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(L. 20.) Here there are (the following) verses sang by Mann: — [Here follow four benedictive and imprecatory verses.] (L. 26.) He who from greed or infatuation takes away this (gift), is guilty of the five great sins. May blessings rest on cows and Brahmans ! l


By F. Kielhorn, Ph.D., LL.D., CLE.; Gottingen.

(Continued from Vol. V. page 200.)

Vol. IV. of Mr. Rice's Epigraphia Carnatica again contains a number of Ch61a inscriptions with Saka dates. Dr. Hultzsch has sent me revised transcripts and translations of six of them (Nos. 32-37), which are all in the Heggadad3vank6te taluka of the Mysore district. The transcripts were made from inked estampages, prepared by Mr. H. Krishna Sastri, B.A. The seventh of the new dates (No. 38) is taken from Vol. III. of Dr. Hnltzsch's South-Indian In$cription8. I would add here a few words about the commencement of R&jar&ja's reign. Above, Vol. V. p. 48, I found that that reign commenced between (approximately) the 24th December A.D. 984 and the 29th August A.D. 985. By the statement of the SuchSndram inscription, ibid. p. 44, according to which the tenth year of the king's reign commenced with the month of Karkataka, the previously found period is reduced to the time from the 25th June to the 25th July A.D. 985. A— BAJENDBA-CHOLA I. 32.— On a stone at the BanSsvara temple at Bejaturu. 2 1 6rl svasfci [||*] Saka-varisha 3 vombhaynftra-nalvatta-mure(ra)neya varishada 4 Raudra-samvatsarada A- 2 shadha-masada punnave Uttarashadha-nakshatram Maka- 3 ra-chandram Bri(bri)haspati-varam firl-Mudigonda-Rajendra-Ch61am rajyam [ge]- 4 yyutt-ire iyandu ombhattavudara(jo)}. " Thursday, the moon being in Makara, the nakshatra being Uttarashadha, during the full-moon tithi of the month of Ashadha in the Raudra year (which corresponded) to the nine- hnndred-and-f orty-third year of the Saka years, — in the ninth year of the reign of the glorious Mudigonda-RajSndra-Chdla." The Jovian year Raudra by the southern luni-solar system was Saka- Sam vat 943 as a current year ( = A.D. 1020-21). In that year the month Ashadha was intercalary, and the full-moon tithi of the second or nija Ashadha ended 17 h. 55 m. after mean sunrise of Thursday, the 7th July A.D. 1020, when the nakshatra was Uttarashadha, by the Brahma-siddhanta for 7 h. 13 m., and by the equal-space system and according to Garga for 13 h. 47 m., after mean 1 Cows and Brahmans are often mentioned together in this order ; compare e.g. line 15 of Radradaman's inscription referred to above; Gupta Inter, p. 32, 1. 10 of the text ; Ep. Int. Vol. I. p. 7, 1. 52, and p. 129, 1 . 28 ; South-Imd. Jnscr. Vol I . p. 39, 1. 1 ; Bdmdyaifa, Bo. ed., I. 26, 5 ; 1 1 1. 23, 28 (tvosti g6>hrdhman4bhya9Mt«) ; III. 24, 21 (evoMii gdhrdhmandndm eha); VI. 107. 49; etc.

  • Mr. Rice'e Ep. Cam. VoL IV. Hg. 16.

1 The opening words of line 1 ■• fur as vombha are engraved at right angle to the remainder. • This word if entered below the line and its omission indicated by a cross above nepa. Digitized by Google

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