[Nov. 24, 1866.
attention of young ball clubs as an example for them to
follow, and an object to also for far worthler than even the title of the clampton ball-players of the world, ter physical excellence le a gift of nature, tooral worth the result of mill-education and el-restraint. Is crument upen the club we could all a page in allions to a worthy President, Dr. J. D. Jones-han ubom nene have worked more for the welfare of the game and of its estimable "captalo," Joe Leggott, o is fanlarly called, whose namo la Uso eynonyms of air and manly play; but we love epsos only for a brief docription of the roarked characteristics of the sub Ject of one sketch, "Little Gcorgo Planley," the most popuilor ball-player to Brnoldyn, and the pet of tho Excelsior Chul, In integrity of character and to his manly love of benorable rèny George is a second Peter O'Brien. From beyhood up his record is clear of a single oction Und world bring the slightest blush to bin mly countenaner, On or off the ball-Gold be is the soue generou, plucky, honorable litde follow, and hence it is no wonder that be possesses the respect of c every member of the fraternity whose etcom la worth having. As a player no ene is more active or zealous from the find movement in a gooe until the last Seornbig to lakn the least unfair advantage, his play throughout le a model of that trailltionary "fair play t which is so eften spoken of as a "jewel" of British production. As a second base player his Bebling tids season ben ebown him to be without s euperior in the county. His averago at the bat, too, runs with the highest in his olab. In fect, take him for all in all, it in a matter of regrot that his be" are in such a decided F minority in the froteruty. In conclusion, we have to state that afer Georgs head chosen the club bo co eidered his own, he proved froe to it under all cir cumstances, and shoutbl be "lack advaucecoout" ever so much, nothing would temnt bln to Jesve "the eld club" while there was a nian left to keep it in existence. 18 to P FUN FOR THE FAMILY.
"Moa," said a bricklayer to his hodinan, If you nieet Patrick tell hins to make heste, as we are sa waiting for hins." E fo Sure and I will," replied Aike, but what will I fell him if I don't sto him?"* Da b k A MAN about town was Intely invited to a nowing party. The next day a friend soked liam how the entertainment caroe off, when he raded: "Oh, it was very atting: the ledles Armed and I hated," t be co E ISAAC, my son, let the Good Book be a lamp upon thy pot "Mother," replied the urchin, "I should think that was making light of eacred things. fo the y A LOT of copper-ore in pigs!" said Mrs. Partington, as her eye canelat an account of conie selbe In operatioce. "I don't wouter that they have the fo scrofula and everything elan that in bad, I dare way the their lord te nothing but verüegrease, for copper la vory dilatorious, and gs in butoan." "Pige aren't buat, muther," saad De, putting his our in, and it means pigo of copper." nk At ID= od Mrs Pretington looked at hin serlonely a moment. "Well," ad alse, "1 pigs ta't basmoan, some are hike pige, and so there in but lattio dileretico," grunne en the Ar a recent examination of some girls in Cheshire, Englacd, for the rite of confirmation, in an- ter to the question: "What is the outward and visible and for in baptism?" one of the replied: "The baby, air," WHY is the Holly Register like tooth-brush? Because everybody should have one of his own and not borrow his ueighbor's af D et ARTEMUS WARD INSURES HIS LIFE-I kun to the conclusban letely, that life was so encertain, that the only way for me tu standa fare chance with other fci, waz tu git my life amared, and so I called on the agent of the Garden Angel Lafe Iranimance Co. and on- ever the following questions, which wuz put to to z over the top ov a pair ov gold speke, by a slick little fateu old flow, with a little round gray head, and as pretty ca a belly on him as eany us ever owned; QUESTIONS. lal-Are you a mall or femall? If so, stait how long yoo hey bin so 26-Are yoo mbject to fits, and if so, do yoo hev mere than one at a time? What is your precind Steing weight? 4thDid yoo her any ancestors, and it no, how mub? 5t-What is your legal option of the coustitusbun- ality of the ten contaandacats? Ot-Did you ever bey enny nite maree? 7th-Are you married or single, or are yooa bacheler? Stb-Do you believe in a futute etalt? if you do, ainit it. e a man in Ins Del What are yoor private sentimente about a rush ov rate tu bo head; cau it bo did euccessfully? 