it has been in that elight degree pro servod. But there are those who have woudered, year after year, that the tree did not come down and give JOURNALISTIO APPOINTMENT.-We learn that place to a liberty-pole within the samo malige, at the Frenk Leslie, the publieber of the popular illus-ring of the regold have made trated woekly, has been appointed a National Yes, the politics of the Stuyvesant Foar Treo Lavo Coromissioner to the forthcoming Paris Expo- been more to it than its historical two hundred years and its planting by the hand of the grost Duleb sition. The appointment is a good one, and Mr. Governor. And why should it not bo so? What pro- Leslia will render efficient protection to the in- partion, of the thousands of persons who every week terests entraated to his obarge.- Walkes's Spiril it the City Hall, i lend at all with the business upon which thay go, the fact that the old circular-segments of the Times. of deske in nouo of the chambers are the very ones to which the First Congress of the United States sal down, the Fathers? And who is so weak as to place on a par glug," the fact that the chair on which the President with the necemity of conciliating to Aldermanic of thit hody presides over that "ring" and Hainsignl And now a brief word for the theatres prophe three The Micon (Ga.) Telegraphy and thes at Wellacks the alteration has been ble vals nord Marths Carson, apud qe bundel in Bubb but on teadar the to, a accond chi comply wan years, sis mouth cut three sets of iecth, the thrown into the list, in the shape of Colley Cibber's lost be a small and like & equirrel's. Bbe never Look Double Gallants and the alteration will now include an active dose of medicine in her life. Up to withan the five. The sensation at the New York Theatro six years eho would walk two or Dros mirs with the Ims been found in the production of 2r. Austin greatest case. About eight years ago ber night falled, Daly's draustization of "Grafith Gennt Though not but when she cut her but set of teeth, about two years very estisfactory a reflecting the Dove, the play bosluce, it improved very much. She was boru in Northe many strong points: it finds efficient representate in Carolins, but has lived In Georpla for eixty years. Ber Miss Roec Exture and Mr. John K. Mortimer, as ate oldest , Willinco, died in Louien se on Vot, Mrs. Wildne a Caroline Byder. Mr. Beker os, at the age of eighty-two years. She had eloved curiosity by a long run. At the Olymple, the Tom Lesoester, fee.; and no doubt it will sately public cladres, Eve of whom are now alive TOWN COSSIP. How We Hate the Antique and the Picturesque. -The St. Louis (Mo.) Dispatch says: "The other day, in the etterucou, a wolf coue lnto the door-yard of Mr. Harrold, two tulles east of Butler, Bates County, in this State, and committed catching topding man of the house rau it to the fence, and in seting fat, while another woman present went to the opposito ide and with a c 1a club beat to death. The hundredth anniversary of old St. Paul, by fo briefly spoken of last week, and the nipiratione uttered the clergy nesisting on thet occasion, for the benored fane still being all wed for a little whilo to Bft its head in air, naturally brings up a brief consider ation of the cognate subject: Want Americans peusrally and the goed people of uxtropolitan New York In partic alar, Uluk of the antique in orvotion toong the build-wch ings of the city. We have, and have had, a fow buildings approaching age, if not old; sud wo havo, or have bod, certain Unildings and places around which, on account of the time that lon rolled over there or the momentous our of vents enco occurring in or around thos, any other would insagine of sand- with el when "Buy tits "clung abont roof or sleeple or gstoway or cell- Warren's Blacking, Strand, London,"gures ou one of Ing, or even a bit of old furniture. Well, the idese of the great stone courses of the Pyramad of Chiz-u, when other people belog cooceded, wh "Phelon's Pophion Lotion" Las been found unpounced whes lo we think of the on the entaliloturo of the Temple at Karoak, and a certain antique in our mildst? Do we love it, cherish it, point other advertising abomination, by no means too respect. to it with pride, reprohnts ils injury, douandito paccorable, is at least alleged to be aprired or eth vation? To be very candid, nearly all things scenu to work together for the pleasant purpose of proving that could we metropolitens, care for groves and fanet, it semanel We have out-lived the old that all Gigans of t wo do something worse than ignore it-that we hate stelther sloed in the way of a good commercial sito or an Let usrus over a few of the objects of antique Interest increased rental? now or lately in the possession of New Yorkers, and