amiable disposition he posseses in such an eminent degree. He is a true personification of the courageous, patriotie, sym- pathetic American. BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Labor and Capital. Address by William Howard Taft before Cooper Institute, N. Y., January 10, 1908. Popular Ch)vemment. (Yale Univ. Press, 1913.) By William How- ard Taft. Taft's Training for the Presidency. (Boston, 1908.) By Raymond Patterson. The Presidents of the United States. (Scribner's, 1914.) Edited l^ James Qrant Wilson. William Howard Taft, American. (Boston, 1908.) By Robert Lee Dunn. William Howard Taft, the Man of the Hour. (1908.) By 0. K Davis. PERIODICALS Character of Taft. Independent, 66 :492. Governor Taft in the Philippinea By P. W. Nash. Review of Re- views, 29:164. Labor Decisions of Judge Taft. By F. N. Judson. Review of Re- views, 36 :212. President Taft. Atlantic, 109 :164. President Taft on Tariff Making. By. P. E. Luepp. OtUlook, 100: 495. President Taft's Record in the Philippines. By J. A. LeRoy. Inde- pendent, 56 :191. Taft's Work in the Philippines. By Theodore Roosevelt. Outlook, 69 :166.