Cicero, 46, 108, 144
Horace, 10
Pliny the Younger, 246, 247
Seneca, lxx, 8, 9, 22, 43
Equinoctia, 60
Equipollent, 182
Erasmi Adagia, 118
Esculent, 155
Escurial, 205
Esmond, Henry, 13
Essais (Montaigne), lx, Ixxviii, 6
Essay, lxx
Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall, lii, lxi, lxiii, lxvii, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxvii, lxxix, lxxx, lxxxii, lxxxv, lxxxviii, xc, xciv, xcv, xcvi, 129, 183, 207
Essex, 2d Earl of (see, Robert Devereux)
Essex, 3d Earl of (see, Robert Devereux)
Estate, 58, 64, 128, 228, 235, 257
Esther, 206
Ethics, Nichomachean, 245
Eunuchus, 93
Euripides, 17, 199
Exaltation, 183
Excellency, 197
Except, 117
Excusation, 113, 246
Exhaust, 34, 271
Exilio, De, 32
Exodus, 11, 17, 113
Expect, 162
Experience, to put in, 157
Extern, 195
Extreme, 201
Evelyn, John, lxix, 220
Every of them, 63
Every Man in his Humour, 190
Fables of Abstemius, 243
Fables of Aesop and Other Eminent Mythologists: With Morals and Reflexions, 55, 180, 243
Facility, lviii, 48
Factious, 244
Faery Queene, The, 45, 98, 99, 110, 122, 207, 208
Fain, 89
Fair, 28, 205, 255
Fall, xci, 28, 105
Fame, 61
Farmer, John S., 256
Farneworth, Ellis, 263
Fashion, 227
Fast, 216
Favor, 198
Felicity, 24
Fenton, Geoffrey, lxxviii
Ferdinand II., 86
Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone, 219
Fetch, 269
Fetch about, 104
Field, 270
Flashy, 234
Fleming, Sir Thomas, xxxv, xlv, xlvii
Florio, John, 183, 231
Flos Africanus, 213
Flout, 153
Flower-de-luce, 213
Flux, 262
Fly upon a Wheel, A, 243
Foil, 238
Foix, Gaston de, 194
Folk-lore, xci
FOLLOWERS AND FRIENDS, OF, lxii, lxiii, 227
Fomentation, 113
Fond, 127
Foot, 206
Foot-pace, 255
Foot (under foot), 190
For that, 128
Forth (so far forth), 231
Formal Gardens in England and Scotland, 220
FORTUNE, OF, lxxx, 184
Foundation, 30
Four and twenty letters, xci, 127
Four mutable elements, 72
Four Plays in One, 174
Foxe, Richard, 94
Francis Bacon: His Life and Philosophy, liv, lvi
Francis I., 85
Frederick V., Elector Palatine, xlvii
Friendship, lxiii
FRIENDSHIP, OF, lxii, lxxi, lxxvii, lxxxviii, xci, xciii, xcv, 117, 129
Fritellaria, 212
Froward, 226
Fume, 264
Futile, 27, 93
Galba, 9, 50, 69, 166
Galen, 245
Galliard, 152
GARDENS, OF, lxv, lxxv, 203, 211
Gasca, Pedro de, 202
Gaudery, 145
Gay, John, Life of, 45
Gellius, Aulus, 115, 116
Genesis, 6, 15, 17, 47, 61, 135, 172, 187
Georgica, 60, 61, 187, 259
Georgics, 223