10th Hov yoo ever committed suicide, and if no, bow tad se to elect you? Allez userlaut the above questione the confirnold, the elick Lrtio tot old teller with gold b epeta on, ced I wuzinnared for life, and probably would t rund so for a ter of yeers. I thanked him, and sulled one of my mest peuelve stoties. I say, friend, your borse is a little con- trary, is he not?** No, cir." "What makes him stop then ? Oh, be's afraid eouobody 'Li say whos, and boshan't bear 11" u a FO C E M Ca al Be 20 There is more USEFUL SANITARY RULES-To keep the heure cool, bong up before your doors or windows, or expended in the draught across the rooms, donbele po dipped in cold water, and wrung out andiicutly to pro- wut dripping op the door-steps and pevvents wet, and sprinkle water in your coury. Do not sleep on Fa brothers or hale toutro. Baw, palm-leat, or busin co are preferable. Never sleep usted, but wear a wookn er ganze unterlirt, and cover with a beet-Spring P Keld Hepal icon. Ale, don't t on a hot store; and be careful at all times to avoid alandling ou your bead. over, nothing to be gained by sleeping witis tho left leg over the nape of the nect-artford Times Also, it is a great deal better to sleep double then elle e poennent arrangement. It inoproves the orale, and aves Llaukete, giving you instead a fo Jong comforter.-Trenion American AN ECCENTRIC old Chanaman, who had been disappointed in a second marriage, belook binsself to the sountalne with his tnfant son. The cou grew to bed, baving never seen a woman. He wsa trained to worship ends and abhor devils length be accompanied his father to town for pro-in Viele, where lils eye fell upon eomo protty girls. What are they ke "Devils, ay son; turn your head away." said the father. The son walked to the moonstains in allence, and thu futbet ceuld get no satisfactory auewer to his questiona At last the young man burst out crying Ch. father, that tallest devill tint talicet father " N M re S A talicet desil devil, print A YOUNG lady told a typo triond he might a kiss on her check, but Le muso't publish it. SOME years ago, two physicians of the vil- of P, in the state of Machette, et on the La ce of them, widi a Boobat rubicund face, ridrichly old oue-bere ago, and the other 14 Carnege, Denly painted and vorded in in gol sin. Luctor," and the first, I have a more extensive and Incrotive practice than you, and yet I can't afford to ride in naything better than this old fair, while you lave, as I e, a nice carriage, and that all pested up Will you explan to mo bow this can bo?" "Ok I certainly, replied the other, that's easily dope. It don't cost fult as noch te palut my earl as it doce to galat your lace!" AN old fellow who took part in the gront re- bellion, was one day horating in the village tevers to a erowd of adnairing Let uere of bie meny bloly el ploife, whou be was interrupted by the question: "I say, ohd Joe, how many roba did you kill during the war 1 "How many did I kill, sir 7 how many robs did I kill? Weh, I don't know just "xactly how many; but I know this much-I kulled de many of them as they did of met LETTER FROM MRS. CEN. GRANT. Tux following letter, addressed to the Unoves & BAKER SEWING MACED COMPANY, by Mrs. General Ornot, expresses the option of every ledy who le ever used n Grover & Baker Mechmet "GENTLEMEN-It effords me great pleasure to hear wlines to the excellence of the Family Sewing Machine manufactured by your company. I bie nd one of them in nay family for some two years and Croen st I now of its workings, and from the terbnooy of nasny of my friends who use the sane, I can hardly se bew anything could be sure completo or gvo better satis facting The machine I have is one of the most elegant I Love ever aren, and wns presented to me by friends, who purused it at the Saoltary Fair at ladelphia in 1864. Very truly yours, etc.. Mrs. MS. U. WARDINGTON, I. C., October 2, U. 8. GRANT. D. An Agod Nadir, high in authority in the court of Almnt Polis, esterated any kindness to me during my sojourn in sygd, among others Untu of procuring the attentanes of the Court Dakin, or is Physiest, during uy serioue illates, Tals old man to foncewluga gest altion for sue) invited me to ac 10 conspany bun uspon vist to the village of Kovaler. I gladly accepted While crossing the Desert of Koseler, end during a belt at the well of taito, this v nerable Halan, deep in the mysterion of Onesiel science, in- forused toe that the very shogar