But wherever he goes, whomever he meets, his first thought has heeiiy ^ ^ Can I get any idea that will farther the great work in Philadelphia f Much of the proceeds of his lectures has been given to the education of young people who could not have obtained it without this help. For a few weeks each year he goes back to the hills whence he came to get fresh inspiration for his work. Many years after he left it as a young man seeking his fortune he bought back his old home and there seeks rest and fresh strength. In view of the porches of the old home looms up the rocky precipice on which stood the tree that held the eagle's nest and which he tried to scale as a boy ; and every time he goes up from the city to his home in the hills he passes the spot where he deUvered his first very effective oration. Still, at heart he is above all other things the orator. From a sense of duty, of obligation to his fellow men, and because the spirit of the Lord compels him, he is preacher, founder of hospitals and a university. BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Life of Bussell H. Conwell. By Albert H. Smith. Man and His Work. By Agnes B. Burr. Temple and Templars. By Bobert J. Burdette. PEBIODIOAL How to Make a Church Pay. By B. H. ConwelL Independent 54 :730.