Philippe le Bel, 197
Philippians, 4
Philippicae, 51, 121, 135
Philology, 271
Philostratus, 84
Piety, natural, 76
Pilgrim's Progress, The, 156
Pirate, The, 137
Piso, Lucius Calpurnius, 115
Place, to take, 231
Plantation, 154
PLANTATIONS, OF, liii, lxvi, lxvii, 154
Plato, xx, lxxv, 73, 116, 202, 261, 264
Critias, 170
Meno, 261
Phaedo, 261
Protagoras, 116
Republic, 170
Timaeus, 170, 263, 264
Plato's great year, 264
Plausible, 41
Plautianus, Lucius Fulvius, 121
Plautus, lxxv, 184
Play-pleasure, 36
Pleasure, 172
Pliny the Elder, liii, lxxv, 198, 246
Pliny the Younger, lxxv, 246, 247
Plutarch, lx, lxxv, lxxvi, 76, 166
Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men, 166, 205
Alcibiades, 199
Alexander, 166
Antony, lxxvi, 57
Caesar, lxxvi, 120, 166, 186
Cimon, 132
Coriolanus, lxxvi, 96
Lucullus, 134, 205
Lysander, 6
Marcus Brutus, lxxvi, 166
Pompey, 120
Sulla, 186
Themistocles, 125, 132
Timoleon, 187
Plutarch, Philosophie commonly called the Morals, written by the learned philosopher, lx, lxxvi
Adulatore et amico, De, 44
Curiosity, Of, 37
Exilio, De, 32
Gryllus, 34
Superstition, Of, 76
Symposiaca, 35
Training of Children, Of the, 123
Pluto, 99, 161
Ply, 183
Poems on Life and Duty, 258
Poesy, 22
Poetics (Aristotle), 245
Point, 207
Point-device, 240
Politic, 52
Politics, 13
Politics of Aristotle, The, 117, 245
Poll, 256
Pollock, Sir Frederick, 233
Polycrates, 166
Pompey, 64, 108, 143, 144, 160, 161, 205, 236
Pompey, Life of, 120
Pope, Alexander, lxxx
Epistle I, 46
Epistle III, 159
The Rape of the Lock, 177
Popularity, 228
Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, xvii, 220
Poser, 152
Practice, 226
Praeterita, lxxxix
Praetorian bands, 21, 90
Pragmatic Sanction, 139
Pray in aid, 124
Precedent, 86
Prefer before, 203
Pre-occupate, 8
Prescott, William Hickling, 202
Prescription, 226
Present, 141
Prest, 142
Pretend, 142
Pretty, 105
Prevent, 254
Primum mobile, 63, 77, 238
Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation, etc., The, lx, 108
Privado, 119
Private, 156
Privateness, 46, 180
Probus, 70
Procure, 138
Profit, 195
Prologue, The, 110, 213
Prometheus, 23, 68
Prometheus Bound, 23
Prometheus Unbound, 23
Proof, 31
Proper, 129, 260
PROPHECIES, OF, xxiii, liii, 165
Proportion, Vier Bücher von menschlicher, 198
Propriety, 12
Prospect, 5
Prospective, 114
Protagoras, 116
Prothero, Rowland E., 22