It was the joy of six,
To see her own Son Jesus
To bear the crucifix;
To bear the crucifix, good man,
Etc., etc.
7The next great joy that Mary had,
It was the joy of seven,
To see her own Son Jesus
To wear the crown of Heaven;
To wear the crown of Heaven, good man,
Etc., etc.
8The next great joy that Mary had,
It was the joy of eight,
To see her own Son Jesus
To bring the crooked straight;
To bring the crooked straight, good man,
Etc., etc.
9The next great joy that Mary had,
It was the joy of nine,
To see her own Son Jesus
Turn water into wine;
Turn water into wine, good man,
Etc., etc.
10The next great joy that Mary had,
It was the joy of ten,
To see her own Son Jesus
Bring up ten gentlemen;
Bring up ten gentlemen, good man,
How happy may you be;
O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
And Christ to eternity.