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Again inviting protection against Robert Carver : cf. 129. Year-date given by position. 171. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,398, fo. 41 ; Brewer, iv. 6311. More to Sir John Arundell. Maister Arundell, in my . . . 5 April <1530>, Chelsea. An original. 172. Aristotelis Opera, 1531, fo. a2. Erasmus to John More. Aristoteles . . . 27 February 1531, Freiburg. The preface written by Erasmus for the second edition of Aristotle in the Greek, Basle, Bebel, 13 March 1531. 173. Topica Aristotelis, 1556, fo. 145. More to John Sinapius. S. P. Carmen tuum . . . 2 May <1531>, Chelsea. Printed in In librum octauum Topicorum Aristotelis, Simonis Grynaei Commentaria, Basle, Oporinus, October 1556. Thanking for a poem of compliment brought by Simon Grynaeus, who visited England from Basle in quest of manuscripts in the spring of 1531. 174. Kecord Office,. State Papers, Hen. VIII, 68, pp. 20-1; Brewer, v. 477. Sir John Lowther to More. 16 October 1531, Carlisle. A report from the under-sheriff of Cumberland to the chancellor. 175. Ouiliarum Opus, 1533, Epist. lib. 3, fo. iii. Perbonus to More. Aeternum Dei . . . <1532 ?>, Oviglio. Printed in the books of Epistolae, appended to the Ouiliarum Opus of Hieronymus Perbonus, Milan, V. Medda, 28 October 1533. It is addressed ' Superillustri Thomae Moro, regi6 Aymegalo ' <? chancellor) ; and is followed by a similar letter to Stephen <Gardiner>, bishop of Winchester (consecrated 3 December 1531). Perbonus was a privy councillor to the duke of Milan, and lord of Oviglio and marquis of Incisa, both on the Belbo south-west of Alessandria. See Jocher, Allg. Gelehrten- Lexicon, 1751, iii. 1376. 176. De Praeparatione, 1534, p. 103. More to Erasmus. Quam rem ad hunc . . . 14 June 1532, Chelsea. Printed with other letters in Erasmus' De praeparatione ad mortem, Basle, Froben, 1534. More writes after resignation from the chancellorship : so in 177. 177. Epistola Nicolai Pape, 1536, fo. Dd 3 . More to Cochlaeus. Georgius noster . . 14 June <1532>, Chelsea. An extract in III, p. 200. 178. A Letter, 1533, fo. a ii ; II, p. 833. . More to John Fryth. In my moste ... 7 December <1532>, Chelsea. A pamphlet under the title A letter of syr Tko. More Knyght impugnynge the erronyouse wrytyng of John Fryth agaynst the blessed sacrament of the aultare, London, W. Rastell, 1533. VOL. XXXVII. NO. CXLVIII. O O

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