"Worthy father, I am turned into this! Worthy
father, I am turned into this!"
When Tse-ring returned from his journey he walked over to the school-house one day to see how his Son was getting on, and he found Cham-ba seated there teaching the boys their lessons. Tse-ring looked round to see his Son, but could not detect him anywhere, but to his surprise he noticed a Monkey seated on one of the benches.
"Where is my son?" asked Tse-ring, "and how is he getting on?"
Cham-ba said nothing, but picked up the Monkey and carried it to him.
"What do you mean by this?" said Tse-ring. "This is not my Son. Where is the boy whom I entrusted to your care?"
Thereupon the Monkey spoke up and said:
"Worthy father, I am turned into this! Worthy father, I am turned into this!"
The father flew into a violent rage and stormed at his neighbour, Cham-ba, for some time, but without producing any impression. Finally, on thinking the matter over, he decided it was better to pay up the gold he had stolen, on condition of having his proper Son restored to him.