Nov. 24, 1866.]
& TAYLOR, 87 and 89 Bowery, and 65 Chrystie Street, New York, Stil contatto to keep the largest etook of Parlor, Dauing and Bedroom Furniture, of any house in the United States, which they offer to the Wholesale and Retail trado at a discount of twenty per cent from old prices. Also, BEDDING AND SPRING BEDS, A GREAT VARIETY. 078-90 King and Queen of the Belgians, Chiof Men among the Mormons, with Portraits, in Nov. No. PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. 20 cents; or $2 a year. Newsmen have it, 681-2 FOWLER & WELLA, 00 Broadway, N. Y. UNION WASHING MACHINE and CLAYTHES WRISG HIMBINED. The ER only truly accessful Wahdog-Maclidno ever ingredored. First Prize Modal urd en Ecope and Anerk ra. Warrouted to wak refely, witinut oak- og, raltug, or bolling, without gury to the post tender falaic. fabric, It ses soap, labor and bealth, Over 30,000 sold, and so complints, Too Wringer will it any kind durable mae of tub, and the most VAN NAME & CO., (201 Walaut St., Cincinnati, O.. General Wieleron North oth St., St. Louis, M Mo., (39 In Bille St., Chirago, Apenta. J. WARD & CO., ti 21 Curtall Street, New York A Somothing New. For Agents and Dealers to sell, 30 Noset and Useful Articles: profits lange. Bond stop for cirenter. 6. W. BICE & CO. M 83 Nasou street, N. Y. ang The Beautiful Art of Enameling the Sand WHITE FRENCH SKIN ENAMEL, for whiten g, beating and preserving the complexion, it sot, xir, month, and transparent. It quickly removes tai, freckles, pluples, etc., without injuring the skin. Warranted. Bept by tuait for 50 cents. Ad- dress UUNT & CO., Pertumers, 338 South 7thotel, Philachi. 12 "Divination-"Believers in the Black Art, who desire to learn the future, bould read this book. It contairs plenty of fun and more reality, wit bandede of wrinkles never teloro pabilisbed, c aking money bonestly. Sent, by nail for 25 cents. T. WILLIAM & Co., Poklishers, Philadelphia, #f "Psychomancy." How either sex may faside and got the love, confidence, section aut pood will of any person they choose, Instantly. Tins sitople avontal aequirement all can possess, securing certain ineus in love, marriage, etc., free ty mall, for 2 cents, togetbor with a guide to the unmarried of both o extraordinary book, of groel antereet. edition; over 100,000 coples already sold T. WILLIAM & Co., Publishers, Philadelphin. Third Address The Book of Wonders tells how to mee CIBLE without apgles or any other traf. It also con ta the Hunter's Secret, bow to catch Fish and all kinds of Guise: how to conke all kiude of Liquors; all kinds of Onguents and Curling Flulis; Ganding Ex- posod; Ventriignien Made Easy: Information of It- Im portance to Ladies: how to grin the Love of any one, kee, ke. Sent, securely scaled, for 25 couts. Ad- dreas O. A. BOORBACH, 132 Nassau atreet, New York. 15 Will be Ready on the 6th of October, A pleasant book for Tallrood Traveling and the Fires il FUN FOR THE MILLION 4 pegre large folso, 100 Coule Iustratious, with hand- souso cover. Price, 25 cents. AMERICAN NEWS CO., Wholesale Agents. How to Enlarge and Beautify the FORM whout the use of Idling or ecotors, Gunte to beauty and other aportant lumorisation for ladas will be found in the "BOOK OF MYSTERIES." Hent, ecurely led, on receipt of 25 cents, by the EMPIR PUBLISHING COMPANY, 14 Ann St, N, Y. 871-89 $1,500 Per Year, paid by Shaw & CLARK, Biddeford, Me.. or Ch cago, IL 672-54 NEW MAGAZINE! On the 1st of July was isnied the First Num- ber of FRANK LESLIE'S PLEASANT HOURS. TRICE 18 CENTS A HUNDET, O $150 A YEAR, A Beautifully Illustrated Journal for the Family Circle, Railroad Travelers, etc. This publication, composed of Original Stories by well-known writors, interspersed with Interesting Narratives Travel and Adventure to all parts of the world; at Discoveries in Selenco: Carlous Facts In Natural History; Anecdoter, and a great variety of Entertaining and Inetructive Miscellaneous Readtag, wil constitute a new feature in periodical literature. Besides the numerous illustrations in the text, ch number will contain Four Large and Beautiful Engravings on Pinted Paper. No effort will be spared to make most nitractive, as well as the cheapest c the United States s he p In the art number was commenced "REGGOLIO, THE REMEDADO; ou, nm MTEL GEL OF MEXICO," Spanlab-Anserten Tale. By Harry Hazleton. 