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with the passing years. He is a successful practitioner, and has to his credit attain- ment and position of worthy order.

Dr. Powell is associated with numerous professional associations, among those with which he has been identified being the Ches- terfield County Medical Society, of which he was elected a member in 1902 (January), in October of the same year being voted an I'.onorary member of the society ; the Med- ical Society of Virginia, of which he was elected a fellow. October 18, 1904; the Petersburg ^ledical Faculty, to which he was elected .\pril 15. 1905; the Southside Virginia Medical Association, of which he was elected a fellow in 1907; the American Medical Association, of which was elected a fellow in 190S, and the Dinwiddle County Meflical So^.iety and the Southern Medical Association, with both of which he became affiliated in 1914. being elected charter presi- dent of Dinwiddle County Medical Societ}' and president of Petersburg Medical Faculty . Dr. Powell has contributed nu- merous articles to the medical journals and has enriched the literature of his profession by his writings, which contain the results of deep study and particular investigation, among the best known of his papers being ■"Etiology of Pneumonia." "Monstrosity," "Gonorrhea in the P'emale." and "Some Re- marks on Obstetrics." All of these were read before the various societies of which he is a member and in whose deliberations and activities he takes prominent part. Dr. Powell has been medical examiner for sev- eral insurance companies, in April, 1905. accepted this position with the Alutual Life Insurance Company of Kew York, in July,

1904, with the Southern Mutual Aid Asso- ciation of Birmingham. Alabama, in May.

1905. with the Modern Woodmen of .\mer- ica. in .September. 1906. with the Philadel- j)hia Life Insurance Company, and also of tiie Modern Woodmen of the World. He is a member of the .Vlumni Society of the Medical College of Virginia, fraternizes with the Masonic order and the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, and is a communicant of the Protestant Epis- copal church.

Dr. William Claiborne Powell married, in Lynchburg. \'irginia, October 5. 1909. Sarah I'.reckenridge Early, born in Camp- bell county, Virginia, daughter of Leverett

S. and Jennie B. (Moon) Early, member of the family to which General Jubal B. Early belonged. Leverett .S. Early was born ui Campbell county. \'irginia, in 1842. fol- lowed agriculture all of his life, ser\ed in the Confederate States arm\- during the four years of the war, anfl Hied July 3, 1914.

G. Funston Lucado. Thomas Edwin Lu- cado, the first representative of the line here considered of whom we have definite infor- mation, was a planter of Buckingham coun- t\', X'irginia. and he served with distinction in a X'irginia regiment during the war of 1812. He married Lucy Walker, also of Buckingham county. X'irginia, and by her had the following children : Nancy, mar- ried C. Johnson; James, married lietty Mor- gan, and went west ; Edwin, married a Miss Poindexter; Josephine, unmarried; XX'illiam, married Margaret Palmer ; Mary, married James ^Mathias ; Jeannette, married Pow- hatan Haynes ; Lucy, married XX'illiam James ; L,eonard Fretwell. see forward.

(II) Captain Leonard Fretwell Lucado. son of Thomas Edwin and Lucy (XX'alker) Lucado. was born in Bedford county, Vir- ginia, .August 28, 1832, died July 5, 1901. He received a fair education in the schools of his native county and at Lynchburg, to which city he came at an early age. For some time he filled the position of clerk for iiis uncle. James Fretwell. a well known merchant and prominent citizen of Lynch- burg at that time. From the very com- n-.encement of his active business career. Captain Lucado evinced those qualities of energy and progressi\eness that character- ized him throughout his long and useful life. After various employments he became an operator of canal boats on the old James river and Kanawha canal and in this line of business met with signal success, and he also engaged for a short period of time in the tobacco business. XX'hen the old canal was sold to the Richmond & Alleghany railroad, he entered the wholesale grocery business, the firm name being Lucado & L'rquhart. In January. 1883. ^'s son, G. Funston Lucado, entered the firm as a part- ner, purchasing the interest of Mr. Urqu- hart. Throughout X'irginia and neighbor- ing states this business was conducted with great success, and the firm of Lucado &

Sons became known among the leaders of

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