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Feasee, J. — Some Eemarks on the Australian Languages. "Journ. E. Soo. W. 8. Wales for

[1891]," xxiv., pp. 231-253. 

Heagney, J.^ Vocabulary and Account of the Birria, Koongerri, and Eungarditcti Tribes, at the Junction of the Thomson and Barcoo Eivers, also the Whitula Creek. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii., pp. 374-383. HowiTT, A. W.— Notes on the Australian Class Systems. " Journ. Anthrop. Inst., 1883," xii., pp. 496-512, pi. 15. Further Eemarks on the Australian Class Systems. " Journ. Anthrop. Inst., 1889," xviii., pp. 31-70, pi. 5. The Organisation of Australian Tribes. " Trans. E. Soc. Vict., 1889, i., pp. 96-137." Note on the Use of G-esture-Language in Australian Tribes. " Proc. Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1890 [1891]," ii., pp. 637-646. HOWIIT, A. W., AND FiSON, L. On the Deme and the Horde. " Journ. Anthrop. Inst., 1884," xiv., i^p. 142-169. Lamond, M. S. — Vocabulary and Account of the Mykoolon Tribe, between the Gregory and Leich- hardt Eivers. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii., pp. 322-325. LiVEESIDGE, A. — The Alkaloid from Pituri. "Journ. E. Soc, N. S. Wales, for 1880 [1881]," xiv., pp. 123-132. IiTJMHOLTZ, C. — Among Camiibals: An Account of Four Years' Travels in Australia, and of Camp Life with the Aborigines of Queensland, pp. xx., 396. Plates, maps. 8vo. London, 1890. Macgiliiveay, a. — Manners and Languages of the Oonoomurra Tribe, Flinders and Cloncurry Country. '•' Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii., pp. 340-345. Machaitie, J. O. — Vocabulary and Customs of the Moorloobulloo Tribe, at the junction of King's Creek and the Georgina or Herbert Eiver. "Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii., pp. 366-369. Mathew, J. — The Australian Aborigines. " Journ. E. Soc, N. S. Wales, for 1889 [1890]," xxiii., pp. 335-349. Plate and map. Miklotjho-Maclat, N. von — tJber die Mika-opei'ation in Central Australien. "Zeitsch. fiir Ethnol. (Verhandl.), ," xii., p. 85. Stellung des Paares beim Coitus und das Ausschlendern des Sperma's vom Weibe. "Zeitsch. fiir Ethnol (Verhandl.), 1880," xii., p. 87. Langteinigkeit der Australischen Frauen. " Zeitsch. fiir Ethnol. (Verhandl.), 1880," xii., p. 89. Gesclileehtlicher Ilmgang mit Madchen vor der Geschlechtsreife. " Zeitsch. fiir Ethnol. (Verhandl.), 1880," xii., p. 88. Bericht iiber Operationen Australischer Eingeborner. "Zeitch. fiir Ethnol. (Verhandl.), 1882." xiv., pp. 26-29. McLean, A. — Vocabulary of the Einga-Eingaroo Tribe, between the Georgina and Burke Eivers, between Lat. 20° and L. 21° S. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii., p. 358. MOWBEAT, H. M.— Vocabulary and Customs of a Tribe at the Granite Eange, close to the head of the Mitchell Eiver, and east of the Hodgkinson Gold Fields. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii., pp. 402-407. MUELLEE, F. VON — Origin of the Stimtdant called Pitury. " Smyth's Aborigines of Victoria, 1878," i., p. 222, note. MUEEAT, J. P. —

Pituri. " Pharm. Journ,, 1879," i. (3), p. 638.

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