< Page:Ethnological studies (Roth).djvu
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PAGE, CHAPTEK X. The Maintenance of Law and Oedee : Fighting, Fighting Weapons ... 139-151 Section 238. The Maintenance of Law and Order : Methods o! Fighting. 239. Classification of Fighting Boomerangs. 240. Material, Manufacture, and Flight of Boomerangs. 241. The Ornate Boomerang. 242. The Fluted Boomerang. 243. The Plain Boomerang. 244. The Hook Boomerang. 24.5. The Two-handed Sword. 246. Spears. 247. The Acicular-tip Hand-spear. 248. The Spatulate-tip Hand-spear. 249. The Spatulate-tip Wommera-spear. 250. Wommera Eeed-spears. 251. The Quartz- tip Wommera Reed-spear. 252. Non-indigenous Spears. 253. Wommeras. 254. Shields. 255. Fighting-poles. 256. Nulla-nuUas. 257. Stone-knives. 258. Stone-tomahawks. CHAPTER. XI. Disease, Accident, Death. Cannibalism 152-166 Sections 259-268. The Death-bone. 269. Death from Snake-bite. 270. Other Diseases and Accidents produced by the Death-bone. 271. Women Doctors. 272. The Pearl-plate. 273. The Death-powder. 274. The Bone-pin. 275. Incurable Blindness. 276. Drowning. 277. Sudden Disappearance. 278. Mental Disease. 279. Belief in Death as a Punishment— a Future State. 280. Treatment of Non-fatal Snake-bite. 281. Fractures. 282. Chants and Dirges for exorcising Ailments. 283. Smearing of Blood, of Perspiration ; DrinkingofBlood, of Seminal Fluid. 284. Smearing of Fat. 285. Poultices. 286. Amulets and Charms. 287. Medicinal Plants. 288. Clay-pills. 289. Burial in the Boulia District ; 290, of a Murderer. 291. Burial in the Cloncurry District ; 292, in the Upper Georgina District. 293. Cannibalism. CHAPTER XII. Eain-making, Thundee and Lightning-making 167-168 Section 294. Rain-making in the Boulia District ; 295, at Roxburgh ; 296, at Headingly, Lake Nash, &c. ; 297, in the Leichhardt-Selwyn District. 298. Thunder and Lightning-making. CHAPTER XIII. Ethno-pobnogeaphy 169-184 Section 299. The Degrees of Social Rank. 300. First Ceremonial (Male) in the Boulia District ; 301, at Roxburgh ; 302, at Headingly ; 303, in the Cloncurry District ; 304, in the Leichhardt-Selwyn District. 305. First Ceremonial (Female) in Boulia District ; 306, in Upper Georgina District ; 307, in the Leichhardt-Selwyn District ; 308, at Birdsville. 309. Remarks on the Vaginal Laceration. 310. Second Ceremonial (Male and Female) among the Pitta- Pitta Blacks ; 311, in the Leichhardt- Selwyn District ; 312, in the Cloncurry and Flinders Districts. 313. Third and Fourth Ceremonials in the Boulia District ; 314, in the Leichhardt-Selwyn District ; 315, in the Cloncurry District. 316.. Introcision ; 317, in the Boulia District ; 318, among the Yaroinga ; 319, among the Undekerebina. 320. The commonly-alleged object of Introcision discussed. 321. An Hypothesis offered. 322. Physical Inconveniences. 323. Marriage. 324. Betrothal. 325. "Love-charms." 326. Consanguinity. 327. Venery. 328. Pregnancy and Labour. 329. Abortion. 330. Babyhood. 331. Menstruation. 332. Micturition and Defseoation. 333. Foul Language, &c. Index and Glossaet 185-199


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