242 AN ORDINANCE OF 1184 April
Decima debetur ad def ensionem terre 73 lerosolomitane 132 a nativitate Sancti 133 lohemwis 134 Baptiste 135 anno incarnatioms 136 Domini millesimo !!!! 10 137 in decem annos, salvo iure 138 dominoium et eccle- . Excipiuntwr ab ista ordinatione 139 in clericis thesauri et ornamenta ecclesi&Tum et libri et equi et vasa et vestimenta et gemme 14 et utensilia que n cotidianis 141 usibus et sibi necessaria sunt ; et in militibws equi et arma et vasa et 142 indumenta que n usibus eorww deputantur. Ad hanc elemosinam 70 colligendam instituentur in singulis episcop&tibus duo frames, unus de templo et alter de hospitali, et u3 singulis parochianis 144 illi duo f ratres 145 et dommws presbiter 146 ville 147 et duo de legalioribws paro chianis elemosinam 70 constitutam fideliter colligant 148 et conservabunt. Law Merchant in London in 1292 IN June 1285 the city of London was taken into the king's hands and put under the government of a warden. With his coming, by a series of royal * establishments ', changes were intro- duced into the procedure of the city courts. 1 We do not perhaps know enough of the period before 1285 to say exactly what was the extent of the changes, but they clearly meant something more than the replacement of the mayor by the warden in the busting and the mayor's court, 2 although perhaps not very much more than the definition or acceleration of developments already long in process. Among numerous and detailed instruc- tions was one which required the warden or the sheriffs to hold a daily court for strangers (foreins) and to appoint a deputy if on any day none of them was able to sit, ' issint qe marchauntz foreyns en nul manere soient deslayes '. 3 Nothing is directly said as to the law merchant, but we may presume from the later history of the mayor's and sheriffs' courts that this was the law to be observed, and indeed there was no other devised to secure the expedition required in this court. 4 A court for merchant 132 Jerusalem, B, C, L, R ; Jerusalem, T>, S, W. 133 S.,S, L, W. m Jokannis, R, S, W ; loannis, L. 135 Baplistae, D, R, S, L, W. 136 Om. B, C.
38 jure, T>, R, S, L, W. 139 estimatione, A ; aestimatione, D, R, S, L, W. 40 gemmae, D, R, S, L, W. m quotidianis, W. 42 Om. B, C. 14S W inserts in. 44 parochiis, S, L, W. R notes that it should be parochiis. 48 Om. A, D, R, S, L, W. 146 presbyter, D, R, S, L, W. 47 villae, D, R, S, L, W. 148 cottigent, L, W. 1 Munimenta Gildhallae Ijondoniensis, i. 280 ff., ' cestes establicementes,' 'p. 296 ; cf. p. 280, n. 1. 2 See especially ' 1'Ordinaunce de Pleder ', p. 290, which defines and apparently restricts the jurisdiction of the court of busting. . 3 Ibid. pp. 295, 296. 4 It had already been laid down that tallies were to be proved by law merchant: ibid., p. 294.