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Fifty Years of the "Indian Antiquary"

to chronology with his Sixty-year Cycle of Jupiter, while Taw Sen Ko commences his Burmese Folk-lore Series. In Volume XIX (1890) is Buhler's important paper on the Texts of the Asoka Edicts on the Delhi and Allahabad Pillars, J. S. King's Aborigines of Sokotra, J. Foulkes' Buddhaghosha; and G. D'Penha's Folklore in Salsette commences. Volume XX (1891) contains Sir R. C. Temple's Burmese System of Arithmetic and Hultzsch's and Kielhorn's Inscriptions on Coins.

Volumes under Sir Richard Carnac Temple.—In Volume XXI (1892) Dr. W. Crooke begins his series of Folk-tales of Hindustan, K. Sri- kantaliyar his Folkore in Madras, Colonel L. A. Waddell his Folklore in Tibet, and Mrs. Kabraji her Parsi Folkore. Dr. Hoernle has a note on his important Bower Manuscript, Taw Sein Ko commences his Sanskrit Words in Burmese, and Sir R.C. Temple has a paper on Succession in the Alompra Dynasty of Burma. Volume XXII (1893) contains several important communications: Mabel Duff's Chronology, Taw Sein Ko's Kalyani Inscriptions of Dhammacheti (Pegu), Sir R. C. Temple's Antiquities of Ramannadesa (Pegu), Sir George Grierson's Tulsi Das, B. Houghton's Burmese Folklore (Arakan and Sgaw-Karen) and his Kudos of Katha (Burma). With Volume XXIII (1894) commences Sir J. McN. Campbell's important and long series, Spirit Basis of Belief and Custom (Bombay) and Sir R. C. Temple's series of the Devil Worship of the Tuluvas (South Canara), Waddell's Demonolatry in Sikhim (Lamaism), Desikachari's and Rangachari's (Brothers) Coins of the Vijayanagara Kings; also Sir George Grierson's Bhashyabhushana of Jaswant Singh (Rhetoric). Volume XXIV (1895) contains Buhler's important Origin of the Kharoshtha Alphabet, Grierson's Essays on Kashmiri Grammar, E. H. Man's series on Nicobarese Art, E. H. Parker's Lolo Writing, Sundaram Pillai's Madras History, and an important discussion by Biihler, Dwight Whitney and G. Thibaut on Vedic Dates. In Volume XXV (1896) are Sir George Grierson's Anamese Literature, Dr. B. Liebich's Chandra- vyakarana (Grammar), Sundaram Pillai's Early Sovereigns of Travancore. Volume XXVI (1897) contains H. Baynes' Upanishads, Buhler's Jain account of the end of the Vaghelas of Gujarat, Sir A. Stein's Kashmir Geography, Sir R. C. Temple's Andaman Tokens, and the commencement of his long series of Currency and Coinage among the Burmese. In Volume XXVII (1898) are Sir George Grierson's Swat Languages, T. S. King's Chand Bibi's Defence of Ahmadnagar, Subramiah Pillai's Telugu Literature and an article by Winternitz on the South Indian Mahabharata. Volume XXVIII (1899) contains Sir James Wilson's Gurezi Dialect of Shina, Sir George Grierson's East Central Indo-Aryan vernaculars and Mediaeval Kings of Mithila, J. S. King's Bahmani Dynasty, G. W. Pope's Tamil Anthology, Stein's Report on Buner, F. Fawcett's Mopla Folklore and M. R. Pedlow's Central India Folklore, Sir R. C. Temple's

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