dor of his monument — a monument that can never crumble while sunshine, air, and soil carry on their chemistry t ' ' BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Luther Burbank, His Methods and Discoveries and Their Practical Application. (The Luther Burbank Press, Santa Rosa, Cal.) Training of the Human Plant. (Century Co.) By Luther Burbank. PERIODICALS Burbank 's Recent Experiments. Scientific American 94:130. Burbank 's Way with Flowers. By Henry Smith Williams. Good Housekeeping 59:158. Every Woman Her Own Burbank. By Henry Smith Williams. Chod Housekeeping 58:440. Great Dutch Scientist on Burbank and His Work. Review of Re- views 32:369. Luther Burbank and His Latest Triumph. Arena 33 :554. Luther Burbank 's Ideas on Scientific Horticulture. By Hugo De Vries. Century 73:674. Luther Burbank 's Wonderful Work in Horticulture. By Charles T. Woodbury. Scientific American 103 :126. Maker of New Fruits and Flowers. By Liberty H. Bailey. WorWs Work 2 :1209. Miracle Maker of Gardens. By Emma Burbank Beeson. Independ- ent 58:997. Personal Impressions of Luther Burbank. By Hugo De Vries. In^ dependent 60 :1134. Recent Work of Luther Burbank. By Riley M. Fletcher Berry. Sci- entific American 98 :260. Science Applied. Independent 61:767.