0 FRANE LESLIE'S PLEASANT BOOBS will supersede and take the place of FRANK LESLIE'S NEW MONTILLY. All subscriptions to be sent to FRANK LESLIE, 637 Pearl Street, N. X. A New Way to Mako Monoy.-Bend 60 ceuta e ten fielen Eus leges, snre to draw a prire saudace to draw $30,000 an Greeulacks MANUFACTURERS New York City. Ardres ASSOCIATION, 197 Broadway. U KNOW THY DESTINY! MADAME REMINGTON, the world-renowned Astro- legist and Somnatatulistic Clairvoyant, while in a chairvoyant state delinrates the very features of the person you are to merty, and by aid of an instrument of of ie, pomer, known as the Paychomutrops, guarantees to produce a perfect and I like picture of the fature bosboud or wife of the applicant, with dale of marriage, ocupation, leading traits of character, & Tuis in no imposition, as testimonials without number can Bert By stating place of birth, owe, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing 80 couts, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will morive the picture by retura mail, fogolher with desired Information. Address in conddence, MADAME GERTRUDE REMINGTON, P. O. Box 297, West Teng, Now York. 671-3 (PORTABLE PRINTING OFFICES - G For the Army and Navy Hospitals, Merchants, Drug- giels, and all who wish to print neatly, cheaply nod ex peditiously. Circuler rent free. Sheets of Type, Cut ice, 10 ADAMS PRESS COMPANY, 36 Ann street New York ti MOTH AND FRECKLES. Lodies alliated with Discolocations on the Face, called moth patches, or frecides, should uso PERRY'S Celebrated NOT and FRECKLE LOTION. It in Infatible. Frepered by Dr. B. C. PERRY, Dermato- logist, Bond-treet, 2. Y. Solt by all Drugglets, and by Dn. B. C. FERRY, Bond Street, N. Y. Price 8%. $150 a Month! New Business for As, B. SHAW. A 672-84 Agorts Wanted, to Bell Brown's Glass- CLEANING POLISH (Patented), for Windows, Mirrors, Gold and Sire-pated Ware, Tin, &c. Large prouts to agens. Full particulars sont tree. O. M. BROWN, 74 Bleecker stroof, N. Y. NOTICE.On receipt of $1 tn, I will send, pot pun by return mail, a beoorifid Puelograph Album, nely loan, aolding a pictures; heldlo: a pictures, 52. Address A. B. WILSON, P. O. Dox 307, Hludest, K. Y. 881-4 Beauty-Hunt's Bloom of Rosos. A charming, delicate and perfect natural color for the checks or lips; doce not wash elf or injure the skin; renismos permanent for years and cannot be detected. Price $1 18 cnts by nanil, recurely packed from ob servation. BUNT & CO., Peru, tr 133 South Sowoth street, Philadelphia. 200 Photographs of Umon Generale sent post- road er 23-tide; 60 Photographs of lobet Officers for 25 cepts; 100 photographs of Female Beauties sor 25 couts: 100 photographs of Actors for 50 cents, Address 680-68 REYMOUR, Box 48, Inilaud, N. Y. Royal Havana Lottery. Oneal Drawing of August 18th, 1806, No. 33027.drow $100,000 60,000 No. 2720.. 679... No. 3894 28334. No. 1018. No. 30020" 10,000 B.Coo 5,000 ... Being the six capital petan Prizes paid in gold. Iuforsantion farolshed, Hagbest rates paid sor doubleone and all kinds of gold and ilver. TAYLOR & CO., Beakers, 16 Wall et., N. Y. 300 per cent. Profit for Agents-Throo Gented Articles, everywhere needed and sell at eight, All out, with particulars, free, by mail, sor 35 cents, Addresa EH. MARTIN, Hisdale, N. IL Good Books sont by return mail. How to Wise Letters Cornelly, 16 cls-Gunde to Etiquets, 16 ctn-Bridal Etiquette, 16 cta-Courtship Made Easy, 15 cts-Hourches per's Own Book, 10 cl How to Bus.Tome and Koup Horses, 16 cls-Kuowlson's Farrier, 16 cla-Boce Cook Book, 20 cis-Parton Meglelan, 30 ets-Parlor Theatricale, 30 cta-Parlor Pautocolmes, 25 ets-300 Pazzles, 30 cta-Fireside Games, 30 cts-Laws of Love, 30 els-Love Oracle, 201 cta-Comic Court tdp, 30 cts-Great Fortune Teller, 50 673-65 cls. W. C. WEMYSS, 75 Broadway, N. Y. SHORTLY WILL BE PUBLISHED FOR 1867, Frank Leslie's ILLUSTRATED ALMANAC, With Over Sixty Illustrations, And full of unful information. Sixty-Four Pages, Large Octavo. Price. 