Pig. 195. Swimming. — The one hand, with palm in a vertical plane, is thrust out directly forwards, and slowly redrawn. Woo., Goa. Fig. 196. To grasp, catch hold of, &c. — The outstretched hand pulled backwards and upwards, being simultaneously closed. P.P., Bo., Ula., Won., Wal., TJnd. Fig. 197. To grasp, to steal a gin. — The idea of dragging her away by the wrist. Kal., Mit. Fig. 198. To eat : food, S{c. — The closed hand is put up to the mouth, and then redrawn pretty quickly in a downwards and forwards direction, when the |)alm shows forwards : the idea of the full hand, being put up to the moutb, whence it is returned empty. Prom the idea of thus bolting the food, the same ideagram is in addition used among the Pitta-Pitta aboriginals to express "a large dog" (c/ the English idiom of " wolfing up one's food"). P.P., Bo., TJla., Won., Wal, Und., Kal., Mit. . Complex Conditions, &c. Abstract Ideas. — Anger is represented by a biting of the ball of the thumb in Pig 199, or, if more convenient, by the lapping over of the beard into the mouth and holding it there between the teeth : another means of expressing anger, &6., is by the idea of hitting or striking, as in Pig. 200. Illness, sickness, disease, &e., is expressed in various ways. The practice of smearing blood over the body of the patient (sect. 283) is indicated in Pig. 201 ; on account of the complaint usually necessitating the patient's lying down or going to sleep, we find the ideagram I'ig. 202 doing duty under both circumstances ; also by the pressing of the hand to the side, as in Pig. 203, a sufferer in extremis — a dramatic trick practised among even European people ; and, to express a fatal issue, the stiffening of the legs after death in Pig. 204. In loss of memory, forgetfulness, &c. (Pig. 205), attention is drawn to something having gone into the head, through the ear, but which is not willing to come out again — it is therefore being picked out with the fingers : in Pig. 206 a somewhat similar notion is expressed with the forehead. The true interpretations of the ideagramsfor "yes" (Pig. 207), "no" (Pig. 208), "good" (Pigs. 209,210), " bad" (Pig. 211), I have not succeeded in obtaining from among the aboriginals whence 1 learnt them. Nevertheless, the similarity of Pig. 210 and the expression adopted by a European child patting itself in the sense of self-satisfaction, goodness, &c., is interesting ; while an explanation of Pig. 211 may possibly be found in a comparison with Pig. 204, death from a non-physical {i.e., aboriginally unapparent) cause being always looked upon as a punishment for crime committed (sect. 279). The ideagrams indicative of two of the articles of faith, &c., though arbitrary, are recorded in Pigs. 212, 213. . Notes to lUustiations. Pig. 199. Anger : intention of fighting, Sfc. — The biting of the ball of the thumb. The same intention can also be expressed by the signaller holding his own beard between his teeth. It is possible that both these variations may be but reminiscences of the times when enemies were eaten after battle. {Of. the biting of the lip in the case of a European ; also the expression of a man having " hair on his teeth.") P.P., Bo., Ula., Won., Wal., Und., Kal., Mit., Woo., Goa. Pig. 200. Anger : intention of fighting, Sfc. — The dorsum of the one hand rapping sharply upon the hollowed palm of the other : the idea of punching, hitting, &c. P.P., Mit. {cf. Pig. 151). Pig. 201. Sickness : a sick person. — A rubbing of the chest and breast slowly up and down in a more or less circular movement with the flats of the hands : an imitation of the method adopted in times of sickness of rubbing human blood over these same parts (sect. 283). In both these tribes, sickness, &c., can also be expressed in imitation of the treatment (sect. 283) in taking the sweat with each hand alternately from the opposite armpit, and either smelling them or rubbing them over the affected parts. P.P., Und. Pig, 202. Sickness : to lie down : to sleep. — Pingers loosely closed, palm
towards signaller's face, and to^and-fro flexion at wrist. Kal.