496 FAMOUS LIVING AMEBICANS prises, and, without incnrring debt, to risk the means I have acquired in their promotion, provided they seen me ealcalated to advance the general good.'* The namf Wanamaker stands in the basiness world for honesty, : tiy, and skill ; in poUtical life for freedom from ' ' boss and for government in behalf of the public good as re health, prosperity and morals ; in social and religious i ^il' for the strengthening of the brotherhood of man. In 1 ( 1 men everyday Ufe the man Wanamaker is a sober and : . '^^ trions business man, a devout and self-sacrificing chare l.f Sunday school worker, a sympathetic friend toman. "1 f ing, trying, trusting is all of my biography," says Mr. 1 maker. BIBLIOGBAPHT PEBIODICALS Mr. Wanamaker'a Confessions. Nation 52: 472. Mr. Wanamaker on DepartmeDt Store& Outlook 64 :94. My Measure of Success. By John Wanamaker. System 24 :J Sketch. By C. S. Qleed. Cosmopolitan 33:S8. The Wanamaker Expedition. Outlook 104:642. Wliat Wins. By John Wanamaker. Central Christian At 58:464. |i .^^