< Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 5.djvu
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Sinclair, 637, 841

Arthur W., 841

Ashton W., 637

Charles A., 841

Elizabeth, 637

James M., 841

Thomas L., 637 Sinnickson, 652

Anders, 652

Richard B., 652

Seneca, 652

Thomas, 652 Skinner, 926

Frank E.. Maj., 926, 927

William E., 926 Slater, 822

Daniel, 822

Lucullus P., 822, 823

Parke, 822 Slaughter, 803

Daniel F., 804

Edwin L., Maj., 804

Francis, 804

James, Col., 804

Philip, 804

Philip M., 804

Philip. Rev., 803

Robert, 803. 804 Slemp. S12

Campbell. 812

Campbell B.. 812

Sebastian S.. 812 Smith, 275, 555, 565, 601, 670, 761, 980

Annie E., 276

Anthony. 670

Anthony W.. 565

Arthur R., 275

Augustine C, 557

Benjamin W.. 565

Edward J., 761

Herbert R., 276

Hugh C, Rev., 98a

James E.. 980

John, S56

John, Gen., 556

Richard H., 670

Samuel B.. 670

Thomas, Col., 601

William D.. Rev.. 761

William M., M. D., 555, 558 Smithey, 705

Marvin. 70^

Royal B.. 705

William R., 705 Snead. 974

Chapman P., 975

Charles. 974

Samuel, 074

Thomas B.. 974, 975

William. 075 Southsjate. 706

Thomas S.. 706 Speiden. T079

Clement C., 1079

Ernest K.. 1079, 1080

Robert. 1079

William, 1079 Spencer. 515

Charles. 516

David C, .=;i5, sif

Gerard. 516

Gerat, =;i6

Sperry, 931

Jacob. 931

Jacob A., M. D., 931

Joseph A., 931, 9,32 Spiller, 747

Robert K., 747

William H., 747 Stallings, 269

Abner, 269

Moody E., 269 Stansbury, 514

Arthur R., 514

Elizabeth A., 514

James E., 514 Staples, 602

Foster F. V.. 602, 603

Robert G., 603 Staton, 509

Joseph R., 509

Lee W., M. D., 509 Stearnes, 38. 1008

Charles. 1009

John L.. 39

Lewis P., 39, 1008, loio

Orren D., 1009

Reaumur C, 38. 39

Thomas F., 1008, loio Stephens, 1069

Andrew, 1069

Andrew J., 1069

William L.. 1069 Stevens, 21

George W.. 21 Stewart, 265

Alexander. 266

Charles, 25^

R. E. B., 26:;, 268

William C, 266

William H., 266 Stith. 676

David M.. 676

John, 676

Putnam, 676

Richard P.. 676

William M.. D. D. S., 676, 677 Stone. 594

George B., 394

William J.. 594 Stoneburner. 1083

John T.. ioS'=;

Lewis T., 1083

Lewis T.. M. D.. 1085 Storv, 1082

Beniamin, 1082

Elliott F., 1082

Elliott L.. 1082 Stroud. 204

Tames. 204

William H., 204 Stuart. 144

Alexander. 144

Archibald. 144

Flora, T47

James E. B., Gen., 144 Stumpf, 886. 022

Adam, 886

Edward A.. 886

Peter. 922 Swan. 584

Alexander, 384

Charles B.. 384 Swanson, 936, 937

John, 936

John P., 936

John M., 936

William, 936

William G., 937 Swinerton, 953

John, 954

John K., 953, 954

John L., 954 Tabb, 100, 209, 283, 917

Bailey, 917

Edward, 209

Elliott C., 917

George, 917

Henry A., 209, 210

Henry C, ico

Henry W., 209

Humphrey, 209, 283

John. 209, 283

Philip M., 100

Sarah C. (Sadie). 917

T. Garnett. loi

Thomas, 283

Virginia, 284 Talbott, 288

Frank. 288. 289

Thomas J.. 288 laliaferro. 9. 280

Catlett C. 280

Edward C. S.. M. D.. 9, 10

Lawrence H., 280

William B., 9 Talley. loi

Robert H., loi

Robert H., Jr.. 101 Tate. 838

Florence. 838

Tames D.. 838

M. B., Maj., 838 Tatum, 461

Benjamin H., M. D.. 461 Taylor, 221, 249, 460, 475, 513, 550. 673, 794

.\rchibald. 460

Charles G.. 249

Edmond. 476

Fielding I,.. 460

George E.. 476. 795

H=nry. 550

Henry. Jr.. 550

James, 475. 673, 704

James M.. 476

John, 476, 673, 795

Richard. 313

Richard B.. 223

Robert. 221

Robert B.. 222

Tazewell. 674

Walter F.. 460

Warren P.. 477

William D., 476

William E., 221, 222 Tazewell, 510

Henry, 510

James, 511

Littleton, 510

Littleton W., 510 Tebbs, 627

Daniel. 627

Foushee. 627

Foushee C, 627 Terrell. 498

Charles T.. 408

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