enterprise successful, when a sailor on the forecastle cried,—
"A ship!"
"A ship?" cried James.
"Yes, on the larboard side."
The fog had cleared off, and a large frigate was seen making towards the pass, in order to obstruct the passage of the "Dolphin." It was necessary, cost what it might, to distance her, and urge the steam-engine to an increase of speed, or all was lost.
"Port the helm at once!" cried the Captain.
Then he sprang on to the bridge above the engine. By his orders one of the screws was stopped, and under the action of the other the "Dolphin," veering with an extraordinary rapidity avoided running foul of the frigate, and advanced like her to the entrance of the pass. It was now a question of speed.
James Playfair understood that in this lay his own safety, Miss Jenny's, her father's, and that of all his crew.
The frigate was considerably in advance of the "Dolphin." It was evident from the volumes of black smoke issuing from her chimneys that she was getting up her steam. James Playfair was not the man to be left in the background.
"How are the engines?" cried he to the engineer.