P. 115, l. 5, for "place to place" read "time to time."
P„ 117, l. 9, for "then" read "them."
P„ 119, l. 10, from foot read "Missionary."
P„ 119„ l. 8, from„ foot„ for 0 read o and 1 for I.
P„ 123, Note, add Lu-shih-ch‘ien-chi (路史前紀) ch. 6.
P„ 130, l. 8, after "word" insert "even."
P„ 137, l. 24, omit comma after "breathes."
P„ 137„ l. 7, from foot for "Saüsselt" read "sausselt."
P„ 142, l. 6, from foot "inhaling" and "exhaling" exchange places.
P„ 144, l. 8, from foot for "pearl" read "pearls."
P„ 146, l. 8, for "work" read "word."
P„ 146„ l. 13, place a comma after "like" and dele the comma after "noh-noh."
P„ 147, l. 6, for "k‘eh" read "keh" and for ? read !
P„ 148, l. 8, from foot for "suak" read "sauk."
P„ 154, last line, for lu read Lu.
P„ 155, l. 6, for hang read hsing.
P„ 162, l. 3, from foot for ch‘iang read Ch‘iang.
P„ 166, l. 6, from foot for "is spoken of as" read "hence we find."
P„ 198, l. 5, from foot for 天 read 旡 i.e. 無.
P„ 208, l. 3, from foot for 明 read 正.
P„ 210, l. 14, from foot put "before appetitus and after fruentis.
P„ 215, l. 19, put comma after "brothers."
P„ 216, l. 8, for 盡道 read 盡事.
P„ 216„ 1. 11, for The read To.
P„ 220, l. 8, from foot for "zeal" read "real."
P„ 222, l. 9, from foot for sha-lu read Sha-lu.
P„ 234, l. 14, before "included" insert "not."
P„ 261, l. 7, for "befal" read "befall."
P„ 261„ l. 10, read "sickness-broken."
P„ 297, l. 7, substitute—"It is recorded of Confucius that when a friend died and there was no one on whom the disposition of the body devolved, he said "yü-wo-pin, &c.