"When are you to expect them?"
"I am waiting for them here."
And just as he spoke I saw the seconds coming towards us. Doctor T——— cleared his throat; he undoubtedly thought a great deal more of himself as the representative of a rogue. His companion, another of Drake's associates, was one of those extraordinary merchants who has always for sale anything you may ask him to buy.
Doctor T——— spoke first, after making a very emphatic bow, which Captain Corsican hardly condescended to acknowledge.
"Gentlemen," said Doctor T———, in a grave tone, "our friend Drake, a gentleman whose merit and deportment cannot fail to be appreciated by every one, has sent us to arrange a somewhat delicate affair with you; that is to say, Captain Fabian Mac Elwin, to whom we first addressed ourselves, referred us to you as his representative. I hope that we shall be able to come to an understanding between ourselves worthy the position of gentlemen touching the delicate object of our mission."
We made no reply, but allowed the gentleman to become embarrassed with his delicacy.
"Gentlemen," continued he, "there is not the remotest doubt but that Captain Mac Elwin is in the wrong. That gentleman has unreasonably, and without the slightest pretext, questioned the honour of Harry Drake's pro-