Surgery of the Lungs, The Journal A. M. A., July 23 and 30 and August 6 and 13, 1898. Two Thousand Operations for Appendicitis; With Deductions from Personal Exi)erience, Am, Jour. Med. Sc.^ August, 1904. Ankylosis; Arthroplasty, Clinical and Exi)erimental, The Journal A. M. A., May 20 and 27, and June 3, 1905. Perityphlitis (api>endicitis). Early Operation on; read in 1889; pub- lished Feb. 26, 1890. Neurological Surgery, Surg., Oynec. and Obst., April, 1907. Proctoclysis in the Treatment of Peritonitis (the Murphy Drip), The Journal A. M. A., April 17, 1909. Bemoval of an Embolus from the Common Iliac Artery, with Beestab- lishment of Circulation to the Femoral, The Journal A. M. A., May 22, 1909. Organized Medicine; Its Influence and Its Obligations, The Journal A. M. A., June, 1911. Cteneral Surgery, Volume II, of the Practical Medicine Series, pub- lished by the Year Book Publishing Co., Chicago, 1911. The Surgical Clinics of John B. Murphy, M. D., published bi-month- ly by W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia. BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Doctor's Who's Who, p. 170. (Saalfield.) By Charles Wells Moulton. International Clinics^ 12th Series, ii, p. 247. (Lippincott) By Guy C. Hinsdale. PSBIODICAL Advance of Surgery. By I. F. Marcosson. Jfui»ey'^ 48:738.