natures have been aroused, and they have gone forth like the patriots who listened to Otis and Henry, to do and to die for their country's good. Mr. LaFollette is a man of great personal charm. His warmest friends are those who have known him in the close intimacy of private Ufe. He is thoroughly democratic in spirit and in manner. He is a brilliant conversationalist, a gracious and genial host, a good neighbor, and a devoted friend. In every relation of private life he is generous and kind without the slightest trace of condescension. Of intense convictions, strongly assertive when occasion demands, and firm and positive when he has reached a decision, he is yet as fair to his enemies as he is faithful to his friends. When not engaged in official duties, he lives quietly on his farm near Madison with his family. During all the years of his political career, Mrs. LaFollette, who is a university graduate and a woman of wide interests, has been her husband's ** wisest and best counsellor." Mr. LaFollette confidently faces the future. Believing with Wendell Phillips that no question is ever settled until it is settled right, this uncompromising advocate of the people's cause will continue to inspire his countrymen. To those who seek the opportunity for service, Robert M. LaFollette offers this hopeful and inspiring message: ** There never was a higher call to greater service than in this protracted fight for social justice. I believe with increasing depth of conviction, that we will, in our day, meet our responsibility with fearless- ness and faith ; that we will reclaim and preserve for our chil- dren, not only the form but the spirit of our free institutions. And in our children must we rest our hope for the ultimate democracy. ' ' BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS Autobiography. American 72:660-674; 73:3-15, 143-156, 306-317, 442-455, 591-603, 701-713 ; 74 :72-83, 180-190, 369-379. Gtevemor LaFollette and What He Stands For. By Amos P. "Wild- er. Outlook 70 :631.