"Too late, stupids," cried the young Captain, with a regular roar.
Then Crockston, who was standing on the poop, cried, "That's one passed. A few minutes more, and we shall have done with the Rebs."
"Then do you think we have nothing more to fear from Fort Sumter?" asked James.
"Nothing at all, but everything from Fort Moultrie, at the end of Sullivan Island; but they will only get a chance at us for half a minute, and then they must choose their time well, and shoot straight if they want to reach us. We are getting near."
"Right; the position of Fort Moultrie will allow us to go straight for the principal channel. Fire away then, fire away!"
At the same moment, and as if in obedience to James Playfair, the fort was illuminated by a triple line of lightning. A frightful crash was heard; then a crackling sound on board the steamer.
"Touched this time!" exclaimed Crockston.
"Mr. Mathew!" cried the Captain to his second, who was stationed at the bows, "what has been damaged?"
"The bowsprit broken."
"Any wounded?"
"No, Captain."
"Well, then, the masts may go to Jericho. Straight