'^ (c) To influence students to devote themselves to the extension of the Kingdom of GK)d in their own nation and throughout the world. This organization numbers one hundred and fifty-six thous- and members, among whom are Chinese, Hindus, Japanese, Russians, and South Africans. What tremendous influence will go out from these organizations in the years to comel Many of these students will occupy positions of influence in business and government as well as in the Church, but what- ever they may be doing they will be known and recognized as Christians. What better plan could be devised to speed the Christianization of the world than to capture the student body of the universities of the world, and send them out to do the rest! Another international organization which owes its recent de- velopment largely to Mr. Mott *s leadership is the Foreign De- partment of the International Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation, of which Mr. Mott is general secretary. In Asia alone there are over three hundred Associations, and these are be- ginning to exert an influence that is bound to bring about vast changes in the centers where they are planted. A few years ago Mr. Mott was in a hurry to raise a million dollars for some new buildings in the Far East, and Mr. Taft, who was then president, threw open the White House for a conference. A number of influential and wealthy men from all over the coun- try met Mr. Mott, and the desired amount was promptly raised and later doubled. He not only has the confidence of leading Americans, but he also enjoys the confidence of foreign governments and leading men of every race and clime. After the Boxer Rebellion of a few years ago, it was decided that the Chinese government should pay the United States an indemnity of several millions of dollars. Part of this indemnity was, however, remitted by the United States government, and to show its appreciation of this act the Chinese government set apart the amount for the purpose of educating Chinese students in American universi- ties. Accordingly several hundreds of Chinese students were sent to America so that at present there are over one thous-