60 Cont Frank Leslie's Illustrated Lady's Almanac, With Over Seventy Illustrations. Full of useful information and pleasant roading for the ladies. Sixty-Four Pages, Large Octavo. Price, 50 Cents, Frank Leslie's Comic Almanao With Eighty illustrations. Thirty Two Pages. Price, 15 Cents. Remember the Little Ones! THE DESTITUTE AND ORPHAN CHILDREN OF OUR COUNTRY'S DEFENDERS. Grand Charitable Fair and Presentation Festival IN AID OF THE Home and School for the Maintenance and Education of the Destitute Children of our Soldiers and Sailors. AN APPEAL TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Tule Boate AND Benoot was ebartered in the year 1802 for the objects above set forth. Applicants are received Eroan all the lates in the Union. Its sphere of usefulness is coret indly lucrador, the children now pushering over 120; and dally are the requeole for the elelter and care of equally devernng roes denied, rolely for want of rooms ta seconamodate thens, The old and unsuitalde bull-ling (on Fifty-elchth slecet, New York), Low occipied must be removed for the erection of such a Bome us necesity desounds; and this call le mode upon the publie with a firm belief that the patriotisms and gon rosity of the American people the little ones, and that a mitabile edifice will be encted, through the medus of this Fair and Festival, which elimi und stand, in the care of humanily, as a otlig rebuke to the testo sortinu that Regnblies are ungratetul" and which shall, an affording an my lu to our country's childs on, also be an orualueet omeng her Institutions will telity rerpood to the to NEW YORK, October 1, 1500, We, the Officers and Managers of the Home and School for the Education and Mattonance of the Desti toto Children of our Soldiers and Fulore, earnestly solicit the sympathy and co-operation in car FAIR AND GRAND PRESENTATION FESTIVAL of all who desire with us to soe the "Bone aud School" enabled to receive and care for all necity cw who seek ita abelter and protection. Mro, General D. GRANT, Present Mr. CHARLO P. DALY, Actii Pret Mrs. Major-General 3. C. FREMONT, 1st Vice-President. Mrs. Reuver 0. Law, Manager, Mrs. J. J. VAN DALAEN, Magor. Mrs. W. (2005 G Mrs. JAMES GILERA Mrs. Roser Fonem, 24 Vie-Pres dent Mrs. Jous S. Voonus, Treurer. Mrs. DAVID HOYT, Secretary. Mrs. C. MAILLED Mrs, W. MAILLER. Mrs. RENE DA 2. WILLIAM S. KALYE, Corresponding Beeretary. - NEW YORK, October 1, 1806. Thunderned, desiring to express our sympathy and unite our efforts with the one and School for The Education and Maintensnen of the Destitute Children of our Soldiers and Sailors, located in the city of New York, do roost cheerfully co-operate with the ladies composing the Olbeers and Managers of that Institution Supervisory Committe in their appro chlog "FAIR AND PRESENTATION FESTIVAL Dajor-General VAN VLIET Major Gover JANE F. HALL. Major-General FRANCIS C. BARLOW, Brigadier General Joms CounBANE Brigaddur-teneral WILLIAM HALL Brigadier-General Russ C. HAWKING Jom DALK, Ch'o of Counculce. H. WEITE G. P. D. BOTT. J. H. PULESTON The following Card will be appreciated by the public, as it receivce the thanks of the Institution: "To the Managing Dir elors of the Festet "Sympathizing with your object, I take pleasure in tcodering you, gratuitously, my professional services on the occasion of your Festival THEODORE THOMA Dreshway and Twenty-third Street, New York To be conde coke at the PUBLIC HALL, comer of The FAIR will OPEN en the 10th of Decombor, and contione two by the GRAND PRESENTATION FESTIVAL, TO BE HELD AT COOPER INSTITUTE, NEW YORK, SATURDAY EVENING, December 22, Under the musical direction of THEODORE THOMAS, Eq, on which occasion a Committee will be chosen by the sudience to award $100,000 IN PRESENTS, In such tswfal manner as they say determine. For the Festiva" there will be d 200,000 Tickets at $1 each, and 200,000 Presents, being one to each Ticket-boider. LIST OF PRESENTS TO BE AWARDED: 1 Present in United Stats Grombucks... 