or what to prove that lato statenent a troth Long Strike but continued succese Broadway Besut outside, is the went upon which Washington, Nibio's the "Black Crook," as naus. At the D First President, sat down after taking the oath of the Mr. Charke Dillon commenced un engagement on Mon- great office Dectedly, in this and oy ollier detalls day evening the 6th, to the legitimate with the very antiquities), the good metropolitans bavo cutgrown the forming a long day. If bol pre iu stost regarde ho "mankish feeling of reverence for the old, tin histork was very strony of all points cal and the romantic. They are too wise, now, too cold a pleasure to the Me, non ha band and "prudent," to be bothered about aneh trifles peared in Othelle, and Belphegor to equi And they may have even roached that eavluble state in acceptance, and his engagement come the known presence of the True Cross would not the Winter Garden Mrs. Bowers bea beca anahing sue affect them much more than any other place of lumber cessful appeneances in a new play by Westend Maraton, when they could stand ahke on Banker Hill or called "Dious; or, Love's Masquerade." fully sustaining Calvary with little thought beyond the eligibility of the her reputation therein. At Barnum's the access one of the where in alte for of the Boa of leo" has been euchi na to coopel its con which has seen every closest roof on antiquance; and the addition of nany live onlinals to be mountain range (the White Mountains) ecrawled over Museum even greater than usual, the popularity of the The Homer (note) Journal has the following big bragg A low caye since Alichael I. Gullivan sold his laru of 22,000 neven, lying six or ten nades south of this place, to Mr. Alexander, of Morgen County, for $17 Teracre, or $374,009 casb. Mr. Alexander also Lougue the stock, grain, hay and farming utensils on the place, or quite $503.00, Mr. Sallivan tits yet a "place" of 45,000 neres in Iroquois County, besides more Laud, Mr. Alexander will stool toe "sarms" immediately with 3,000 or moure head of cattle. He will ship 500 bead per week to the markest from this polet. Weisma" Out bere sod do Lusioces generally on a large scale. THE PRESS OF AMERICA. THE great organ of Americans in London, na o English in Paris, in the Anglo- American, n journal of caiment slality and loyalty. In n recent meber it thus concludes a very eble article ca the press of America: -Company A. Third Regiment of the Moosachusetts Muitin, is one of the oldest companies in the Uulon. Its charter in dated 1799, and sigued by the sense of John Hancock, Governor of Massachusetts. It did bonoru blo service in the war of 1812, and during the late rebellion was prompt at the first call, and also served with the Third in its North Carolins une months' campaiga. The company is from Balifax, and is at preszt com- manded by Captain T. Lyon, There remained another point to be spoken of-our corresponding batred to everything picturesque: bat "The sume expended by the newspaper press of Americs in procuring for their reoders the latest Intel or the contrary. First, the old bouses: and first of these, the ol.1 Walton Houseo on Pearl street, somewhat past e century olsce William Walton ball it and the highest fcalivities of the Colouial Court were held within it. It bas been a low bongding-house and sometimesn groggery A Frenchman in New Orleans propocee to light all the street lamps of the city straallaneously by thes of an electro-nonetio bottery, operated by clock-work. when the sun gets up, the clock runs down, and the gen is out. at the except as the good old Clerk the length to which this article has already extended ligenco must Le enormoun. Indeed, no expenso seeme makes only a word in that direction possible. to dsunt them, and their organization to procure the An English writer (supposed to be als) not long ago information and divide the cost is mere perfect than publiebed a paper, very popular on both sides of the with the London press. The power of the press in Atlantic, on Form-Sickness," hin there being the Anseries is undoubtesly greater than the power of the Dr. Robinson, of Utah, and Superintendent of the weary equarences and sameness of American citfee. pr.es lo Eugland. The social position of editors in bet on the bed in Silt Lake City, was He must have written it come two years since; and if a fer recognized and higher The pictorial newspapare murdered by the Mormons on October 21. General ride on Broadway, at that time, had suggested any part of the Union are deserving of the highest praise. FRANE Conner, formerly commanding in Utah, telegraphes that of it, he ought to take that ride over agal, no. Frun Lat's is illustrated in the most graphic manner, and the gentiles of that city are panie-strieken, and