Carr, Robert, Earl of Somerset, xlviii
Cashiered, 237
Cassius, 21, 236
Cast, 208
Castoreum, 119
Cat and Venus, A, 180
Catch, 175
Catchpole, 243
Cato, Dionysius, 98
Cato, Marcus Porcius, 185
Catonis Distichorum de Moribus, 98
Catullus, Caius Valerius, lxxii
Cecil, Mildred Cooke, xviii, xix
Cecil, Sir Robert, Earl of Salisbury, xvii, xxvi, xxviii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxviii, xliv, xlv, lxiv, lxvii, 103, 154, 200
Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, xviii, xxviii, xxix, xxxii, xxxvi, lxxvii
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius, 148
Certayne Sermons, xix
Cessions, 246
Chamaïris, 212
Chamber of presence, 208
Chamberlain, John, xliv
Chamberlain, Nicholas, 200
Chapman, George, xliv
Eastward Hoe, xliv
The Masque of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn, 176
Chapmen, 162
Charge, 245
Charlemagne, 268
Charles the Bold, lxxvii, 122, 123
Charles, Prince (Charles I.), lvii
Charles V., 83, 85
Charon, 135
Chaucer, Geoffrey, lix, 217
The Clerk's Tale, 237
The Doctor's Tale, 43
The Knight's Tale, 77, 122
The Prologue, 110, 213
Check with, 44, 149
Chesterfield, The Letters of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 27
Childe Harold, 178
Chop, 255
Church, R. W., Ixxx, 114
Churchmen, 33
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, xx, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxv, xc, xcii, 75, 115, 143, 160, 205, 246, 248, 264
Brutus, 196
Epistolae, 46, 108, 144
Legibus, De, 257
Orationes, 76, 115, 121, 160
Oratore, De, 34, 205
Philippicae, 121, 135
Rhetorica, 198
Tusculanae, 182, 245
Cicero, Quintus Tullius, 248
Ciceronis Scripta Quae Manserunt Omnia, M. Tullii, 248
Cimon, Life of, 132
Cipher, biliteral, xxiii
Circumstance, 247
Civil, 77, 228
Civility, 211
Clamour, 97
Claudius (Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus), 102
Claudius Crassus, Appius, 43
Clément, Jacques, 21, 181
Cleon, 169
Clerk's Tale, The, 237
Close, 49
Cloth of Arras, 125
Clough, Arthur Hugh, 258
Cock and a Diamond, A, 55
Codlin, 214
Coemption, 163
Coke, Sir Edward, xxxiii, xxxiv, xli, xlv, xlvii, xlviii
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, lx
Collation, 88
Collegiate, 183
Colour, 193
Colours of Good and Evil, Of the, xxxvii
Columbus, 239
Comedy of Errors, The, 38, 103, 138
Comfort, 183
Comines, Philippe de, lx, lxxvii, 122, 123
Command, 5
Commend, 148
Commentaries (Caesar), lxxii
Commentarius Solutus, lxiv, 114
Commiserable, 159
Commodities, 188
Commodus, 83
Common Prayer, The Book of, 183
Communicate, 122
Composition, 150, 194
Compound, 249
Comus, 174
Conceit, 29, 254, 255
Conclusion, 105
Conduct of Life, 268
Confessio Amantis, 43
Confessions of Augustine, The, 4
Confidence, 73
Conquest of Peru, History of the, 202
Conscience, 47