of Livingstone in Africa! And is he not also a worthy co- laborer with John the Baptist in preparing the way for Christian conquests, and with John the disciple f Upon his graduation from Cornell University in 1888, he immediately became secretary of the student department of the Young Men's Christian Association. His connection with student life has remained vital and important ever since. In the same year he also became chairman of the Executive Com- mittee of the Student Volunteer Movement, and it is in con- nection with this organization that John B. Mott has done his greatest work and has achieved his well deserved fame. In the year 1895 Mr. Mott became general secretary of the World's Student Christian Federation; three years later he was made secretary of the Foreign Department of the Inter- national Committee of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion ; and in 1901 he became associate general secretary of the International Committee. As we read of these positions they mean little to us, but the work that he has done, and still does, the influence he has wielded, and still wields, mean much to all who are interested in the progress of this old world. During the years 1895 to 1897 Mr. Mott toured the world in the interest of the Student Christian movement, and again in 1901 he made special tours to all parts of Europe, South Af- rica, South America, and Australia on a similar mission. The word ** International " describes Mr. Mott; for he belongs to the world, and he is undoubtedly the best known figure in intellectual and Christian circles in the whole world. John Wesley once said **The world is my parish," and that state- ment is also true of Mr. Mott. What has Mr. Mott done for the world that makes him an in- ternational figure! First of all he has created a permanent force for the Christianization of the world in organizing the Student Volunteer Movement. This is an organization in the colleges and universities, made up of young men and women who have pledged themselves to enter the foreign mission field and who are training themselves for that purpose. As a result of this work five thousand, eight hundred and eighty- two of the brightest and best trained young men and women