The next day, the 3rd of April, from early dawn the horizon wore that peculiar aspect which the English call "blink." It was of that misty white colour which signifies that icebergs are not far distant; in fact the "Great Eastern" was ploughing those seas on which float the first blocks of ice detached from the icebergs in Davis' Straits. A special watch was kept, in order to avoid the rude collision with these enormous blocks.
There was a strong westerly wind blowing; strips of clouds, or rather shreds of vapour, hung over the sea, through which glimpses of blue sky appeared. A dull thudding noise came from the waves tossed by the wind, and drops of water, seemingly pulverized, evaporated in foam.
Neither Fabian, Captain Corsican, nor Doctor Pitferge had yet come on deck, so I went towards the bows, where the junction of the bulwarks formed a comfortable angle, a kind of retreat, in which like a hermit, one could retire