FAMOUS LIVING AMEBICANS the man who Ib Btill climbing. In bis speech at the o: of the recent pure food exposition at Philadelphia he a spirit of cooperation among merchantB; "There ar dreds of small dealers thronghont the city who wool npon experiment that newspaper advertising is the mos erful of all means for increasing their trade. A bnsin< sooiation as such can make nse of newspaper advertie inoreaBe the trade of its individual memberB and the in is such as would surprise yon. Business men should each other up, instead of marking each other down.** Mr. Wanamaker was founder, in 1876, of the "depai store." The idea which originated with Mr. Wanamak been developed by him and by hundreds of other finai until one finds that variety of merchandlBe and eqni which is too complex for description. In some depai stores may be found the social secretary who looks aft welfare and the development of the employees and ii gates conditions with a view to raising in every possible ner the standard of efficiency of the entire establishmen 1900, the Industrial Commission called upon Mr. Wanai to ^ve expert witness on the subject of department i "He argued," says the Outlook,' "that such stores are ural evolution from conditions of established trade-law beneficial to society, having a substantial economic and basis for their existence, and that, while the inspiring t of such stores was the usual one of making money for owners, such a purpose was not without conspicuous s tages to the public" It is characteristic of Mr. Wanamaker that his bnsinc terprises are not carried on upon an individualistic bae are considered by him as public trusts which he holds f benefit of others. The tale of his life is a record of sp purposes, of lofty ideals and ^gantic achievements. have ceased to marvel when some new and remarkable j brought to completion by Mr. Wanamaker; it is only cord with his well-known manner of procedure to pi magnificent results from small beginnings. lOutloofe 04:64. KMf