China, 129; Farrar's "elements of articulate speech," 130; Chinese use of interjections such as ai-ya, 131; uses of ai, 133;
vocal gestures, 135; in some cases such expressions are real words or their ruins, 136; blowing of wind, rain, 137; imitations of animal cries, 139; of involuntary human sounds as coughing and sneezing, 142; defects and peculiarities of utterance, 145; child's language, 147; expressions metaphorically imitative, 149.
Chap. V.
Neither foreign nor native opinions as to the resources of the Chinese language to be trusted, p. 152; the word Tao to be investigated, 152; cautions with reference to what is stated in this chapter, 153; Tao does not give fair specimen of uses of a word, 153; writing and pronunciation of the word, 153; synonyms, 154; combinations with sense of road, 154; special phrases connected with meaning of road, 160; to travel, 161; right of way, 161; from, district, 162; orbit, course, 164; ray, band, line, time, 166; Tao as a numerative or classifier, 167; in the sense of means and manner, 168; expedient, 169; attainments, characteristics, 170; course of conduct, 172; state or condition, 175; to lead or guide, 177; doctrine, religion, 180; truth, wisdom, 181; principles, 183; to rule, government, institutions, 186; good government, order, 189; law, standard, &c., 190; to talk, discourse, &c., 192; the Ultimate Principle, 197; nature or law of creatures, 201; T'ien-tao's meanings, 202; man's moral constitution, 206; conscience, 208; Tao-hsin and Jen-hsin, 209; Reason, 211; duty, 214; relationship, 217; essentials, sum, 219; Tao as title of person, 221; source or cause, reason, 222; type, emblem, 223; ideal moral perfection, 225; ideal state of society, 228; Nature, 229; Miscellaneous, 232; Taoist use of the word, 235 Mahometan, 239; Christian, 240.