advises St. Paul's to Union Square, He, the ought to have a large circulation in England. Wordstev. Dr. Normau McLeod not to return there. and no more token in at a glance at its columna. Its pictures are full of late, and give at enco an idea of the scenery, tho streets, the dress, and appearance of the people. Foroign. Counell (M.. David T. Valentine) has found occasion to al to allude to it in one of those antiquity- preserving Manantsfor which we cannot be too greteful, al except on once, a few years ago, a pnpil and subor dinate of his took the pains to dig ont ito history and write and publish an elaborate aketch which few or no body road it might as well, for any attention paid it, be no erection of ton years ago as one of more tbou nn Endrod. Nobody goes to woo it-nobody cares that it them were exteriors, and the fifth as an Interior that of Taylor's Saloon, lu the frested and gilded celling of which, with its many colunas, something of the Old World was very well convered, as contrasting with the "shop" look of everything else, the great bouts and warehouses not excepted. Now, torn amb froen limb, Taylor's hou lost sta gilding aud -The Paris journals announce that the Empres Eugfalo bas placed to the Church of Notre Dame des Victoires magiceut lamp, boaring the initials "L.N., which is to burn perpetually before the high altar. It is a present to which is said to be attached a vow relative to her family. was evera featore in "Old New York" of the times be its peculiarities, and become the bumdrum office of the fore the Revolt it to burn like somo Dutch Hot Chopinys courier and Some doy, an ineficient Fire press company, the next picter-eque object above it, BOOK NOTICES, &C. SECOND SERIES. BIGLOW PAPERS. Bos- of satirical neeme In the Yankee dielect, by Dardofredan Sawin," principally concerning the Into with the South Department will -The Midland (English) Railroad Company bevo just paid £34,000 (about $170,000) damages for a single socident on their le shanty; and the body of people to will be glad to hear graceful of goual twin-turncted towers of St. Thotuns's that the old rubbleh" is out of the way, and room thus made for "one more magnidcont commercial building " of the street line more than any other single object, bove fallen and been replaced by a two-story "shop" of the very meanest effect; the sombre but effective dark Second only in age and for shood of it in interest stands square stone tower of the Church of the Messish lan the Washington House, now the Washington Hoteb bea wore than torn down-cauped with a wooden cour of 1lroadway and Bettory place. The outside cornice, sign-lettered, while a woodeu casing bolow of the building la very fails preserved, the scoall-paned toont of contard church and Ewo-thirds theatre. etd windows yet remainiog; and, within it, the visitor Grace Church is the last picturesque object remuning end and descend the identical stairways on on the whole line of our great thoronghdare, and it laterspersed with letters full of exqnlado bumor from the pens of the "Rev. Homer Wilbur" and "Mr. Hosch Biglow. In the extended inireduction-not the leset vainable part of the work-are eone remarks, indicating great research, en supposed Americanlsros, which are shown to bo for the most part of old English origin. THE LAW AND PRACTICE OF THE GAME OF Eucamr. Puladelpbia: T. D. Peterson & Drothers. A valuable manual to all who are anxious to become ekilled in this increasingly popular game. --Both the Louvre and the Hôtel de Ville (Paris) have been emptying their cellars, with the hope of find- derful collections of old mintings have been sanong others, ut t the e former, a valballe Pual Delar various properties edvertised as for sale in the state of Sun Sertane, in the Isle of onco the residence of the Great Napoleon during his erlin in 1814-10. The Imperial vilis ts described as being still in its original condition, including an in- torenting muscun, and a large gallery of patariage and other works of art. 1o sale is entrusted to a firm of auctioncorn In Paris. may yot asce which waston and his compact Last Rinse of summer" Jeft "fowering aloue,"if Dot AMERICAN ART JOURNAL. HENKY C. WATSON, aid their honde during the Pater Fatria's lobe seems shockingly out of place-a veritalde architectural the railings of EDIron. New York: SC Broadway. This den vedly popular journal, devoted especially to Musle and Art, records from westion to fall blooning," Down with tt1 If we can lave no more pancy of it, and Bar Guy Carleton and his officers when than that, why have anything? Tenth street and New Yo kly under Dritish dommation after the Bettle Broadway is an excellent location, as palutial Stewart of Long Island-the very railings, Indeed, which the can tell