��Green, Matthew, 103.
Gunning, Elizabeth. &MRGYLE, DUCHESS
Gustavus Adolphus, 113.
��Hackney-coaches, 65.
Haddington, 43, 68.
Hailes, Lord (Sir David Dairy mple), 8, 14,
80, 132, 292-97. Hailes, Miss, 297. Hallam, Arthur, 294. Hallam, Dean, 294. Hamilton, 290. Hamilton, Duke of, 248. Hamilton, Lady Betty, 251. Hamilton, Patrick, 93. Hamilton of Bangour, 269. Hawthornden, 304. Hebridean sailors, 21. Hedges, 16, 109.
Henderson, Andrew, 144, 155, 171. Hereditary Jurisdictions, 197, 228, 234-
Heronry, 200.
Hesiod, 95.
Highlands and Hebrides, air, 25 ; books, 168 ; chiefs, 228; dress, 171-73, 181- 82, 203, 255 ; fidelity of Highlanders, 183; like Indians, 154, 161; " banditti," 165 ; unknown, 24.
Hill, Mr. Frederick, 265.
Hill, Sir Rowland, 170.
Holland, 272, 274.
Home, John, 10, 39, 63, 298-99.
Honest man, 169.
Hottentots, 15, n. 3, 288.
Houses, 15, 21, 32, 42, 45, 170, 177, 220, 229, 240, 296.
Hudibras, 138.
HUME, DAVID, ill-will to England, 7 ; bene- fits of the Union, 39 ; house, 57,66,74- 77 ; in the mire, 59 ; journey to London, 59 ; accent, 62, 67 ; copy-money, 63 ; Poker Club, 64 ; cookery, 66; "infidel writer," 66 ; conversation, 67 ; father's house, 68 ; no statue, 77 ; Advocates' Librarian, 80 ; dread of the sea, 87 ; Reynolds's picture, 123; Clow preferred to him, 263 ; Lord Hailes, 294 ; Select
��Society, 298 ; Mary, Queen of Scots, 299 ; Dalyrymple's Memoirs, 303. Humphry Clinker, 38.
Iceland, 23.
Inch Galbraith, 257.
Inch Keith, 85.
Inch Kenneth, 6, 218, 221-25.
Innes, Rev. Dr., 90, n. 2.
Inns, 49, 69, 89, 151, 165, 180, 219, 229,
245-46, 262, 304. Inverary, 232, 245-53, 257. Invermoriston, 152. Inverness, 137, 142-48. lona, 214, 226-31. ' Ireland, 64. Irish people, 14. Irvine, Robert, 113. Irving, Edward, 86, 88, 291. Irving, Mr. Henry, 140. Isa, 174, 199. Isle of Muck, 199.
James IV., 120.
James V., 180.
James VI., 135.
James II. of England, 182, 250, 295.
Jardine, Rev. Dr., 65.
Jeffrey, Francis (Lord Jeffrey), 33, 62 .
9. 256.
Johns of Scotland, The Four, 158.
Johnson Club, 160, 173.
Johnson, Michael, 23.
JOHNSON, SAMUEL, affection for Boswell, 272 ; altercation with Lord Auchinleck, 278-281 ; behaviour at Dunvegan, 188 ; broad-sword, 24 ; never complained, 20; complimented on his return, 22 ; cups of tea, 189, 204; dangers of his voyage, 21 ; delicate in his language, 1 96 ; Dictionary, 168; dominie, 278; dread of the Highlanders, 154, 161 ; dukes and lords, 270 ; Erse New Testa- ment, 266; feared by professors, 122, 263 ; fresh air, 47 ; fretful, 164; harasssed by invitations, 292 ; hatred of exaggera- tion, 22 ; hogshead of sense, 232 ; imi- tates the kangaroo, 137; "Island Isa," 174; laced clothes, 260; in a library, 295 ; love of life, 297 ; journey to
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