closer, there was no blood to be seen, nothing but some stuffed-out clothes. And where was his wife?
And now he began to search for her, and as soon as he had gone out, she crept forth from her hiding-place, and took to flight. And while she was thus making her escape, her husband came after her, and seeing that he came nearer and nearer, at last she said:
"Now I remember, my amulet is a piece of wood."
And hardly had she said these words, when she was changed into a piece of wood, and her husband could not find her. He looked about as hard as ever he could, but could see nothing beyond a piece of wood anywhere. And he stabbed at that once or twice with his knife, but she felt no more than a little stinging pain. Then he went back home to fetch his axe, and then, as soon as he was out of sight, she changed back into a woman again and fled away to her brothers.
When she came to their house, she hid herself behind the skin hangings, and after she had placed herself there, her husband was heard approaching, weeping because he had lost his wife. He stayed there with them, and in the evening, the brothers began singing songs in mockery of him, and turning towards him also, they said:
"Men say that Ímarasugssuaq eats his wives."
"Who has said that?"
"Misána has said that."
"I said it, and I ran away because you tried to kill me," said she from behind the hangings.
And then the many brothers fell upon Ímarasugssuaq and held him fast that his wife might kill him; she took her knife, but each time she tried to strike, the knife only grazed his skin, for her fingers lost their power.
And she was still standing there trying in vain to stab him, when they saw that he was already dead.
Here ends this story.