planning and extending the active Christian work of nniver- sity students, deviser of national and international agencies for this work, particularly the World's Student Christian Fed- eration; presiding leader in the World's Missionary Confer- ence in Edinburgh in 1910 ; a traveler over four continents in search of room for work ; a man of buoyant energy, deep con- secration, astonishing success; a new crusader bent on the Christian conquest of the world. ' ' These words describe the work and the man. Moreover, Mr. Mott has found time in the very midst of his traveling and continuous speaking to write books. Strategic Points in the World's Conquest was the first to be published, appearing in 1897. In 1900, The Evangelization of the World in this Generation came from the press ; and what an influence that little book has had on Christian workers throughout the world I The very title has become the watch-word of the mil- itant forces of Christianity. The Pastor and Modem Mis- sions^ a series of lectures delivered at Ohio Wesleyan Univer- sity, Yale Divinity School, McCormick Theological Seminary, and Princeton Theological Seminary, was published in 1904. The book contains a mine of information and inspiration. Be- sides these books he has pubUshed numerous magazine articles and brochures. All of his publications are surcharged with the same deep earnestness, and are filled with the same straightforward, lucid, close-knit presentation of facts which characterize his spoken utterances. In the year 1915 Dr. Mott will have reached the half century mark and there will remain for him in all human probability, only a comparatively few years of active service, for his stren- uous life must soon begin to tell upon even his vigorous and athletic body. What will those years contain? No one can tell. But of this we can be sure, they will be spent in the high- est and best kind of service for his Master and for mankind.