18ploudid Country Residence in Weetchester County, war New York ety... 1 Corner House and Lot, Avecue 1, Janonica, N. Y... $10,000 12,000 40LD Bern Houd Lot adjoining the above.... 1 House and Lot in Brooklyn, N. X..... 1 Carringe, Borses, and Harness (Complete). 9.501 1 Grand Fano (way)................
1,200 3 Lots in lariciu, city of New York, $1,500 cach. 4,500 d 1 Bot of Diamonde (ling, Ear-Rings and Pls).. 1,000 1; 1 Paid-up Policy of Idle Insurabice for... 1 Ele's Paisnt Hot-Wetor Apparatus for Hesnog Dwellloga. wyg La ANA ZU I Od Painting of General U. 8. Grant. 16 Gents fine Cield Lover Watchre, 16 Ladies ne Gold Lever Watches, $500, $12... > 1 Elegant 1st Prendamm "Expire" Sewing Machine.. JUU 1,815 100 20 1,500 20 Bilver-plsted Tea Sete, u Sis.... 4 100 Celebrated Empire Berlug Machines, now cn orbibition at their Wrcrooms, c10 Bra Fany 100 Copice (2 vols, esch), being a complete listrats History of the War, ly Mira. Aun s. 7,000 3400 250 Gold Peas, Penelis and Sceve Dattoon, 680.... 800 Table and Tra-Spoons and Napkin Rengs, L000 Call Betis and Fisted Proit Kiven, $5.. 1,500 2,600 3,000 53. 31 T The balance to copelet of the following articles, viz: abuso Instruments, Parlor and Office Furniture, Writing Cares, Ladies Work-Roses, Music Boxes, Eld Gloves Photograp4de Albumas, Breast Fins and Finger Bangs, Getts' Fob Chair, Ladies Goal Watch Cb uns, Opera-Glussoe, Binck Walnut Picture Frame, Gentlemen's Fashionablo Bilk Hate, Ladies' Newest Style De Hals, American Enoblesa Carde for Prior Anusoment, Engraving and Card Mootographs of Dutingbed Poccounges, Ladies and Gent Riding Whup, Ballain Hohes, Lalley Mink Furs, Genls' Fur Collars and Gloven, &, &c amounting to... 21,215 Making in the aggregate 200,000 Presente, Valund at..... + 10 $100,000 THEODORE TEOMAS, Esq., The talented Musical Director, promes a most delightful freat in the Orchestraland Vocal Exercises for the occ sion, unless than forty pertorniers being already engaged, and nothing will be spared to make this Lie nent Musical Festival ever given in the Dnited States, HOW TO OBTAIN TICKETS. The Tickets will be supplied to all Bookelkre, Druggets, Muse Dealers, tel Keepers, &c., where they can be obtained at Ooo Dollar euch, or in quantities of the Chub Maes. Bubuerption Lists are now rosly for Babica and others male and female) who sympathue with our object, to obtain orders for the Tickets Circulars, giving bull directions ond torms to Agents will be malked ou recupt of stamp for postage Orders may be sent direct to us, netusing the tooney, from $1 to $25, in statup for return postage. Lorger anounts should be sent in Drafie or ly Express, at the tollowing letter al registered Letter of our ruk, with CLUB RATES: 6 Tichele to one address... $100 10 Tickets to one address 0:00 to 10 Tickets to one address... Tickets to one address... to $35.00 45 20 Tickets to onu dress.. 17 80 96 25 109 Tickets tu com address. 85 0 30 Tickets to one address. Address all orders and communication to mi30 23 THOMAS & CO. Mnsaging Directors; or to Gic Broadway, New York, N. BI, DAVIS, General Agent for the Home and School, SPECIAL NOTICES: We take pleasure in acknowledging, on behalf of the Bone and School, the liberal donation of $500 made by the Empire Sewing Machine Company, of No. 616 Broadway, New York. benevolence Editors are invit d to notice this Charitable Fair and Festival, and to lend suellbeir sympathy and Contributions and Donations for the Fair will be received and arstefully acknowidged of our c Broadway. THOMAS & CO., Managing Directors. 616 Broadway, New York.