us. Who bids for the framediale d in demolition of Farber tousled on that day when he went to deliver up Grace Church (Brown Lucluded) and the offering of the hu coolesion and make that parting address to his last mouthful of sacrifice to our Insatiable demeu of the Bol jers which has become imortal. Yet how many go to see it as the Washington House"? Five a year, ten-prhaps not even that poor fivo! and restaur 1, now; and once as New and the Square? the o ora and operatic performers, concerts, montters theatric, the floe arte, paloters, sculplora, foc., and is without a rival as ording a means of keeping posted in all matiers connected with its specieltics, to France people seem to be in a dreadful burry to bury one soother-pertaps on account of the deity of population 1 Lately at Sollies, the child of a lady was taken til at six, and was supposed to be dead at ten Burial was proposed at once, when the distracted mother, not believing in the death of her child, poured a few drops of wine in its mouth; the child breathed, and veas saved from being barted alive. "No You Don't!" , or maybe betet It is a hotel It serves as a land-mark for some stranger coming from the bosts at the Battery, to know when he turns into Bready-that is ita principal use and importance DOW-a-days. Subject for a picture, suggested by actual street oo currence. Largo placard at street corners Register 31" Then pear it:Vote for Incipient citizen, Hiberalan In counterance and protrusivo us to liven, aged four, surveying the two luvilations with great ettention, and then putting fingers to nose in that Very near the Washington House there stoed, less classical mode known as the Japanese fan," his whole of the are than ten years ago, a low brkk nod wooden ballding, as "Arrah, then, te it me ye'd love regtatlier and vols yor worlby of preservation, for the sake of patriotic memo- airthy ticket? Bad cess to me if I do, d'ye mld tist, BooK OP HOUSEDOLD PETS, AND HOW TO MANAGE proposing to pay has 240 nord to Roenn, ries, as was as Fancull Hall or the Hancock House now! Despairing candidate passing, at back, at Boston. This was the Durna Coffee-House, on Broad- realizing that this hie land hope of obtaining the full popular vote is departing. SARATOGA. AN INDIAN TALE OF FRONTER Lire. Fil-lelphia: T. D. Peterson & Brothers. This story is claimed to be a faithful picture of ratible held for the historian and relia, Mest of the incidents narrated have been banded down by tradition as veritable facts, and the principal person- ages introduced are drawn from actual prototypes. Dentu having paid $100,000 for the privilege of publishing the catalogue of the Ports Exhibition, high prices on to be accepted as the rule. It is now to ported that Strauss lins given 1,500,00 francs ($300,000) for the right of giving monnier concerts during the ex- bibition. He off rol Venli 820,000 if he would under- tako to direct them, but did not cocceed in persuolog him to accept the offee, Amusements in the City. way, opposite the Bowling Green; and in that very struc ture ad assembled the Liberty Boys of 1774, protesting galat English oppression and bolding those secret melings out of which (lostead of at L Concord) canse the first blood of the Revolution," Gollen 1, now the cornered John and Nassau streets. Throughout the war it was the patriclle hend-quarters of the city; and in its doorway, on the 25th of Novem- THEM. Now York: Dick & Fitzgerald. The valuable little work, with an alinetration for every Tage, contains copious directions for the bres ding, train- ing and nannt of the canary, mockingbird row of parrots, pigeous and poultry, rabbits, squirrels Guinea pigs, wille mice and does; to which isappended a treatizo ca the aquarian, salt water and fresh, m was again refused. A moject of drop Interest is now discussed at the French Academy of Medicine, namely, the rightful mortality among French children, scording to the fashion of this country put out to turs Every yea 20,000 hables are sent out of Paris under the care of pessant nurses, and of thet nutuber 5,000 on an average are returned to their mothers, the elber 16,000 baving died of cold, starvain, and bad treatment. Simco 1640 is has been calculated that in the therhool of Paris alono 300,000 of the turdings have died in the hands of their fcater-mothers. For the week ending November 14th, the somewbot extensive chart of the metropolitan arent-world le wubstantially as followe. Madame Ristori made her return from Bostou to the Tb niro Prung, Monday evening the 12th, appearing in lar great character of Adrienne Lecouvreur, of her performance THE AMERICAN CARD-PLAYER New York: Dick & Part Contains the laws and directions for playing Whist,

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