fairy tales for children have brought her very close to the hearts of thousands of little ones all over the country.
In a general review of her life we find one thing which stands out above all other attributes which are hers. While she is gifted as an orator, well known as one of the pioneers of the best interests of the prisoner, and admired by many who have known her only through the medium of her books, it must still be acknowledged that her greatest power and attraction lies in her unchanging faith. In all that she has spoken or written we find it evidenced over and over again. No man has fallen so low that she will not believe in the possibility of his redemption; she has no plan for the best interests of those for whom she is working but that she has confidence in its ultimate success. Tirelessly, unceasingly she has battled to bring the world to see as she has seen and as she is confident the Divine Ruler of the Universe sees — not the failures, the wretchedness, the hopelessness, but the opportunities for success, the chance of happiness and the renewing of consecrated determination. To thousands she has brought this clearer understanding as with unfailing consecration she has pointed them onward and upward to the highest ideals of manhood and womanhood. Through the shadows of the prison bars, the trials of temporary failures and the doubting of the unbelieving, her faith has held firm and true, and she has seen shining clear the star of hope with its promise of the best which life may hold.
Wards of the State. By Tighe Hopkins.
After Prison, What? (Revell).
Lights of Childhood. (Putnam's Sons).
Little Mother Stories. (Volunteer Prison League, N. Y.).
Sleepy Time Stories. (Putnam's Sons).
The Curse of the Septic Soul Treatment. (Revell).
Twilight Fairy Tales. (Putnam's Sons).
Was It Murder, or the Relentless Current. (Putnam's Sons).