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Sidney, Sir Philip, lx, 107, 141
Sidney Letters, xxxviii
Silius, Caius, 102
Simulation, 24
Sinews of war, 135
Singular, 139
Sit, 189
Slide, 60, 186
Slope, 220
Slug, 189
Smith, Captain John, lxvii, 154
Smith, Sydney
A Memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith, by his Daughter, Lady Holland, with a Selection from his Letters, edited by Mrs. Austin, 32
Smother, 125
So, 5
Socrates, 116, 202, 245
Softness, 229
Solecism, 84
Solon, 135, 249, 263
Solution of continuity, 11
Solyman I., 87, 202
Somerset, Countess of (see, Lady Frances Howard)
Somerset, Earl of (see, Robert Carr)
Sort, 31, 204
Southampton, Earl of (see, Henry Wriothesley)
Spang, 176
Spartianus, Aelius, 38, 194
Spectator, The, 75, 265
Spedding, James, liii, lv, lvi, lvii, lxxx, lxxxi, 15, 37, 54, 61, 62, 76, 89, 90, 91, 94, 103, 154, 165, 178, 179, 182, 199, 204, 270
Speech of touch, 153
Spenser, Edmund, 45, 98, 99, 110, 122, 207, 208, 217
Spials, 201
Sprite, 177
Stablish, 164
Staddle, 136
Stale, 53
Stand upon, 141
Stand with, 155
Stanhope, Michael, xviii
Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th Earl of Chesterfield, 27
State, 137
Stay, 59
Steal, 49
Steele, Sir Richard, 265
Sterne, Lawrence, 9, 129, 250
Stick, 251
Stirp, 58
Stock-gillyflower, 212, 217
Stond, 234
Storm, The, lv
Stout, 149
Stove, 212
Straightways, 85
STUDIES, OF, lxix, lxx, lxxi, lxxxviii, xcii, 233
Suetonius, lxxv, 9, 69, 166, 167
Sufficiency, 50
Sufficient, 240
Suit, 265
Sulla, lxxxvi, 69, 120, 186
Sulla, Life of, 186
Sulphur, flower of, 119
Superficies, 114
Superstition, Of (Plutarch), 76
Surcharge, 59
Survival of Elizabethan English in Scottish Vernacular, xci
Suspect, 110, 237
SUSPICION, OF, lxiii, xcii, 149
Sustentation, 269
Swift, Jonathan, 262
Sylva Sylvarum: or A Natural History, xxi, xxiii, xxiv, lii, liii, lxi, 175, 179, 224
Symposiaca, 35
Syrus, Publilius, 44

Tacitus, xxi, lxxiv, lxxv, lxxvii, xcii, 9, 24, 25, 63, 84, 246, 264
Annales, 9, 25, 86, 102, 104, 121, 164, 241
Germania, 9
Historiae, 9, 25, 50, 61, 62, 69, 70, 166, 246
Julii Affricolae Vita, 9, 242
Talmud, 71
Taming of the Shrew, The, 22, 49, 180, 249, 260, 262
Task, The, 190, 211
Temper, 83
Temperature, 29
Tempest, The, 158, 264
Temporis Partus Maximus, xxviii, xlviii
Tendering, 148
Tennyson, Alfred
Blackbird, The, 214
Geraint and Enid, 110, 153
Holy Grail, The, 216
In Memoriam, 146
Queen Mary, 181
Terence (Publius Terentius Afer), lxxv
Eunuchus, 93
Heauton-timorumenos, 114
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 13

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