helped to secure a satisfactory water supply ; offered a higher price for the gas plant than the city was on the point of ac- cepting and likewise offered a greater price than was about to be paid for the street-railway franchise. These are but a few of the ways in which he has tried to prove a source of help to his city. Prior to his nomination to the postmaster-generalship by Benjamin Harrison, he had been offered many nominations to public office but had declined these. He was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1912. In order to at- tend the convention he cut short his vacation in Europe. EUs participation in this convention was entirely unselfish as may be seen from the fact that he refused the nomination to the Vice-Presidency. It is of interest to know what he himself looks upon as the secret of success. In the Central Christian Advocate for January 14, 1914, Mr. Wanamaker answers the question,
- What Wins?'* which was put to a group of prominent men.
He says: The best place for a young man to leam the facts of life is from the only book that is an absolute authority for both of the worlds with which we have to do, the Bible. . . When I first came a country boy to Philadelphia, I went on an errand to the office of an insurance man who was a Christian. A small white card with small black letters on it was fastened upon the end of his desk where I read, *He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.' As I look back to-day upon that card and remember its influence upon me, it still seems to be the greatest thing that I ever saw in Philadelphia, be- cause it spoke to me ; I believed the statement ; and I trusted myself to lean back upon the Word of God. Everybody told me to be honest and truthful, and energetic, but not even the strongest of men could make me an absolutely sure promise. The promises of God have behind them His knowledge and power, and if He rewards a man that diligently seeks Him, we shall find out the meaning of the Savior's words when he said, 'Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and aU these things shall be added unto you. ' ' ' Mr. Wanamaker is as universally known for his Sunday