P. 297, l. 16, dele comma after "constable."
P.„ 302, l. 20, for piu read pin.
P.„ 330, l. 14, for "chien-abi" read Chien-a-bi.
P.„ 332, l. 11, from foot after "mappa" insert "in the sense of map."
P.„ 341, l. 5, for no-t‘a read no-t‘ou.
P.„ 343, Note 1, read '"Crawfurd's Des. Diet.
P.„ 347, l. 5, for t‘on read t‘ou.
P.„ 352, l. 18, for "as tone" read "a stone."
P.„ 365, l. 2, after "eldest" add But Kurun is an old Nü-chên word meaning Princess or wife of chieftain.
P.„ 366, l. 7, from foot after "resides" add—This word, written An-pan (揞板) is found in Chinese literature as a Nü-chên term, and interpreted as meaning great.
P.„ 379, l. 7, from foot after 佛 substitute , for .
P.„ 399, l. 2, from foot for "Maūchi" read "Marīchi."
P.„ 403, l. 17, for "Szamana" read "Sramana."
P.„ 417, l. 12, for "Ṣaria" read "Ṣārīra.
P.„ 417,„ l. 14, for "Ṣaria"do. read "Ṣārī
P.„ 417,„ l.23, for "Chatya" read "Chaitya."
P.„ 417,„ l. 24, for "achitā" read "a chitā"
P.„ 425, l. 19, for "Vy-ākaraṇa " read Vyākarana."
P.„ 425,„ l. 20, read (or-Chia or-ga)-lo.
P.„ 425,„ last line, for Ga read "ga."