THE THIRTY-SEVENTH VOLUME ARTICLES, NOTES AND DOCUMENTS ANNALES Kadingenses posteriores, 1135-1264: by C. W. Previte- Orton, 400 BRYCE, Lord : by Ernest Barker, 219 CABOT, Sebastian, An early grant to : by A. P. Newton, 564 Chester, The ' Domesday ' roll of : by R. Stewart-Brown, 481 Clergy, The social status of the, in the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- turies : by the Rev. C. H. Mayo, 258 Communitas villae : by Miss Joan Wake, 406 Council and cabinet, 1679-88 : by Godfrey Davies, 47 Council, star chamber, and privy council under the Tudors : by A. F. Pollard. I, The council, 337 ; II, The star chamber, 516 DANIEL of Morley : by Lynn Thorn- dike, 540 ECCLESIASTICAL commission, A de- claration before the, in 1562 : by W. P. M. Kennedy, 256 ' Eudo Dapifer ', The legend of : by J. H. Round, 1. FACTORY system, The transition to the : by George Unwin, 206, 383 Fines, Early notes of : by R. C. Fowler, 82 Foreign office registers, Some early, at the Public Record Office : by C. S. B. Buckland, 567 Forts, The Highland, in the ' Forty- Five ' : by C. L. Kingsford, 361 GHOST-STORIES, Twelve medieval : by M. R. James, 413 HENRY of Blois, bishop of Winchester, The death of : by the Rev. H. E. Salter, 79 Holme, St. Benet of, and the Norman conquest : by F. M. Stenton, 225 ' KING Harold's books ' : by C. H. Haskins, 398 LAW merchant in London in 1292 : by H. G. Richardson, 242 Louvain university, Excerpts from the register of, from 1485 to 1527 : by Pere H. de Vocht, 89, 320 MARSIGLIO of Padua : by C. K. Brampton, 501 Maximilian, The Archduke Fer- dinand, and the crown of Greece, 1863 : by D. Dawson, 107 Merchant adventurers, A general court of the, in 1547 : by W. P. M. Kennedy, 105 More, Sir Thomas, A calendar of the correspondence of : by Elizabeth F. Rogers, 546 NORTH, Thomas, The birth of : by P. S. Allen, 565 ORDINANCE of 1184, The text of the, concerning an aid for the Holy Land : by W. E. Lunt, 235 PETITION to Boniface VIII from the clergy of the province of Canter- bury, A : by Miss Rose Graham, 35 Pleas, Some lost, of 1195 : by G. H. Fowler, 403 Pole, Cardinal, The mission of, to enforce the Bull of deposition against Henry VIII : by the Rev. P. Van Dyke, 422 Praemunire, The great statute of : by W. T. Waugh, 173 RIVERS, Lord, The capture of, and Sir Anthony Woodville in 1460: by Miss C. L. Scofield, 253 SCUTAGE under Edward I : by Miss H. M. Chew, 321 Sheriffs and the administrative sys- tem of Henry I, The : by W. A. Morris, 161 Sheriffs in the Pipe Roll of 31 Henry I : by Curtis H. Walker, 67 Simon de Montfort, A proposal for arbitration between, and Henry III in 1260 : by E. F. Jacob, 80, 320 Stamford schism, The : by the Rev. H. E. Salter, 249 WARWICK, The earl of, at Calais in 1460 : by C. L. Kingsford, 544 Westminster, A visitation of, in 1444 : by V. H. Galbraith, 83 Woodville, Sir Anthony, The capture of Lord Rivers and, in 1460 : by Miss C. L. Scofield, 253