1 Samuel, 165
2 Samuel, 94
Sapientia Veterum, De, xlvii, 129
Sarpi, Paolo, lxxix, 78
Sarza, 119
Saturn, 76
Satyrian, 214
Scant, 204
Scantling, 250
Scipio Africanus Major, lxxxvi, 196, 244, 246
Scott, Sir Walter, xci
Guy Mannering, 263
Ivanhoe, 134, 149, 188
Lady of the Lake, The, 175
Lay of the Last Minstrel, The, 205
Lord of the Isles, The, 220, 270
Monastery, The, 24
Old Mortality, xci, 175
Pirate, The, 137
Quentin Durward, 123
Redgauntlet, 189, 207
Scrap, 256
Scrivener, 163
Seasons, The, 217
Seat, 203
Second, 230
SEDITIONS AND TROUBLES, OF, lxxxvi, xciv, 60
Seek (be to seek), 191
Seel, 172
SEEMING WISE, OF, lxiv, xcv, 114
Sejanus his Fall, 156, 172
Sejanus, Aelius, 86, 121, 172
Selymus I., 88
Selymus II., 87
Seneca, lxxv, lxxvii, 8, 116, 170, 246
Epistolae ad Lucilium, lxx, 8, 9, 22, 43
De Ira, 259
Medea, 165
Thyestes, 47
Sermones Fideles sive Interiora Rerum, lii
Services, 215
Several, 206
Severus, Lucius Septimius, 10, 21, 121, 193, 194
Sforza, Lodovico, 86
Shadow, 46
Shakspere, William, xl, lii, lix, lxvii, lxxv, lxxvi, lxxvii, lxxxi, lxxxii, lxxxiii, lxxxiv, lxxxv, xciv, xcv, 8, 34, 74, 76, 172, 183, 212, 213, 214, 217
All 's Well that Ends Well, 183
Antony and Cleopatra, 43, 77, 124, 227
As You Like It, 81, 113, 162, 169, 240
Comedy of Errors, The, 38, 103, 138
Coriolanus, 127, 198
Cymbeline, 49
Hamlet, 29, 31, 34, 55, 106, 115, 118, 125, 130, 194, 196, 223, 231, 232
1 Henry IV., 112, 133
2 Henry IV., 33, 104, 129
Henry V., 66, 218
1 Henry VI., 137, 171, 177, 201
2 Henry VI., 108, 110, 213, 232, 244, 247
3 Henry VI., 140, 175, 208
Henry VIII., 59, 106
Julius Caesar, 31, 59, 64, 73, 125, 147, 148, 184
King John, 104
Lear, 32, 95, 150, 231
Love's Labour's Lost, 49, 105, 141, 230
Macbeth, 8, 34, 69, 97, 131
Measure for Measure, 247
Merchant of Venice, The, 162, 192, 194, 255
Merry Wives of Windsor, The, 42
Midsummer-Night's Dream, A, 176, 214, 217, 218
Much Ado About Nothing, 5, 31, 102, 157
Othello, 6, 118, 240
Pericles, Prince of Tyre, 142, 269
Richard II., xl, 150, 192, 255
Richard III., 49
Romeo and Juliet, 154, 204
Taming of the Shrew, The, 22, 49, 180, 249, 260, 262
Tempest, The, 158, 264
Timon of Athens, 74, 172, 229
Titus Andronicus, 228
Troilus and Cressida, 162
Twelfth Night; or What You Will, 21, 175, 200, 214
Two Gentlemen of Verona, The, 241
Winter's Tale, The, 211, 213, 215, 217
Venus and Adonis, lxxxiii
Shelley, Memoir of Percy Bysshe, 23
Shilleto, Arthur Richard, 22
Shrewd, 106
Sibylla's offer, 98
Side, 237
Sidgwick, Henry
Henry Sidgwick, A Memoir by A. S. and E. M. S., 97