did not escape. In this instance the real name itself afforded too good an opportunity to be passed by. The professor was always known among the boys as * * Cube Boot, ' ' and Elihu as v
- Square Boof
It was the professor's earnest desire that his son should follow in the paternal footsteps^ and become a teacher. At first it seemed as if the wish were to be gratified ; for immedi- ately upon graduation Elihu secured the position of principal of the academy at Bome, New York. The administrative du- ties of this position were not very arduous, and much of his time was devoted to teaching mathematics and the classics. His work as a teacher was distinguished by the same earnest- ness and thoroughness which had characterized his career in college, and as a result the pupils made good advancement under his direction. He could not have been a hard master, however, for it is recorded that he was very popular with the students. After teaching one year he abandoned the teaching pro- fession, to his father's great disappointment, and never after- ward returned to it. For a long time he had had it in mind to enter upon the study of law, and to make the legal profes- sion his vocation. This cannot be wondered at, for to a mind like his, earnest and thorough-going by both nature and train- ing, the legal profession has strong and peculiar attractions. While he enjoyed teaching he felt that the law would afford him a far wider field of usefulness. While making preparations to enter upon a law course in New York City, his father, wishing to be helpful, offered to supply him with letters of introduction to a number of people of influence living in the metropolis. * * No, ' ' the son answered,
- I am starting out to do this thing myself. I am going to
make my own friends without any family pull. I want to find out whether I am a man or a mouse. ' ' If the father had any feeling of resentment at being rebuffed for his well-meant kindness, it must have been dispelled by admiration for his son 's grit and determination. Thus Elihu Boot entered upon the study of law at the age of twenty-one in the University Law School of the City of