with that of Powell, is as follows: From
Colonel William Claiborne, secretary of the
colony of Virginia from 1621 to 1676, known
to history as the "Evil Genius of Maryland,"
who married, about 1646, Elizabeth Boteler
(or Butler) ; to Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas
Claiborne, killed by Indians, October 7,
16S3, who married Sarah Phinn, born in
1659; to Captain Thomas Claiborne, born
ill 16S1. died in 1732, who was thrice mar-
ried and is credited by tradition with twen-
ty-seven children, his third wife Annie Vox.
daughter of Henry Fox; to Bernard Clai-
borne, who married Martha Ravenscroft,
widow of Peter Poythress : to Colonel
Thomas Claiborne, born in 1747, died in
181 1, serving for thirty years in the national
( tingress. who married as his first wife
Mary Clayton, who died in 1803 ; to Dr.
Devereau J. Claiborne, Ijorn in 1785, died in
1871, who was five times married, his sec-
ond wife Harriet Edmunds, of Charlotte
county, Virginia.
Albert Theodore Powell, son of \\ illiam Cole and Harriet Adeline Edmunds (Clai- borne) Powell, was born in 1842, at "Xor- born Hill," Nottoway county, \'irginia, ad- joining Dinwiddie county, \'irginia. He was a young man of eighteen years when he enlisted in the Confederate States army. He served as first lieutenant of Dinwiddie Greys. Third Virginia Infantry, for four months, resigned on account of ill health in July, 1861, and joined the Third Virginia Cavalry in November. 1861. and served to the end of the war. His military service was filled with exciting and thrilling incident; he participated in all the important battles, was wounded in action, and was thrice taken prisoner by the enemy, but made his escape ; was shot in the leg and was invalided for six months. He attended Emory and Henry College and Randolph-Macon College, but did not graduate from either institution. He taught school in Mecklenburg county, Virginia, for several years, about twenty- five sessions, and later took up legal study, a1 the close of the war, and has since been active in professional practice, for more than twenty years filling the office of com- monwealth attorney of Dinwiddie county, completing his term about igoo, now re- siding at the family home in Dinwiddie county. He served as justice of the peace al)out ten years ; as sherifif for fifteen months ;
and as acting justice of the peace for three
years. Since 1867 he has been a member
of the .\ncient Free and .\ccepted Masons,
serving as filer, junior warden, senior
warden and now worshipful master. He
is a member of the Protestant Episcopal
church, .\lbert Theodore Powell married
(first) October 12, 1869. Louisa Jones"
Thweatt. Ijorn in 1843, daughter of .Archi-
bald and Sarah C. Thweatt and grand-
daughter of Thomas Thweatt and Francis
Fitzgerald, the latter named having been
clerk of Nottoway county for more than
half a century. Children: i. Dr. William
Claiborne, of whom further. 2. Eugene
Hume, a minister of the Methodist Epis-
copal church, now pastor of Benns Church,
Isle of Wight county, \'irginia. 3. Adeline
Claiborne, lives at home with her parents
in Dinwiddie county. 4. Percy T.. a mer-
chant of Petersburg. X'irginia. 5. Sallie
Louisa, married Arthur G. Ferguson, of
Dinwiddie county, and has eight children.
6. Lillian Estel'.e. married Bernard T. Doyle,
of McKenney. Dinwiddie county, mother of
four children. 7. .\lberta Ma)-, married
Marshall Tucker, of Dinwiddie county ; two
children. 8. Rinaldo John, a farmer of
Brunswick county. A'irginia ; he married
Nellie Jones, daughter of James Jones, of
Brunswick county, Virginia. Albert Theo-
dore Powell married (second) in February.
1909, Miss E. D. Zehmer. daughter of Dr.
Charles G. Zehmer.
Dr. William Claiborne Powell, son of Al- bert Theodore and Louisa Jones (Thweatt) Powell, was born in Dinwiddie county, Vir- ginia. August 22. 1870. Preliminary to be- ginning professional study he pursued courses in the public schools and William and Mary College, attending the latter insti- tution during the terms of 1895 and 1896. For two years thereafter he taught school ill the county of his birth, then matriculated at the Medical College of \'irginia. whence he was graduated Doctor of ]\Iedicine, May 9, 1 90 1. In December of that year he passed the e.xamina+ion of the medical examiners' hoard of Virginia, and since that date ha'^ been continuously in professional practice, which he first took up at Chesterfield Court House. Virginia. One year later Dr. Powell removed to Petersburg, which place he has since made the scene of his professional
labors, which have broadened and increased