< Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 5.djvu
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Emmett H., M. D., 498

Joseph, 498 Thom, 20'i, 815

Alfred P.. 263

Alfred W., 263

Frances M., 816

\'irginia W., 263

William A., M. U., 815 Thomas, 287, S62

John L., 287, 288

John W., 287

Lewis, 287

Richard S., 862

William, 287 Throckmorton, 489

Charles W., 4S9, 490

James, 4S9

Robert J., 489 Thurman. 869

Richard, 869 Tilden. 465

John B., 465

Richard, 465 Tilghman, 6

James, 7

Richard, 6, 7

Tench, Col., 7

Tench F., 6, 8

Tench, Gen., 8 TiUey, 5.12

Benjamin, 512

Edward M., 512, 513

George T., 513

William. ^12

William B., 512 Toney, 549

Chesley. 550

David L,., ^49

J. W., 549 Towles, 438

Henry, 438, 439

Stockley, 439

Stockley, Maj.. 49

Thomas, 439

Thomas R., 439 Travers. 530

Matthias. 530

Samuel W., 530 raylor, 277

.\lonzo W., 277

.\rcher W., 277

Thomas, 277 Tredway, 531, 728

James L., 728

Moses, 728

Robert H.. 531

\yilliam M., 531. 728 Trevilian, 102

John, 102

John G., M. D.. 102

John M„ 102 Trice. 501

Ernest T., M. D., 501, 502

Philip T., riOi Triplett 208

Hayward F., 208

Roderick, 208 Trout, 278, 658

Hugh H., M. D., 278

Jacob, 6!;8

Tohn, 658

John R., 658

Joseph, 658

Tucker, 37, 515, 861, 1041

Alpheus L., 1041

Beverley D., 515

Beverley D., Rev., 861

Beverley R., 37, 38

Charles F., 1042

George, 861

Henrv St. G., 37

John R.. 38

Lawrence F., 515

Nathaniel B., 37, 861

Richard B., 515

St. George, 862

St George (Judge), 37

  • St George B.. 1041. 1042

Tunstall, 261, 329, 1121

Alexander, 261

Alexander A., 331

Charles M.. 262

Richard, 262

Richard B., 264

Robert B., 261

Robert W., 264

Whitmell P., 329, 331, 1121

William, 32t). 330

William, Cul., 1121

William B., 264 Turman, 544

Alexander E., M. D., 544

James M., 544

John W., M. D., 544 Turnbull, 281, 393

Edward R., 281

Edward R., M. D., 393

Irby, 281, 282

Robert, 282, 393 Tyler, 284, 859

George, 284, 285

Henry, 284, 859

Henry C, 284, 285

James H., 285

John, 859

Lyon G., 860

Richard. 284

William, 284 Untermeyer, 830

Isadore, 830

Samuel, 830 Upshur, 34

Francis W., M. D., 34, 3(1

George L.. 3^

John N., M. D., 34, 36 Valentine, 16, 68

Benjamin B., 71

Batchelder, 69

Edward V., 16

Granville G., 71

Jacob, 69

Mann S., 69, 70 Vanderslice. 292

Annie R.. 292

George K., 292 Waddey, 1105

Everett, 1 105 WaddiU, 750

Edmund, 750

Edmund, Jr., 750 Walke, 295

Annie N. B., 297

Anthony, 295, 296

Richard, 295. 297

Thomas, 295

William, 296, 297

Walker, 680, 694, 1071

Charles H., 694, 695

Columbus W., 1071

James V. K., 1071

Lewis W., 680

Mary B., 1071

Thomas, 695

Vincent, 1071

William R., 680, 681 Wallace, 466, 718

.Alexander W., 718

John H., 718

John W'., M. D., 466

Thomas B., 466 Waller, 510, 736

Absalom, 736

Benjamin, 510, 736

Corbin G., 511

Edmund, 736

John, 510, 736

Johr, Col , 7.36

Nelson S., 736, 737

Samuel G., 73(1, 737

William N., 511 Walton. 294

William, 295

William B., 294, 295 Wampler, 596

James T., 596, 597

lolin M., 596 Ward, 754, 899, 1054

George, 754

George W., 1054

lulia B., 899

Julian F., M. D., 1054

Robert M., 754

William, 899, 900 Warden, 215

Henry, 215, 216

William G., 215 Warwick. 216

Charles P., 216, 217

James, 217 Washington, 676, 692

Augustine, 693

Corbin, 693

John. Col., 692

John A., 693

Lawrence, 693, 604

Richard B., 692 Watkins, 763

Darden J., 763

Robert E. L.. 763 Watts. 31, 707, 1045

Allen, 1045

Dempsey VV.. 707

Edward M., 707

Gerard S., 1045

Hubert B., 34

Jacob, 31

James, 31

James H., 1045

James O., 34

James W., 31

John, 31

Legh R., 707

Martin S.. 1045

Mary, 34

Richard D., 31

Richard T., 31, 33

Robert. 31

Thomas A.. 34

Thomas S., 34

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