plout which I had noticed growing in places over the coon, wo infalli ble remedy for Und most harrassing of all diesen, the known in our country on the Piles. "Never," said be, I bove I known it to fill to effect a permanent cure cl Lhut treablesome disease, of whatever forms." Having been nflicted with the incat aggravaton type of this complint sor anore than Diseen years, I kamediately at gathereda quantity of the plant, otach, under bidirec Lion, I carefully preparel, and, to my unapestablo joy. 15 found lunediate relief toa da aplication, and troed that tiroo to the present day bave never felt any of its symptoms. ra I am growing old now; my friends by hundreds havo beeu eured of this diseen in all fin stages and every form, without money and without pries, and it is at their eurmest solettalion, and my desire to do good, that I now place it before the public. I love yet a cop siderable quantity of the plant remaining from the larg amount I brought with me: and to these who will noud too two dolu, suficient to defray the expeners of this advertisement and the properation of the berb, I will return an adequate quantity to effect a permanent cure, To prevent had men making use of this for purposes of speculation, I would intorno all who are alicted Ust this plant can only be obtained in this country by direct application to me. THOMAS I CASTLETON, 683-5 181 Atuity street, How York. For Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, and all affections of the Lange, too AVERE CHERRY PEC TORAL, which te eure to cure them. New Patent, May, 1866. To most effi- clent, com rtable uud schre Trues in the World is the DOUBLE LEVER SELF-ADJUSTING NATIONAL TRUSB, constructed upon an entie oow plin, and the ouly perfect one ever inventedd. For further particulars, call on or address the COMPANY 170 BROADWAY (ap-atair) NEW YORK. D impres Barnum's New American Museum. Broadway, betwecu Spring and Prince streets. A Local and Meral Dramn, Afternoon, at 2-Eren Ing. at 7 The pleasing, popular, and intereal Ing Droof OSINA MEADOWS, apted to advert the youthful Imagination, leave saluinry sincs upon the mewers, and to rointer lan upright, momt Judement. To be seen at all beari, ARARE COLLECTION OF LIVING WILD ANI G MALS, consisting of the sellowing splendid speck- men Dwart Elephant, Double Hamped Bactrian Camel, Boyal Bengal Tiger, White Himalaya Monetatu Bar, Bilver-Stripsd sebe, Lloos, Tigars, Leonards, Beare, Wolves, thered Cuttle, Tapir, Deer, Pelicans, Monkeys, etc., and over 200 Australian Birds, all Living Collection of the late Gordon Catanding. He greatest Hving curiosity over exhibited, JOHN TOLLETT, THE IRISU FAT BOX, oged sixteen years, weigle 20 pounds, rueasures three feet two inches ocrom Koulders, tal eix feet three inches aruted the walet. He is very intelligent, active and pleasing. Mammoth Fat Man, Welghing 615 pounds; Glant and Giansess, each over eleht feet high: Three Dwarts, Glassblowers, Circassin Girl, National Bronze Portrait Gallery: 125 Portraits of N. A. Indian Chalele; Cossuorauss, Learned Benl, Boppy Family, Grand Aquarla, Wax Pgures, and 200,000 other Curiosities, Admission, 50 cents, children under ten, 15 cents. be is The Metropolitan LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE! SCHUBERTH'S BUILDING, AX No. 620 Broadway, near Twelfth St, is an establishment of the lagheet chsical order and respectability, where French, German, Italian and Spanish are rapidly taught through B. C. Arymar's Analytical and 6ynomie Method. TERMS: Fer Year, of 100 Lesson Per Torm of 20 Lenop. Lp.... Private Lessone of half an hour cach... 1 Private Classes of thes, for one bour... 2 ut -$40 0 10 OPORRORS 485 MICROSCOPES 60 CTS. THE FRENCH TUBULAR MAHUSCOPE, Majsity- in early time Mailed soc Gocents. Two for $1. Address GEO. D. WASHBURN & CO, Box 5,000, Bos on, Mass DOW. $10 A DAY AND A WATCH FREE! AGENTS WANTED to sell our CELEBRATED NOVELTY PACKETS, splendid Steel Engravings Walebos, stal Jewelry. Euormous Profits and valuable Premiunus eddered, Scod for Cirontar contetning full particulars HASKINS & CO., 30 Boekroon street, N. Y. Old Dr. John Salisbury's Vegetable REMEDY FOR THE PILES. A sare caro. Will enre adze cases ont of tea twarranted. Can give thousands of testimoniale throughost New England. Ono Bottle wall cure cases of twenty-Divo years standing. Seul, eccarely packed, by mall for $5 Address DIL ALEX. SALISBURY, Providence, I. L 082-4 100,000 WATCHES CHAINS SEIS OF JEWELRY, PENS