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Chaenoce, On Queensland Dialects. " Joum. Anthrop. Inst., 1873," ii., p. 175. Cheistison, E. — Q Vocabulary of Language used on the Upper Thomson (Lat. 22°, Long. 144 , or thereabouts). "Curr's Australian 'Eaoe, 1887," iii., p. 10. Coward, T. — „ Language of the Aborigines about Burtetown. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1886, ii., p. 298. Cox, J. C— . ^ 1 J Notes on Some of the Habits and Customs of Australian Natives m Queensland. "Proc. Linn. Soc, N. S. Wales, 1881," v., pp. 633-636. Ceaigie, J. — Voca;bulary of the Eunga-Eungawah Tribe, Eoxburgh Downs Station. "Currs Australian Eace, 1886," ii., p. 356. CUEL, S. M.— On Pituri, a New Vegetable Product that deserves further Investigation. " Trans. N. Zealand Inst, for 1878 [1879]," xi., pp. 411-415. Cube, E. M.— The Australian Eace : Its Origin, Languages, Customs, Place of Landing m Australia, and the Eoutes by which it spread itself over that Continent. 3 vols. and atlas. 8vo and folio. Melbourne, 1886. Cube, E.— Language Spoken on the West Bank of the Leiohhardt Eiver, near the Sea. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii., p. 314. Language Spoken on the Leichliardt Eiver, twenty miles below Kamilaroi Station. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii., p. 316. Vosabulary of the Birria Language. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii., pp. 384-85. Vocabulary of Language used at the Head of the Gilbert Eiver. " Curr's Australian Eaoe, 1886," ii., p. 416. Vocabulary of the Groa Tribe, Middleton Creek, Diamantina Eiver. -"Curr's Australian Eace, 1887," iii., p. 14. Cube, M. — Vocabulary of the Tribe at Kamilaroi Station, Leichhardt Eiver. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii., pp. 318-321. Vocabulary of Language used at the Head of the Diamantina Eiver. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1887," iii., p. 12. CtTEE, M. AND E.^ The Pooroga Language : Dialects of the Upper Flinders, Hughenden, and Dutton Eivers. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii. pp. 460-463. Eglington, E. — Vocabulary and Manners of the Yelina Tribe, Burke Eiver. " Curr's Australian ,, Eace, 1886," ii., pp. 346-319. Vocabulary and Customs of the Yanda Tribe, Head of the Hamilton Eiver. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii., pp. 360-363. "Vocabulary of a Tribe on the Hamilton Eiver. near Eoulia. " Curr's Australian Eace, 1886," ii., p. 364. Etheeidge, E., Jimr. — The Knife used by the Mulligan Eiver (North-Central Queensland) Aborigines in the Mika Operation. "Proc. Linn. Soc, N. S. Wales, 1890," v. (2), pp. 251- , pis. 9 and 10. Additional Eemarks on Mika Knives. " Proc. Linn. Soc, N. S. Wales, 1890," v. (2), pp. 289-291, pis. 11 and 12. Spear Heads from Settlement Creek and Nii'holson Eiver. " Proc Linn. Soc, N. S. Wales, 1891," vi. (2), p. 37, pi. 4, f. 2 and 3. Contributions to a Catalogue of Works, Eeports, and Papers on the Anthropology, Ethnology, and Geological History of the Australian and Tasmanian Aborigines. Parts i.-iii. " Pal. Mom. Geol. Survey, N. S. Wales," No. 8. 4to. Sydney, -95. By authority. FiSON, L.—

On Australian Marriage Laiys. " Journ. Anthrop. Inst, for 1879 [1880]," 35 1-57.

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