have risked a quarrel with you; he has a grudge against Fabian, and a meeting between the two had become inevitable."
"You are right," said the Captain. "That rascal has got what he wanted; he knew Fabian, his past life, and his love. Perhaps Ellen, deprived of reason, betrayed her secret thoughts, or, rather, did not Drake before his marriage learn from the loyal young woman all he was ignorant of regarding her past life? Urged by a base impulse, and finding himself in contact with Fabian, he has waited for an opportunity in which he could assume the part of the offended. This scoundrel ought to be a clever duellist."
"Yes," replied I. "He has already had three or four encounters of the kind."
"My dear sir," said the Captain, "it is not the duel in itself which I fear for Fabian. Captain McElwin is one of those who never trouble themselves about danger, but it is the result of this engagement which is to be dreaded. If Fabian were to kill this man, however vile he may be, it would place an impossible barrier between Ellen and himself, and Heaven knows, the unhappy woman needs a support, like Fabian, in the state she now is."
"True," said I; "whatever happens we can but hope that Harry Drake will fall. Justice is on our side."
"Certainly," replied the Captain, "but one cannot help