BRACELETS, CASTORS, GOBLETS, SPOORS, FORKS. NAPKIN HINO, &e &.. Worth $500,000! To be sold for ONE DOLLAR exch, without regard to valoo, and not to be paid for ant you know what you are to gel. Send 2 ceuls for a Certificate, which will inform you what you can have for $1, and at the en time go our Circular soninining full Hat and particu Jura, ale teeun to Ay ls, which we waut lu very town und county. J. H. WINSLOW & CO., 908 Broad way, New York. U WHISHERS. My GOLDEN COMPOUND will force the beard to grow on the smoothest face in tsreply-one daye. Satle Ketun given or money refunded. Sont by mall for 60 cents a package. Address M. A. JAGGERS, Calboun, ILucis Iacle Holloway's Pills. By mingling and invigor sting the bio and fluels of the body, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS carry life and health to every part, Cotatia Boo, Pales, affections of the Longs and Kidneys, yield rapidly to their sanative properties CENTS CTS - GIRLS BOYS WEEKLY Travels Around the Werk, Adventures, Stories, Anecdotca, Popular BelanCA Fuler Magie, Gemce, &c. With No. 4, now ready, is given, grefis, o Ihren and splendial Engraving of Wayne'e "CAPTURE OF STONT POINT, 23 by 33 inches. The great success of FnAss LED CHILDREN' Fre, which was only intended for children of tender years, has determined the publisher to enlarge i origlund design, and produce a poper which taken the entire range of our youthful cloence reading ever To carry out this design, the publisher has ENLARG ED FRANK LESLIE'S BOYS AND GIRLS WEEKLY to SIXTEEN PAGES, of three columas each, making forly-eight columnaus of the most vorted issued. Every number will ha embellished with bosuti. fal Illustratione. It is published sed Dealers. Price, 8 cente a copy; or, 1 Copy, a year. 3 Copler,. 6 Coples, every Monday, and sold by all Now $2.50 050 10 00 LESLIE'S BOYS AND And 83 for every additional aubecription. Postmaster sending anbcriptions of Ton will be entitled to receive FRANK Lassa' ILLDEBATED NEWSPAPER OF FRANG LESLIE'S CHEY Comoren for one year. Inducements to the Young. The publisher of FRANK GIRLS WEEKLY offers the following prizes for the Irgeet Clubs of new subscribers of 82 50 For the largest Club For the post hrgest Club. For the third largeet Club For every Club of 100, a Largo Tool Chest, or Sewing Machine. Z • $300 in cas $200 $100 - For overy Chab of 80, a best Sat of Croquet. For every Club of 70, handsome Sitk Dress For every Club of co, u Set of Chemical Apparatus for Experiments. Vlows. Parlor, For every Ciub of 60, a Parlor Croquet, or an Elegant Clock. For overy Club of 40, a handeone Suvor Watch. For every Club of 30. a Steroscopic Machine with For every Club of 25, a Microscope or Magic Lantern, For every Club of 18, a Fair of Skates sor Pond er For every Club of 10, a Family Gem Sewing Machine. For every Club of 7, one of Sebring's Parall Fida, a new indoor game. Should any of the persnos drawing prizes de tre them to be changed for thor articles, their wishes can be rutalled ny communicating with the publisher, or the value will be given either it noney or lo the gols they preter. In the case it would be better to address the publhder, naming the article they vaut, when such persons will be infortoed what elze club they must ecud to obtath the required prize. The Last at utst to sent by the lot of February, out which doy the praes will be shoconced, and the goods rent and cash puld on the 28th of the sareo mouth. In order to aseist those who are desirous o galing these valuable prices, the publishine is willing to not the subscriptious so they ore received, which will en tille the parties whose sus accompany the subscrip Lun to recurve the paper leamedsately. Tlaco pes will be carried to the uccount of the party feriatug the Chib, and will comarlly facilitate their ex-rbose On the lid of February a lice will be drawn, and they will re- cewe the prize awarded to the number they live fur- niebe. The will be a sonterial inducement to their freuds to suburzibu, ne do edvantago will be stomo date, and not prospective Tods is an excellent opportunity of testing the bus new city of the youn, cd parents and gardiens night in an insplit into their sturs, and fuster Intate of enterprise, tact and Ibrict, Subscriptions should be rest to FRANK LESLIE 537 Foari St. N. X. I THE GREAT AMERICAN PIANOFORTES, Acknowledged by the most brilliant Artistes of Europe and the most celebrated European Flado-makers, as BANKING, IF NOT SURPASSING, TUE Finest Pianofortes in the World. CHICKERING & SONS, MANCE SCUBERS OF THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN PIANOFORTES, GRAND, SQUARE, AND UPRIGHT, call the attention of the public to the following IM- PORTANT TESTIMONIALS from the most celebrated MANISTS and PIANO-MAKERS of Europe, in favor of lle CHICKERING PIANOS. These testleucials are at mrly the info need opinions of Incal teachers of stude, but any, on the contrary, the VOLUNTARY AND UNBIASED JUDG MENT of the MOST PRACTICED FOREIGN EXPERTS In Manufacturing and in Public Puying. So generas a recognition of the openocity of the Chickering American Pianos overall others manurturdan Aseries, tg Fireguers, ad of their EQUALITY IN EXCELLENCE to the BEST EUROPEAN PLANOS, is a Testimonin and Eudere noout of their sterling merits, of wlinh CHICKERING & SONS ung well feel prood. Two of the greatest Manchure of Pianofortes in the world, JOHN BROADWOOD & CO. and COLLAND & COLLARD, of London, und IGNACE MOSCHELLES, the Father of the Pianoforte, and Principal of the L-ipzig Conservatory, and SIGISMUND TRALBERG, nowledged by the world as the great at exponent of Pianoforte play HAVE TESTIFIED TO THE UNQUESTIONADEL SUPICIORITY of the CHICKERING PLANOFORTES. Also the following world-rouonod mehes CHARLES HALLE, the rest intropretrof Beethoven: JULES BENEDICT, the celebeat d Op ratic C poser, Phant and Director: Naw, ARABELLA GODDARD, cuc et the grosvet living fetale Punista ALFRED JAELL, sekvondelged sue of the most Teslat Penuts in Europe J. L. HATION, a clarang Conpese al na elegant 1nt t, now decomponyt Maae, Paespumat Belgacin she country, who says: FST INSTRUMENT IEVER PLAYED OPG" DREXLEY RICHARDS, the brillant Puist and Coa poser: WILLIAM M. DALFE, the great English Composer of the Dolominn Gul" and (wealy other opera: WILLIAM KUBE RENE FAVARGER G. A. OSBORNE, SIDNEY SMITH, LINUSLUT SLOPER, All Fanlala at Compres of European colebesty eervatory at Leipreceptly Protes of the LOUIS PLAIDY, acknowledged the first so Teacher in Europe, and Cuse CHARLES KEINECK, successor to the position of Metebooln, both in the Conservators, and an in doctor of the celebrated "Gowandbau Cune" to Leipzig: L. M. GOTTSCHALI, one of the Best of Faults and Composers for the Planoforo wao tan ed them at nearly 2,000 coperta daring the pat two years, and procounces them the only Plus which Put can fully interest hbs acutiseute no-1 nangings, because of the expuside aynpully and vocality of tooe JAMES M. WEILLI, who is acknowledged today as en- of the foremost Plandete of the world, and the us ased the CmoscES PLANOS all over the United alon and England, where they were uebestatungly ealoreid by the above-nacord Best Composers, Muletas, sud Profess re iu Europe; RICHARD HOFFMAN, who to justly ranked with the fret Pianists of the LEOPOLD DE equaled in bila style, in EVER, the Iseo Fienist, and us Burke, dety Aeo by Jo-cph Pananaki, Aribar Napoleon, Gustavo Sitter, Otto Dresol, Ilari Vieuxt-4, G. W. Worre, P. Brigucli, Harry Bauderscu, Joseph Lod, alle. Piccolomhus, Muse, Sontag, W. IL Istent, Wan. Scharlenberg. G. E. Bristo, Caro Bissal, Maurice Strakose, J. F. Fyrhomski, Carl Zecrutin, A Bondolan, Julien, Olo Du, Jatia Gris, Mario, Tresa Correto, O. Ber and hundreds of other well-known and excellent ..... CHICKERING & SONS feel a grateful pride in plong beere the public there rattering, belilaut, ond voluntu-y festisoonlule froi the most octobrated Cospesors, Ausldlaus, and Professors of the Uld and Now World. That the great Plomsts and Musiciaun of Europe would have so willingly and unbesittingly testided to the SUPERIOREIX of the Chickering Piano is the most signal triumph we have ever achieved, especially when we conder the bitter feeling of preju dice nud distrust of everything Aserwu which conta there. We feel proud, not only becaus THE CHICKERING PIANO has been awunlod the SUPREMACY OVER ALL OTHERS, but because American skill and science Love wou from the most caletrated European expertatem Joe Mano Manufacture The dead for our Instruments is unprecedented During the past few seeks our sales dounded those of any previous petiol. Bot we have merced our fac ties of minufacture, and slnl be ute to urde, with lustrimeble thoroughly and conscientioualy nude, ma equal la tour, touch, elegance and durabiy to these lostrannents which won the unqualified ab ad full eudonment of a majority of the great. Musts of Europe and Asiena, taus rooling The Chickering Pianos The soot tattunge in the word, apply alt our Warerooms, 652 Broadway, New York. 0